Hoooooo boy. Guess it's no surprise those who survived the USSR's fall were the ones who didn't get arrested for opposing communism. It's a shame you lack the IQ to figure that out. I don't think the opinions of those nostalgic for that black stain on Russia's history is worth much.
Well, you seem like a lost cause already, but let's see what else you said.
LMAO bruh what, you're extrapolating so fucking hard how stupid can you be, of course they would be against it, but GUESS WHAT, the VAST MAJORITY OF SOVIET CITIZENS did not get arrested, you can cherry pick all you want but it doesn't change the fact that you generalize anti communists in the USSR to be the entirety of the population.
Listen, buddy, leftism is a cult that lies and gaslights for power. What you think you are doesn't matter. The fact is, you're stanning an ideology that failed and died long ago, with the most shameful tactics out there.
All I have brought to this debate has been factual assessments of what leftists believe in, you have literally done NOTHING but gaslight this entire fucking debate, you wanna know why you can't pull up any fucking sources that aren't funded by conservative dark money? It's because you're FUCKING WRONG, jfc. also, inb4 the 100 million, the vast majority of 20th century historians and CO WRITERS of the black book of communism have disavowed that total because it relies on faulty statistics. (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Book_of_Communism#Criticism - "Moreover, two of the book's main contributors—Nicolas Werth and Jean-Louis Margolin—as well as Karel Bartosek publicly disassociated themselves from Courtois' statements in the introduction and criticized his editorial conduct. Werth and Margolin felt Courtois was "obsessed" with arriving at a total of 100 million killed which resulted in "sloppy and biased scholarship" and faulted him for exaggerating death tolls in specific countries. They also argued that based on the results of their studies, one can tentatively estimate the total number of the victims at between 65 and 93 million") I can show you the millions dead through capitalist failings, but I assume you'll say it wasn't capitalism or some bullshit excuse libertarian types bring up.
Beep boop orange man bad, beep boop orange-haired pony bad. I could show you a video that explains why marxism is wrong, but you wouldn't listen to it.
Yeah orange man is bad, but because he is a pedophile corporate hack who immediately sold out to wall street and cut taxes for the rich and wealthy whilst enhancing America's drone program in countries we should have no being in, not because he said mean thing that hurt my feefees. Also, for the record, I consider myself a Longist, the ideology of American Progressive and Rural populist, Huey Long (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huey_Long) and I have my own criticisms of Marx (most notably the complete abolition of private property and is outdated in the modern world, and if you apply principles of dialectical materialism to our modern world, you would come to a vastly different conclusion than socialism), but literally all of the right wing Marx take-down vids literally have either never read Marx, have extremely horrible assessments of Marxist philosophy and dialectical materialism (fun fact, marx is considered the father of sociology- (
https://study.com/academy/lesson/the-sociological-theories-of-karl-marx.html#:~:text=In the 19th century, a,the workers within that system.&text=Marx formulated these into a,of sociology as a discipline.)
This is the Gun Control thread, where people casually discuss firearms until a leftist shows up to embarrass itself by fighting for the forced disarmament of everyone except the communists, even after the recent communist takeover of certain American locations.
This is such a stupid fucking claim that I've already fucking debunked, you cannot have a revolution without guns, socialism requires revolution, thus, you can make the cogent inductive claim, socialists support gun ownership, do you at least understand Intro to Logic concepts or are you that fucking stupid? Also, you don't want to fuel counterrevolutions by voluntarily supporting counterrevolutionary forces, Americans in the revolutionary war wouldn't support arming their own enemies? It's seriously not that hard, but this is all probably in vain since he'll likely come back with another dumb as fuck appeal to pity post about why I ACTUALLY DON'T SUPPORT GUN OWNERSHIP despite having read leftist theory for a solid year of my life. I seriously think this fucker can barely read or is being deliberately ignorant. Maybe try reading this-
Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun
edit: wait no, don't. This is the Gun Control thread, where people casually discuss firearms until a leftist shows up to embarass itself
Also, the irony in this comment, you were the one who brought up leftists and leftism, so kindly stop gaslighting.