Gun Control

I'm displaying the mindset that our founding fathers were hypocrites because they were. The country is goooood okkk. It just isn't the best like the propaganda said.

Look I don't need advice on how to be me. I am fine. You are the one that is not fine.
Of course they were hypocrites, all politicians are, some more egregiously than others.

And I’m not trying to advise you on how to be you. I just don’t wanna see you become a bitter shell of a man because I happen to like your stupid ass.
What I am saying is don't worry about me, you need to think about yourself.

This will never stop.
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Too much bitterness flows through the heart of the USA, there won't be a happy ending, and the media just keep adding fuel to the fire...are people stocking up on guns and ammo for the potential riots coming your way?
As I have been saying, if only the leftists and libs would just stop trying to ban stupid shit and compromise, they would get more done. How long have gun rights folks been saying this and to this fucking day, you STILl have assholes trying to ban stupid shit.
NO COMPROMISE! The endless terror that has gripped humanity for far too long mush be banished, the barrel shroud must be removed for it shrouds barrels and shrouding is nothing but lies made manifest.
We have even more mass shootings again. One in Texas now. Kinda surprised at how popular it's getting again after the Colorado guy. Copy cats everywhere.
While it is probably the rest seeing it as their time to act before something causes them to get noticed, I like to believe in my head canon they are all part of some higher Incel-Coomerist Hive Mind built by their shared virgin rage. even this guy in texas looks like he came up bust in the genetic lottery and ended up with the appearance of giant thumb.
That 50 cal looks painful to fire, yet so devastating. Are these guns just giant toys?, I can't see any fruitful purpose in owning one other than flexing ones dick. The home intruder would become instant soup if hit.

I know a dude that works in that school, we played eve a lot together, he was telling me stories how they find guns on kids all the time. Im pretty sure that kid wasnt the only one packing heat that day
That depends.
One of my family members is a doctor of medicine, who has sworn the Hippocratic oath forbidding him to cause any harm to fellow humans. He works with a couple of colleagues as a member of medical staff in summer camps every single year though, being responsible for bunch of young folks. Since those camps are situated in our mountains rife with various wildlife as bears or lynxes, he carries a gun in order to protect folks he's responsible for.

@vitekc45c that's pretty inane dude. Still trying hard as on, eh? W/e kiddo.
Except, isn't the Hippocratic Oath tied strictly to medical practices, such as upholding medical confidentiality and avoiding medical malfeasance? Unless I'm mistaken, the Oath itself has no bearing on a doctor's conduct outside of their work (not to mention that shooting someone can give them someone to treat, it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy!).