Gun Control

The republicans sent me (brainwashed me) to war over Bush's tiny penis so they are not much better. This is the election that killed my love for this country. It never was great.
As a diehard lifelong Republic'n I plead to black Americans to GET OFF the Democratic plantation! Conservatism is the new punk rock, now I know you guise like abortion so we'll make a deal, we'll abandon our conservative platform and become slightly less liberal and progressive than the left!
Lifelong? Aren't you like 18?

Also, I wouldn't really say either Dems or Repubs are very punk rock. Quite the opposite.
To be fair, many ex punk rockers from Gen X become GOP voters as they age. Punk was recuperated before most of us in here were born.

I don't know about many. I've met plenty of ex punk rock kids that ended up as either GOP or Dem. Didn't really make a difference. They seem to latch to one idea or the other that they still see as valuable. Like freedom of guns and/or freedom to be insanely edgy ones turned to the GOP and the ones that particularly hated the Nazi/racist side of punk scenes went more often to Democrats. Really seemed to depend on what they focused on a lot.

Any punk worth their salt hates both with great disdain. It's why I hate that people like Jello ended up endorsing Hillary and shit like that. I don't want them endorsing Trump either that's for sure but it feels weird to listen to Dead Kennedys then see Jello on Facebook saying, "I'm with her." Like, fuck I get Trump is shit but I wouldn't ever imagine him endorsing a Clinton.
I don't know dude, I am just pointing out how many of them talk/are conservative now. Having a dad that was punk and skated in his teens and meeting a lot of these old punks the majority are pretty conservative in their thinking as they age. Something he's pointed out about a lot of the punks he knew. NY hardcore, or Bad Brains types probs not gonna go for that though. Then again, there are old punk Brits like Johnny Rotten that have become more conservative in their age. Dunno. Maybe he and Jello are just being ironic/trolling ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

For a lot of the punks it was a dresscode not a mindset anyways from what I can tell.

Lifelong? Aren't you like 18?
So? Maybe he was a Republican since conception. Conservative sperm!

Well, that's just silly. They're antifascist, so they can't be the real fascist, innit.
I wonder where someone like Taylor Greene factors into all this ... I guess she must be still one of the more reasonable voices among Republicans these days.

The John McCain-style Republicans are a dying breed in the current GOP.
For a lot of the punks it was a dresscode not a mindset anyways from what I can tell.
Wow, that's so punk rock! It's almost like it's ideologically the opposite of the entire movement! Like the Sex Pistols! If it was just a way you dress then it wasn't really ever being punk. You were just a fashionista.

Fuck the Sex Pistols. They were only punks in the sense of being spoiled brats and they didn't even make good music. They fucking suck. I'd care more about Iggy Pop or Keith Morris being a conservative. Being a part of the Sex Pistols is like being a part of Metallica but ten times worse. They just brought the genre to the masses.

Despite what you may think but there's more to punk than colored spiked hair, leather jackets, and three cord rock.
The more you know.


*Walks into gun store.*
"Whatcha lookin for miss?"
"Looking to break my arm in self defense."
Hickok would prefer the Glock 86.
The republicans sent me (brainwashed me) to war over Bush's tiny penis so they are not much better. This is the election that killed my love for this country. It never was great.
It was great from the beginning through the ACW.

After Grant it went to shit.
It was never great. A country founded on freedom based on slavery. A country made by retards.
I would edit this in my previous post but seing this is a different kind of answer, here it goes.

I do honestly consider both Jefferson and Benjamin to be some really great thinkers and philsophers. Jefferson once said: "It is the general tendency of the rich to prey upon the poor."
It was never great. A country founded on freedom based on slavery. A country made by retards.
Maybe. But by that logic the entire world wasn’t great, from the time of the transatlantic slave trade; neither Europe, nor the Americas, nor the Africans who sold slaves to the Europeans.

The country was founded by retards? In many cases yes. A lot of the Founders were dumbasses in disguise.

But taking all this into account, what does that mean? If nothing is great, then why live anywhere? There’s no use moving to another country, because they all suck in their own way.

You’re displaying the same mindset I had when I was at my deepest throes of meth addiction; the idea that we have the potential to be better, but never will. Or even worse, the idea that we can’t be better and we’re just violent shaved monkeys slaughtering one another over patches of dirt. As much merit as that may have at times, there’s no point wallowing.

Do your part to make things better. Or try to. Otherwise you’ll become embittered and hateful, like I was for far too long.
Maybe. But by that logic the entire world wasn’t great, from the time of the transatlantic slave trade; neither Europe, nor the Americas, nor the Africans who sold slaves to the Europeans.

The country was founded by retards? In many cases yes. A lot of the Founders were dumbasses in disguise.

But taking all this into account, what does that mean? If nothing is great, then why live anywhere? There’s no use moving to another country, because they all suck in their own way.

You’re displaying the same mindset I had when I was at my deepest throes of meth addiction; the idea that we have the potential to be better, but never will. Or even worse, the idea that we can’t be better and we’re just violent shaved monkeys slaughtering one another over patches of dirt. As much merit as that may have at times, there’s no point wallowing.

Do your part to make things better. Or try to. Otherwise you’ll become embittered and hateful, like I was for far too long.

I'm displaying the mindset that our founding fathers were hypocrites because they were. The country is goooood okkk. It just isn't the best like the propaganda said.

Look I don't need advice on how to be me. I am fine. You are the one that is not fine.
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