Guns, guns, guns

Dudes- Chill out. Now granted I called DB a racist idiot (but I have proof to that conclusion), and he's called me all sorts of variation of overly intellectual liberal weenie, but let's keep it somewhat contained.

As for what Dopemine Cleric is suggesting- I think a good source on this comes from the late Charles Tilly, who discussed the disarming of society in Europe as part of the state building process in his Coercion, Capital and European States. I also believe there is a discussion of the role of policing in Tilly's Formation of States in Western Europe. This is also discussed by Bates in Prosperty and Violence (a really simple and informative read.

And I can think Dopemine Cleric is right- at least with regard to fuedal Japan where weapons were a class based possession.

Also, Sander, I am not sure if your statement -

Also, it isn't 'There's now guns, poof there's deaths.' The question is whether or not guns make a significant impact on either violence or deaths, that has very little to do with whether or not society itself is now less violent than it used to be.

Is really correct. Fair enough, having guns alone doesn't lead to death- guns are inanimate and require an actor to use them. But, as I argued earlier, guns make violence more lethal.

This raises a question- does the increased power to kill increase the propensity of violence among some groups. For instance, we could ask whether urban ghettos would be more violent if everyone had swords but the police carried guns. Certainly, the police would be more capable of repressing the ghettos, but as others have argued, the police would also be more capable of repressing us as well.

Consequently, I think we have to take into consideration that guns afford individual a form of social power that they might not otherwise have. They can use this for good or ill. Some might use guns for home defense, for recreation use (hunting or target shooting) but others might use guns to intimidate or eliminate rivals, to coerce behavior to their interest or merely as a form of 'self-insurance' (for instance protecting a drug market from potential rivals). That power comes from increased propensity to do violence (In the old days they used to hunt with bows, spears and swords, but now guns make killing a bear a lot easier).

So guns may be inanimate, but they are a tool that can be used to impower an individual. Some folks can be trusted with the power (just like some folks can be trusted to drive a car). Others cannot.

The question then becomes how can we protect those we can trust from those we cannot. How do we identify who can have a gun, how do we stop the wrong people (criminals or children) from getting guns when they shouldn't. Should we create some barriers or controls through the trade of guns? What are the normative values at stake (my right to self-defense vs societies right to public safety).

That societies are more or less safe is also an interesting question and I think its safe to say it does relate to guns. For instance, as argued above, poor minority neighborhoods have generally benefitted and improved since the 1960s with notable exceptions being the increase in Heroin use following the Vietnam War, the increase in Crack use during the 1980s (a period that corresponded closely to Ronald Reagan's policy to cut social spending). The violence associated with Crack receded as the crack addict population finally fell. More recently, since about 2005, gun violence has also gone up at a time that President Bush was cutting social programs to inner cities (projects like creating programs and local schools for poor minority teens - a population prone to be the victims and cause of urban violence).

The danger is often a desire for causal simplicity in a socially complex world. Is it all about social programs and inequality? Is it about guns? Probably not in either case. Certainly folks that don't suffer the worst consequences of social-economic inequality also face the danger of violence. Poor kids may be more exposed to gun violence on the streets than they might in the schools, but that doesn't mean that a middle class kid escapes violence by being in a good school (even if they are in college VA tech, or in an Amish community in Penn).

It is more likely that crime and gun violence is subject to "push" and "pull" variables that may have differing consequences depending on the community. For example, some criminals may be deterred from committing crimes in communities where there is a high likelihood that people carry guns. But easy access to guns might also make gun violence more likely in other neighborhoods. Likewise deindustrialization towards a more service based economy helped New York City prosper and reduce the levels of gun violence through economic reform. But in Baltimore, deindustrializaiton may have promoted increased economic and social marginalization of the urban poor which, when added to drugs, increased crime rates. Consequentially, while states with high levels of gun ownership may promote more lax gun control legislation, those same communities may inadvertently become importers of drugs and exporters of firearms by entrepreneurs who are willing to take advantage of how law creates variation in economic opportunity.

In a complex world, looking for a simple answer might be reckless as can be gross generalizations. This is especially dangerous when the debate is as politically charged as the gun control debate where there are interested players on both sides trying to control the rhetoric and spreading misinformation. Given that, one should be skeptical of reaching quick conclusions or basically arguments on politically manipulated evidence- whether that comes from a side you believe in or not.

Its one thing to have an ontological assumptions, but one needs to be empirically critical, especially of positions that lead to extremes. This is one of those debates where you should think, rationally and logically, and be careful with one's evidence. That participants in this debate like to pull people to their extreme position is to be expected and should be challenged. Think for yourself.

If your little rose-tinted sheltered pampered view of the world wasn't so damn pitiful, it'd be funny.

Here's a little newsflash for ya junior; the world is not safe, never was safe, and never will be safe.

You can rant on and on and on (as evidenced by this thread) with as much wordy prose as you like. However, no law you can dream up will make anyone any safer from a criminal with intent.

Hopefully, your sheltered views will never be tested by the harsh reality of the real world. But, I'd like to dump your ignorant behind into a ghetto where you can explain to the good folks how they can't rape, rob, and shoot your ass because it's against the law.

Thankfully, sheltered children like you don't get to decide who has the right to arm themselves and protect themselves from violence.

Yes, criminals look for odds in their favor and prey on folks they know to be weak and unarmed. The same people in the ghetto you'd deny the right to defend themselves. Kinda like the democrats deny law abiding citizens in Washington DC and Chicago the right to protect themselves from gangs outside their doors when the cops are 20 minutes away.

When Florida passed their concealed carry law, criminals preyed on tourists driving rental cars, because they knew they were unarmed.

This notion that criminals give a crap about any law regarding gun crimes, when they are perfectly willing to break the law to rob, maim, rape, and murder is the heighth of ignorance about what the real world is and always has been.

Disarming law abiding citizens only makes criminals safe. You want to cut down on crime? Make more recreational drugs legal. Make being in a gang illegal and eliminate reduced sentences and early parole for repeat offenders.

Guns don't kill people.
Spoons don't make people fat.
Your keyboard doesn't make spelling errors.
Alcohol and cars don't make drunk drivers.

Individuals are responsible for their own actions and should suffer the consequences for their actions.

Like the rest of the liberal, soft-headed, emotional left - you want to find something other than the person who did the crime responsible - something else to blame.

It was movies, it was too much tv, it was video games, it was a lack of parenting, it was poverty, it was reagan and bush, it was drugs, it was anything but personal accountability for ones actions.

DB, you're funny.

If welsh is wearing rose-tinted glasses, you sir are wearing those.

You make it sound as if America is hell on earth. and you're the clerk.

But, I'd like to dump your ignorant behind into a ghetto where you can explain to the good folks how they can't rape, rob, and shoot your ass because it's against the law.
I somehow fail to see, how this situation would be any different if he was armed. You gonna shoot 'em all?

Spoons don't make people fat. -Yet if you want to loose a few pounds, you have to start by eating less / putting that spoon away. The solution certainly won't be to give every person a spoon.

Your keyboard doesn't make spelling errors. - And yet it can be defective, certain keys won't respond anymore / will fall out. The solution to this problem certainly won't be to put errors into the rest of the text.

Alcohol and cars don't make drunk drivers. - The solution certainly won't be to mount a gattling gun on your car and gun down every offender, even if it sounds like fun.
If every car would have a security check, where it tests the alcohol-level in your breath before you can start the car, that would be a step in the right direction and would help in reducing alcohol related accidents.

What I'm trying to say with this: Individual responsibility, I'm all for it. If one breaks the law, that person should be punished for it. I don't like it either when some asshole shoots a bunch of people and then gets away with "THEM GAEMS MADE MEH DO IT, NEED HELP PUHLEEZ?".
But really, what's wrong with trying to cure the source of the problem instead of the symptoms?

The main drawback I see in arming everyone is, that it would (imo) lead to an "arms race" à la cold war.
Dreadwolf said:
a) Spoons don't make people fat. -Yet if you want to loose a few pounds, you have to start by eating less / putting that spoon away. The solution certainly won't be to give every person a spoon.

b) Your keyboard doesn't make spelling errors. - And yet it can be defective, certain keys won't respond anymore / will fall out. The solution to this problem certainly won't be to put errors into the rest of the text.

c) Alcohol and cars don't make drunk drivers. - The solution certainly won't be to mount a gattling gun on your car and gun down every offender, even if it sounds like fun.

d) What I'm trying to say with this: Individual responsibility, I'm all for it. If one breaks the law, that person should be punished for it. But really, what's wrong with trying to cure the source of the problem instead of the symptoms?

You're funny too, especially with how you completely miss the point.

a) Yes, the solution is to put the spoon down if you're a fatass. Gun control is like taking away everyone's spoon - because some people are fat and can't put the spoon down. "the solution isn't to give everyone a spoon" Ummm, don't we all already have spoons?

The point being that those of us who eat responsibly with our spoons don't need our spoons restricted or regulated. Once again, it's about individual responsibility.

b) Nobody wants defective guns and we aren't discussing defective keyboards. We are discussing the error between your chair and your keyboard. A gun isn't an error waiting to happen, as you imply. An error is a mistake made by an individual not using the keyboard properly.

c) Who is advocating putting gatling guns on cars to stop drunk driving? The solution to drunk driving is to put drunk drivers in prison, not to take cars away from those of us who do not drive drunk. Do you even understand how metaphors work?

d) I love this one - you claim to be all for individual responsibility, but you think the source of the problem is an inanimate object instead of the person using the gun improperly.

The criminal is the source of the problem. Next you'll be blaming sharp and pointy things for the severe increase in stabbings over in England... :roll:


ps - Gun violence is on the decline in the U.S. as well as child related injuries due to firearms. Has been going down for the last ten years in a row. Even though we produce and own more guns every year.

Gun violence and gun related injuries are going up in just about every other country around the world.
I made those examples to show how silly it is to compare gun related violence with those other problems (that you just demonstrated so nicely) and thought that at least the gatling gun-example would make that clear.
We could argue about apples & oranges all day, it still wouldn't suddenly start to make sense.

So I'll just respond to

d) I love this one - you claim to be all for individual responsibility, but you think the source of the problem is an inanimate object instead of the person using the gun improperly.

The criminal is the source of the problem. Next you'll be blaming sharp and pointy things for the severe increase in stabbings over in England... Rolling Eyes

You are assuming a lot about what I'm thinkin, blaming and implying.
Please do not assume, it makes an ass out of u and me.

I do not think that guns are THE problem and never said that. They are merely a tool.
But they are tools, whose main function (yes I'm aware that it has some recreational uses) is to end life and induce mental & physical harm.
Sharp pointy things on the other hand can be used for a lot more I'd wager.

Yes, the criminal is the source of the crime itself, wouldn't argue that. I was relating to the source of criminality in general. You know poverty, illegal weapon- & drug-trafficking and all that stuff.

And for the record: I do not want to take away your right to own guns. Unless you're a unresponisble person, criminal and/or mentally ill. Well, not all of them. There are types of weapons that should be outlawed imo.

ps - Gun violence is on the decline in the U.S. as well as child related injuries due to firearms. Has been going down for the last ten years in a row. Even though we produce and own more guns every year.

Gun violence and gun related injuries are going up in just about every other country around the world.

That's nice, for you I guess. But I fail to see what you want to say with that.
DammitBoy said:

If your little rose-tinted sheltered pampered view of the world wasn't so damn pitiful, it'd be funny.

Here's a little newsflash for ya junior; the world is not safe, never was safe, and never will be safe.
And as the sane human beeing that we are its our responsibility to change that or is it really our target to keep the situation that way for ever?

Welsh made a comparision with Tobaco companies which just fits. It took a while till people realised that smoking isnt witout risks regardless what the companies told the costumers.

I can only repeat again that its biger then "just" the US. Quite a lot of the legal and ilegal international trade of weapons happen with the help of US weapon manufacturers. Neutral sources state that it might take more then 20 years before we even can consider to see any change at all to situations in many parts of central and west africa where people get firearms in exchange for commodities. Its a pretty big and extremly efficient buisness not just for the US economy but as well for France, Britain, Russia and China. With so many interested parties its doubtfull to see any change or even the try for regulation. The weapon industry is a big part of the issues in third world nations and violance there. And the industrie explain their sales with the right of every human to own a firearm. Thus:

welsh said:
Its one thing to have an ontological assumptions, but one needs to be empirically critical, especially of positions that lead to extremes. This is one of those debates where you should think, rationally and logically, and be careful with one's evidence. That participants in this debate like to pull people to their extreme position is to be expected and should be challenged. Think for yourself.
This is pretty much the best part I have read so far here
Crni Vuk said:
DammitBoy said:

If your little rose-tinted sheltered pampered view of the world wasn't so damn pitiful, it'd be funny.

Here's a little newsflash for ya junior; the world is not safe, never was safe, and never will be safe.

And as the sane human beeing that we are its our responsibility to change that or is it really our target to keep the situation that way for ever?

A sane human being would realize that this is a constant that will not change no matter what. It is what it is.

A rational person understands that as long as guns are the best way to kill people, there will always be a market for them - legal or illegal, right or wrong, regardless of how it disregards your little view of what the world should be like.

Until somebody invents the handy pocket sized klingon death ray 3000 - folks are going to sell, buy, steal, and manufacture firearms and distribute them around the globe.

You can choose to ignore the history of the world where man has habitually done really bad things to other humans whenever they thought they could get away with it, but I will not give up my right to defend myself so you can feel better about it.

I own a fire extinguisher in case of a fire - not because I fear a fire will break out in the next minute, but to be prepared for it. Just in case of an emergency.

Same reason I own a first aid kit, a tire repair kit, and have a three week supply of food and water in my home. In case of an emergency it's better to have these things and not need them, than to need them and not have them.

Same thing applies to a firearm for any law abiding citizen. It's not about race or racial hatred as numbnuts wants to claim, it's about being able to defend oneself in case of an emergency situation.

A right to self-defense is the most basic right we as humans have - you can't have any other right without it.
well if nothing can be changed then I aks my self why a female was in the presidental election why you have a half black president, why we have in Germany a female councelour and how it comes that after such a long time of violance in the history of Europe we have now for almost 60 years peace between the nations of France, Germany, Itally, Spain and Britain which is by looking at history (which is a hobby by mine) a very interesting fact by thinking about the relation those nations had to each other before WW2 and the European Union. Just think about the situation 50 years from now in the past and tell me nothing at all changed particularly regarding violance would anyone in the 50s even thought about a female for a election?. Till the 70s it was completely legal to sue and hospitalise gay people for the act of homosexuality (in Germany). Now everyone has a personal freedom regarding his sexual orientation without the fear of oppresion

So what ever you might say DB not everything is always "set in stone" and things change always. Sometimes for the worse. Sometimes for the better.

Violance is a part of every society. But as said its our responsibilty that decides in which way it has to stay that way.

And I guess what ever if it means that ilegal activities happen or not it doesnt mean that we can not try to do something against it and eventualy make the acts of ilegal actions more difficult. Which is not even the issue. The issue is the "legal" trade of firearms in to third world nations which is commited as well by many western nations. Those are one of the main issues in the political and economical issues in Africa. The US weapon industry gets directly a benefit out of that and supports the situation with their "right to sell a firearm to everyone".

You dont see many German companies partizipate in such rather probelamtic issues. It doesnt mean that there is not a buisness around weapons and weapon systems but the population here would not feel well with a sale of German weapons in to clear third world nations which do nothing more then destabilise the political situation heavily and the bigest costumers of German weapons are rather stabile and wealthy nations (Sweden, Italy, Canadia, the US etc.). It happend that companies sold to Iraq weapons in the 70s and 80s - like productoin facilities for gas - and it was a big affair once it bekame public so it was not even seen as "legal" form of weapon trade. The difference is the perception public oppinion here in Germany regarding weapons and the buisness around it in general. Most citizens in Germany are rather skeptical regarding the weapon industry just as they do not trust in general the tobacco companies.

I am not saying everything is working fine here. We still hvae a lot of issues around violance and other parts that do not run fine. But I would go so far to say that the way how guns are perceived here is a rather "healthy" situation. Yes it is difficult to obtain a weapon. But it is not impossible. And the rate of crimes where guns are part of is rather small. Does it mean the regulation we have do work? I actualy dont know it. but what is true is that people have a rather scepital attitude regarding weapons.

A right to self-defense is the most basic right we as humans have - you can't have any other right without it.

Is this the kind of explenation you would give someome when he ask you why you are dealing officialy weapons to a third world nation with instabile political enviroment in exchange for commodities or economical promises like mining rights or a finanical control?

One has to make a difference between individual behaviour and international affairs (which I guess you usualy do). Companies which manufacture weapons with a certain size do not have a buisness from "save" states and political situations from 5000 people that want a gun once in 2-3 years (or what time frame it is). It are automatic weapons, amunitions and explosives in the millions that get sold all the time in areas where you cant talk about "self defence" anymore but clear genozide, opression and situations of civil-war. And we are still talking about "legal" means of buisness. Not the illegal parts which have laws that try a regulation. What I have issues with are those companies that exactly explain their target to sell weapons in all parts of the world even qestionable parts with the "right of self defence" which might count for you and the US on the level of a "individual". But sure not for Somalia or the Congo. And here you have a situation where actualy "more" weapons do not solve any kind of issue regarding savety. Actualy it makes the situation even worse every day as here groups and ethnical minorities gain a lot of power from weapons. Children which get with the age of 12 some assault rifle and learn nothing else that if they want to achieve something they need a weapon.
Crni Vuk said:
Violance is a part of every society. But as said its our responsibilty that decides in which way it has to stay that way.

Yes, it's our individual responsibility to defend ourselves from violence. The violence you admit is in every society. I choose to defend myself and my family from violence with a firearm. You can choose to hope that the police or a law or your government will be able to protect you. Usually the police only show up after the fact, the law doesn't stop anyone who chooses to disregard it and the government does nothing.

Crni Vuk said:
I guess what ever if it means that ilegal activities happen or not it doesnt mean that we can not try to do something against it and eventualy make the acts of ilegal actions more difficult.

I make it more difficult for the criminal by refusing to be a victim or an easy target. Criminals are lazy and cowardly. They will avoid me while looking for you.

Crni Vuk said:
You dont see many German companies partizipate in such rather probelamtic issues.

I own several Mausers, a Luger, and an Heckler & Koch. All very fine german firearms. Germany manufactures some of the world's best firearms - which as you say are made only for killing people. Your firearms manufacturers will sell to anybody who can afford to buy them, don't kid yourself junior.

Crni Vuk said:
Yes it is difficult to obtain a weapon. But it is not impossible. And the rate of crimes where guns are part of is rather small. Does it mean the regulation we have do work? I actualy dont know it. but what is true is that people have a rather scepital attitude regarding weapons.

That's because you are a nation of sheep, bred to be sheep - nobody wants an armed agressive Germany in anybody's future.

A right to self-defense is the most basic right we as humans have - you can't have any other right without it.

Crni Vuk said:
Is this the kind of explenation you would give someome when he ask you why you are dealing officialy weapons to a third world nation with instabile political enviroment in exchange for commodities or economical promises like mining rights or a finanical control?

No, I don't try and explain away the firearms industry and you have veered far off topic. The topic is not about the vast military firearms complex. It's about individual ownership of firearms.

I think I've explained rather clearly why I have the right and why I exercise that right. I'll leave the bloviating, the strawmen arguments, and the hyperbole to the rest of you.

This thread, as predicted, has pretty much turned into a thread about gun ownership in the uSA and how americans are crazy and their silly 2nd amendment is wrong or incorrectly interpreted.

That if you could just get us bloodthirsty americans to give up our guns - our crime rate would magically disappear.

I still say that any regulatory gun laws in the United States only restrict the behavior of law abiding citizens and therefore, only help the criminals that are too willing to ignore all the laws we already have. As demonstrated daily in our cities.

Telling me what kind of guns I cannot own, how I must store my gun, where I must keep my ammo, why I can't carry my gun, etc., etc. - do not stop one single criminal act with a firearm.

Those kinds of laws will only make it easier for criminals to find more defenseless victims.
DB- Stop trolling. Calling the Germans a nation of sheep is a clear troll. You want to practice being a douche bag, fine, but don't do it here.

You want to troll, be condescending, insult? My patience with you is finished.

You think you know me? I lived in New York when the body count was 2000 a year and the crack epidemic had peaked. I worked in the ghettos as an investigator. I've worked ghettos in California, Washington, New York, and Brazil, in places that you'd piss your pants to walk in. Don't think you know me, you pissant.

Once again, you state- number of deaths by guns has gone down, world wide. Prove it. Stop saying bullshit and waiting for someone to prove it. You got the proof, show it. Let's see the trends, and the bumps.

(and if you're wondering- yeah, you're wrong on that one too- as usual).

You want to talk about gun control and cities- New York City has some of the hardest gun control laws. Most of the guns confiscated come from states with low gun control laws, and yet New York is one of the safest cities in the US.

In contrast, Atlanta, in a state with some of the least gun laws, has a terrible gun related homicide rate.

Go figure that one out.

You talk about crime? From your little backwoods town? Fuck you. You know what you know from crime from television and from what your gun nut buddies whisper in your ear when you are scared at night.

The proof is out there - gun control does work. And it can work even while protecting your right to own a gun and your safety from getting killed by someone with a gun.

No one is about taking your guns away, dipshit, only about trying to stop people from getting killed. You want to live in a world where you are constantly in fear for your life and need to carry a gun to protect yourself, fine. Enjoy your paranoia and your insecurity- it justifies you wasting money on more guns. Frankly, there are a lot of folks out there who think that there is a better way. ANd some of them own guns too.

ANd yes, it is a global arms industry that profits over the fears of people. It was this arms industry that lobbied in Brazil to prevent gun control rules that would have taken guns away from gangs. It is the same industry that profits from gun sales abroad. And yes, it is the same one that wants you to be afraid of the black person in the ghetto who just might kill you (but probably won't). See its those folks that sell the myth of insecurity that so many buy. Not you though, you can make up your own fantasies. They are not selling it to you, you're lapping it up.

Thing is, you don't really give a fuck about anyone's life just as long as you get to keep your guns. It doesn't matter what the consequences are, because its all about your right to have a gun.

You know why? Because the gun makes you feel powerful, like you got strength. You know why that's important? Because you're afraid. And the thing is that gun just makes you feel powerful and cool, and you're afraid that without them you're just the chickenshit you really are.

You talk of individual responsibility. Seriously, I'd like to see you be a minority, in the ghetto, no jobs, crap education, limited prospects, crime around you, and see how you'd turn out. My bet, you'd be another punk. Which isn't a stretch because that's really just what you are.

Dammit Boy, its not just that you're a troll, a whining bitch, insulting or condescending. Worse, you're boring. You can't argue here. All you can do is troll and scorn and disrespect, like some little shit-for-brains, backwoods homophobe, who masturbates over Guns & Ammo. You're just a little pissant. You're a child who can't think for himself, who spouts dogma like it was the bible, and doesn't care about anyone but himself. You're a waste of time. You're beneath scorn.

Grow up. Its tiring having to put up with you.

"Rose tinted glasses?" Go back to your little trailer park where the best time you can think of is wandering around the night with your militia pals playing wargames. Go be afraid of all that terrible crime that might, somehow, crawl out of the ghettos of Atlanta and LA and creep itself all the way to your armpit of the country. Live your little nightmare fantasy. Dude, you can have all the guns in the world, it won't matter. No one probably wants what you got anyway.

I've told enough times already- stop trolling. And you can stop whining like a bitch when someone calls you on it. You're not fooling anyone. Seriously, I know its too much to ask you to think or make a real argument or to put down that broken record you keep espousing, or your complete incapacity to check facts or use them. I know that you can't think because its too much work for you and it hurts your head. Poor little you. But hey, at least you got your guns, rights.

But you can at least be civil with others. Seriously, I've tried being civil with you before. Its pointless and respect is wasted on you. You're in debt on that score.

You want to be treated with respect, earn it.

If you can't be civil, you can't stay here. Last warning- grow up or get out.
DB, don't you think that the vast military arms complex has something to do with your "want" and availability of firearms? Whats funny is that I saw on the news something relevant to the fear of not being armed that Welsh stated.


I don't understand people who seem to "Hope" for violent confrontation resulting in death. I can understand interest and preparation.

We are animals with old instincts that now have access to death on a mass scale that doesn't have a requirement of training, discipline, or understanding. That is the problem with firearms. The technology is more advanced than the education of the average individual that would obtain it. If everyone had an understanding of physics and chemistry, as well as engineering and martial combat, as well as an understanding of the consequences of inflicting force using such technology, then society might be different and guns might as well fall from the sky when it rained, but it isn't that way. 5 year olds are murdering numerous people without any effort whatsoever or understanding of what they are doing. Think of that happening 300 years ago? It wouldn't have. You would have had a 5 year old football punted into the river. Everyone knew that, no one dared such behavior besides the mentally ill or religiously motivated/desperate. WWI is a good example of the paradigm shift of modern weaponry. Shell shock or PTSD wasn't something very common or even ever recorded in history before, but became a very common occurrence due to the impersonal, almost randomly brutal death and horror that occurred on a mass scale. Armies before repeating projectile weapons and accurate artillery usually routed when they were known to be defeated. Now, they are all exterminated. Not by light cavalry while running, but by singular pieces or ordnance dropped on their heads. Guns have changed everything. You can argue that barbarism is something that has existed throughout history, but not to this extent. The only reason we are not red and gray paste splattered all over the earth right now is our sociological standard of living, which is still quite lower than it should be. And these weapons are not only used by the military, but by the commoner?

Tell me DB, how would owning a gun at all protect you in a situation like these?

[spoiler:aec32ff968] Graphic


But it's okay for everyone to have guns right?
Dopemine Cleric said:
DB, don't you think that the vast military arms complex has something to do with your "want" and availability of firearms? Whats funny is that I saw on the news something relevant to the fear of not being armed that Welsh stated.


I don't understand people who seem to "Hope" for violent confrontation resulting in death. I can understand interest and preparation.

We are animals with old instincts that now have access to death on a mass scale that doesn't have a requirement of training, discipline, or understanding. That is the problem with firearms. The technology is more advanced than the education of the average individual that would obtain it. If everyone had an understanding of physics and chemistry, as well as engineering and martial combat, as well as an understanding of the consequences of inflicting force using such technology, then society might be different and guns might as well fall from the sky when it rained, but it isn't that way. 5 year olds are murdering numerous people without any effort whatsoever or understanding of what they are doing. Think of that happening 300 years ago? It wouldn't have. You would have had a 5 year old football punted into the river. Everyone knew that, no one dared such behavior besides the mentally ill or religiously motivated/desperate. WWI is a good example of the paradigm shift of modern weaponry. Shell shock or PTSD wasn't something very common or even ever recorded in history before, but became a very common occurrence due to the impersonal, almost randomly brutal death and horror that occurred on a mass scale. Armies before repeating projectile weapons and accurate artillery usually routed when they were known to be defeated. Now, they are all exterminated. Not by light cavalry while running, but by singular pieces or ordnance dropped on their heads. Guns have changed everything. You can argue that barbarism is something that has existed throughout history, but not to this extent. The only reason we are not red and gray paste splattered all over the earth right now is our sociological standard of living, which is still quite lower than it should be. And these weapons are not only used by the military, but by the commoner?

Tell me DB, how would owning a gun at all protect you in a situation like these?

[spoiler:d4081b45ac] Graphic


But it's okay for everyone to have guns right?


Dope, the shit you just spewed out is your own brain talking. No offense but I don't trust conjecture EVER.

If all I knew about trasers is that they are used to torture people I'd scream and rave about banning them. Thats EXACTLY what you just did.

Why the fuck would you need to know chemistry and physics? At most you need a very basic understanding of ballistics.

What bothers me most is that you people keep saying the same myths and same conjectures over and over again. That tells me you aren't even trying to objectively look at both sides.

I can fight just about every anti gun argument in this entire thread by reading ONE document.

If you haven't read this don't post. Just don't, cause you'll more that likely say something stupid.

Read it, stop saying the same dumb shit over and over again so that we can have a real discussion.
Dopemine Cleric said:
DB, don't you think that the vast military arms complex has something to do with your "want" and availability of firearms?

Nope, I sure don't.

This is a really long thread and you may not remember or know, but the topic is not about the 'vast military arms complex'.

It's about the individual right to own firearms and whether or not firearm regulatory laws reduce gun crimes.

Since you asked what I think, I'll tell you.

a) The most basic right a person has is the right to self-defense. You can't have any other freedom if you don't have the right to protect yourself.

b) No law regarding gun control has ever stopped a crime from happening.

c) Criminals don't have any regard for you or any law. That's the definition of why they are criminals.

They don't expect to get caught, they want an overwhelming advantage over their victims, and if they are willing to beat you, rob you, rape you and/or murder you - I doubt they are concerned about gun regulation laws.

d) Guns do not commit crimes nor do they cause them. You can argue that poverty, a lack of education, gang culture, drug trafficing, a lack of ethics and morals, etc. etc. causes crime - but let's not blame inanimate objects.

e) I blame individuals for their actions. I'm funny like that.

f) The U.S. has a bill of rights and included in it is the 2nd amendment. I believe that amendment is about the right to self-defense. From individual violence and specifically to protect oneself from a government that would infringe on your other basic human rights (the bill of rights). Our bill of rights is about what the government cannot do - not federal or states rights, but individual rights.

Because of this amendment, the likelihood of removing the gun culture of the U.S. is slim to none.

g) The most effective and efficient method of defending yourself and your loved ones is a firearm.

How is a 5'4" 100 lbs woman supposed to defend herself from a 6'2" 250 lbs male attacker? For that matter, how about multiple attackers? If your home were invaded by multiple attackers, how would you defend yourself?

Not that anybody should be sitting around in fear worrying about these things, but bad things happen to people everyday.

h) People who plan and are prepared are less likely to be victims. That includes fires, earthquakes, robbery, assault, floods, hurricanes, tornados, riots, terrorist attacks, chemical spills, etc. etc.

Failing to be prepared for these kind of events is irresponsible, especially if you have loved ones that depend on you.

Do you lock your door at night? Why? Do you own a fire extinguisher? Why? Do you own a first aid kit? Why? Have you failed to plan for being attacked by a criminal? Why?

Self-defense classes all have one theme in common; self-awareness of your situation. They say the number one way to reduce threats to your person is to be aware of your surroundings and what might happen. Like having your keys out as you walk to your car or looking for people hanging out around the atm before you use it.

i) Being prepared, being aware, and being able to defend yourself isn't cowardly or fearful it's being sensible. It also isn't being a bloddthirsty barbaric freak, hoping to have a chance to harm someone. You hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

j) If you own firearms you should be responsible. You should practice good safety and train to shoot well. You should keep your ammunition in fireproof ammo cans. You should secure your firearms from theft. You should teach your children to respect and understand firearms and teach them firearms safety. Teaching your kids how to shoot is the best deterrent to accidental discharges and injury. Respect comes from knowledge, fear comes from ignorance. You must understand that using a firearm to defend yourself and your family is a last resort that you hope to never need to do. You must know any and all state and federal laws that apply to your ownership of firearms and abide by them.

k) I support concealed carry permits that require passing a safety and training course.

l) I support instant background checks that verify your legal right to own a firearm. The only reasons you should be denied ownership are a criminal record and documented mental instability.

m) I do not believe in gun or ammo registration.

n) I do not believe in class three licensing - which restricts full auto weapons, short barrelled weapons, and silenced weapons.

o) I do agree with the restrictions of destructive devices like rpg's, dynamite, C4, and intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Hope that clears things up for those who might have listened to nonsense posted about me.
Ah-Teen said:

Dope, the shit you just spewed out is your own brain talking. No offense but I don't trust conjecture EVER.

If all I knew about trasers is that they are used to torture people I'd scream and rave about banning them. Thats EXACTLY what you just did.

Why the fuck would you need to know chemistry and physics? At most you need a very basic understanding of ballistics.

What bothers me most is that you people keep saying the same myths and same conjectures over and over again. That tells me you aren't even trying to objectively look at both sides.

I can fight just about every anti gun argument in this entire thread by reading ONE document.

If you haven't read this don't post. Just don't, cause you'll more that likely say something stupid.

Read it, stop saying the same dumb shit over and over again so that we can have a real discussion.

No Ah-Teen, you are Ignorant, and just made yourself the biggest ass on the entire topic. The argument here is the sociological implications of firearms, and I stated opinions that can be sourced in factual cases. Also, you seem to have not even read any of my posts prior and assume that I'm another left-winger nut job shitting all over your gun fetish. I like guns too. I love them. But, they are a hobby, a tool for survival, and a piece of existential subjective artwork. I stated that the technology and education required to understand and know the impacts and consequences of ballistic weapons is far beyond what the average person has. I am not anti-gun, I'm anti-stupidity. And to put it bluntly, alot of stupid and emotional mother-fuckers with guns are walking around, and having more of these assholes get a hold of these weapons that require little training to use will have disastrous consequences. Scenarios at the O.K. Corral and western gun-duels don't happen. Murderers strike when their victim is vulnerable. The state isn't going to invade your household and take away your rights by military force because guess what..... The military is made up of......CITIZENS THAT COME FROM YOUR HOUSEHOLD AND PEOPLE WITH HOUSEHOLDS LIKE YOURS!

Also, I read your PDF document and it just basically stated what I was saying earlier, so apparently you didn't even read it.

Fact: “We don’t have
as many guns [in
Brazil] as the United
States, but we use
them more.”38 Brazil
has mandatory
licensing, registration,
and maximum
personal ownership
quotas. It now bans
any new sales to
private citizens. Their
homicide rate is
almost three (3) times
higher than the U.S.39

You guys don't seem to understand the variables of proxy/poverty/demand/intention/society when dealing with this argument, and you use this forum to wave your dicks over your gun fetishes. It's pretty pathetic.

I really don't give 2 shits about your "beliefs", since they don't mean jack shit when your gunned down as collateral damage in a drive-by. This is suppose to be an argument using logic and explaination taking in all the factors, but it's not. It's a fucking gun-wank. I think your all compensating for something.

Also DB, your individualism is admirable, but not everyone is like you. Alot of people fit into groups of idealism and fall prey to agents of socialization. Just like when mommy told you if you were good Santa Claus would give you a <s>Barret .50BMG</s> toy car. And alot of those people have more guns, more followers, and are more fucked up in the head than you are.
DammitBoy said:
Yes, it's our individual responsibility to defend ourselves from violence. The violence you admit is in every society. I choose to defend myself and my family from violence with a firearm.

reminds me of this:

Dopemine Cleric said:
You guys don't seem to understand the variables of proxy/poverty/demand/intention/society when dealing with this argument, and you use this forum to wave your dicks over your gun fetishes. It's pretty pathetic.It's a fucking gun-wank. I think your all compensating for something.

Your post about guns and dicks is a typical emotional response not based in any kind of fact.

Here are the facts:

Reviewing unsubstantiated, mostly "derogatory ... speculative literature on the personality characteristics of gun owners," the NIJ Evaluation (p.120) mentions "the psychoanalytic" view that "weapons are phallic symbols representing male dominance and masculine power." The idea of gun ownership as sexual aberration has been casually espoused by such anti-gun luminaries as Arthur Schlessinger Jr., Harlan Ellison, Mike Royko, and Joyce Brothers.[41] The only serious study endorsing this view is by psychiatrist Emmanuel Tanay who sees "the need for a gun" as serving "libidinal purposes ... to enhance or repair a damaged self-image ..., and involving "narcissism ..., [p]assivity, and insecurity".[42]

There is no viable argument for the penis theory as against pragmatic explanations for gun ownership. Psychiatrist Bruce Danto rejects the penis theory because it fails to account for female gun ownership. In fact, 50 percent of those who own a (p.12)gun only for protection are women (especially black women), even though women are much less likely than men to own guns for sport.[43] This pattern is more accurately explained by a woman's need for protection than by feelings of penile inadequacy.

Dr. Danto also notes that the penis theory would predict that male gun owners would lean toward the largest barrel and bore weapons available. But the respective popularity of guns of different sizes uniformly appears to reflect purely pragmatic concerns.[44] The penis theory is equally incapable of explaining other demographic differentials in gun ownership. When all gun owners are counted (not just those who own for protection alone), survey evidence shows that

gun owners are disproportionately rural, Southern, male, Protestant, affluent and middle class ... [and that] weapons ownership tends to increase with income, or occupational prestige, or both.[45]

The explanations here are, once again, purely pragmatic; hunting is more an activity of rural people generally, and Southerners particularly, than of city dwellers. Among urbanites, guns are most owned by the affluent because they are more likely to hunt--and also to have the money to afford guns and property that they may need to defend. Most guns are owned for sport, and males more than females engage in gun sports. Survey show Protestants are more likely to hunt than Catholics or Jews (Protestantism is most predominant in rural areas); beyond that, Protestants and gun owners both tend to be descended from older American stock, retaining cultural values redolent of the "individualistic orientation that emanated from the American frontier ..."[46](p.13)

In contrast, the penis theory has no explanatory value for these demographic trends. Are Protestants or the affluent or rural dwellers or Southerners more subject to feelings of penile inadequacy than Catholics or urbanites or the poor, and so forth? Incidentally, it may be relevant to note that surveys show gun owners are no more hostile to feminism and the women's movement than are non-owners.[47]

Tanay's arguments for the penis theory validate only his own (self-admitted) fear and loathing of guns. He asserts that "the owner's overvaluation of his gun's worth is an indication of its libidinal value to him." Because Tanay never attempts to explain what "overvaluation" means, there is nothing to distinguish guns from the "overvaluation" involved in having other collectibles. People who do not share the passion often marvel at the amounts of time and money spent by others who "over-value" such more or less intrinsically worthless items as old phonograph records, musical instruments, cars, political campaign buttons, stamps, coins, and candelabra.[48] Much the same problem characterizes Tanay's evidence of "narcissistic investment":

Most of the dedicated gun owners handle the gun with obvious pleasure; they look after the gun, clean, polish, and pamper it ... speak of their love and respect for guns.

Most, if not all, collectors revere the objects they collect; they clean and polish them (if coins or antiques) or encase them (if gems or musical instruments) in velvet, suede, or other attractive settings. Are all collectors motivated by feelings of penile inadequacy? Or does Dr. Tanay's depiction of gun owners reflect only his own narrow-minded inability to evaluate the feelings of those who love and respect something he admittedly loathes?

A final point of interest is Dr. Tanay's citation of Freud's view that weapons may symbolize the penis in dreams. This, Freud said, is true of dreams involving any long object (e.g., "sticks, umbrellas, poles, trees") but especially objects that may be viewed as penetrating and injuring ("... knives, daggers, lances, sabers; firearms are similarly used ..."). This passage refers to dreams in general without distinguishing gun owners from others. Dr. Tanay is perhaps unaware of--in any event, he does not cite--other passages more relevant to his argument. In these other passages Freud associates retarded sexual and emotional development not with gun ownership, but (p.14)with fear and loathing of weapons.[49] The probative importance that ought to be attached to the views of Freud is, of course, a matter of opinion. The point here is only that those views provide no support for the penis theory of gun ownership.

here's a link to that paper by Don Kates:

It's a good read if you can keep your mind open to an opinion differing from your own - although you seem very emotionally invested in yours...
A different topic - what's the proper way to hold an MP-38/40? I've seen it held by the magazine and by the main body of the SMG, so I'm not quite sure which way is proper.
LOL. DB posted an off topic report on the psychology of weapons relating to the penis if anyone didn't decide to read it. It was an attempt to make his dick look big if im not mistaken. Quite humorous.

Mikael- The weapon was usually held by the magazine and in some cases "albeit with care" held by the short forestock leading onto the barrel, usually while wearing gloves. There is no "Proper" way, just best way. Best way with the MP-40 is by the top of the magazine with your grip tight around the top of the forestock area..
for fucks sake guys, you got too much time on your hands!
I am not trying to be a troll here or offend anybody, but i guess in the end it all boils down to convince the other person that you are right and he is wrong right? (DB, Welsh...i am looking at you guys)
well that is pretty fucking pointless!
change the topic to something else just like mikael said, or grab your guns and meet somewhere and blow the living shit out of each other! :D

with love(in a non homo way)
