Healthcare reform just passed!

well, I was hoping for that :) good for you americans, even if you dont think that way :P.

Now lets see if everything is done right and the republicans don't mess everything up.
I do think something needs to be done. But not this. This is the equivalent of hitting a fly with a sledge hammer. I think it sucks.

I hope they still don't plan on fining people who don't pay for health care coverage whether they need it or not. If so they can take their "reform" and stick it. I do not want it. I pay for my health care. If I lose my job and can't afford health care I dont want to be fined, especially when it means I won't be able to pay my bills. While I do use my health care if it means living under a bridge in a box to pay for it? I guess I will have to do without. The fining thing is BS.
I just filled my tax papers. Can't wait the government spend my money on illegal immigrants' health care. :roll: I want a national health care for the citizens and for the legal immigrants, but not for illegals. :| And I don't think the government is ready for this huge health system changing action.
This is a horrible bill. This doesn't solve any of the problems that needed to be addressed and I personally will suffer loss of income due to tax inflation and still not be covered.

When are you non-Americans going to fucking invade and take over our country for gods-sake?!
fookin finally... i still owe some hospital in usa 580 bucks for measuring up my temperature blood pressure and urine sample... and all i wanted was few antibiotic pills
the_cpl said:
I just filled my tax papers. Can't wait the government spend my money on illegal immigrants' health care. :roll: I want a national health care for the citizens and for the legal immigrants, but not for illegals. :| And I don't think the government is ready for this huge health system changing action.

Yeah, fuck those Mex untermenschen right?
No matter how big or small the change is, someone is going to get fucked over. And this is quite a big change.

Personally I think it'll be for the better, but it will remain to be seen if the USA economy can lift such a weight.

I guess you americans will have to forget about buying Hummers, Land Rovers and excess amount of iPods for a while.
the_cpl said:
I just filled my tax papers. Can't wait the government spend my money on illegal immigrants' health care. :roll: I want a national health care for the citizens and for the legal immigrants, but not for illegals. :| And I don't think the government is ready for this huge health system changing action.

I get sad to see how you americans are getting poorer and poorer helping these damn illegals, who are ruining america! Now you guys won't be able to buy SO MANY things. God may have mercy upon them, because you guys surely won't.
I don't get it. Why not make illegal immigrants legal? Most of them have jobs, right? And if they have jobs, they could pay taxes. If language is a problem, I'm sure most of them learn English eventually.

This isn't a trolling attempt, I just really don't understand the logic.
As far as I've heard and read this is a good change. It'll take some time to get used to the system, but in the end it will all be for the better, I'm sure.

Ravager69 said:
I guess you americans will have to forget about buying Hummers, Land Rovers and excess amount of iPods for a while.

I'm more surprised Obama did something.

Also I believe your tax money is going to the millions of Americans without health insurance.
In a few days the parliament or dictator or whatever they have of Mexicania will pass a bill abolishing public healthcare because if someone gets sick they can just shove them across the border and the Americanians will deal with it and consequently tax monies will go up in Americania and down in Mexicania. /troll
For better or worse I hope the world (especially the USA) pays attention to what happens in the coming years. It will prove whether this action (and its underlying principles) are correct or not.

I admit to being "trapped" on the fence with this issue. While I do trust the government to (more often than not) manage things properly I think for the sake of "Independence" that as much should be left to the people as possible and as little as possible under government control. I also think that many that will benefit from cheaper health insurance probably don't deserve it, because they refuse to work by convincing the authorities they are crippled when the only thing wrong is their personal choices.

For those two reasons I'm against it.

Unfortunately I do not have any medical insurance. I am employed either part-time or full-time depending on whether I'm in college or not and have worked for my employer for about six years now. Since I don't do drugs (legal or otherwise), exercise routinely, and have a balanced diet I think health insurance for me would be a waste of money. However while good health will help me avoid needing doctor checkups and prescriptions it's no help if someone injures me accidentally like in a car accident. There's also the possibility that I inherited a genetic disorder that has yet to appear in my body, but will at a later time. It scares me to think that I can take every precaution and through no fault of my own end up bankrupt if an accident were to occur. The cheapest medical insurance I can find looks to be about $60 a month and after paying for necessities I have about $40 left a month for whatever I choose. Before you ask I always buy anything under modest means and in fact give up some things most people would think are a necessary expense.

For that reason I'm for this.

Ultimately however I lose a lot of money going to college both in paying for it and working less so I have time to spend in college. Since the difference is huge my choice to not have health insurance is purely my fault since I also chose to go to college.

The Vault Dweller
Americania is surely an unbelievably complex and strange country...
Vault Dweller, you should be *angry* at your government for being in such a shitty situation. Yet you take it cool because the ideology of "freedom" is so deeply rooted in your country's way of life that it's supposed to justify this shitty situation.

In most of Europe students like you get their medical expenses paid by thoses who work and that's just *fair*, because you'll get through college eventually, earn money and pay taxes like everybody, at a later time...
But in the other hand, if we had the same percentage of obesity as in the USA, maybe our health care system would just go bankrupt... So I guess the problem is complex and one solution doesn't fit all. Maybe you should fix your *health* before fixing your *health care system*