Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

what, he can't praise a game he likes?
aenemic said:what, he can't praise a game he likes?
aenemic said:what, he can't praise a game he likes?
Yes, doing so well little wittle Sony blacklisted a site that DARED to give their sweet game a mere 6/10. And now no one dares to say a bad word about it? Gee, I wonder what happened there.Bal-Sagoth said:
You should check these guys out: can look forward to similar titles in the future.
Black said:Yes, doing so well little wittle Sony blacklisted a site that DARED to give their sweet game a mere 6/10. And now no one dares to say a bad word about it? Gee, I wonder what happened there.Bal-Sagoth said:
Patton89 said:The score is probably bloated due to the PS3 magazines glorifying it, the game being a PS3 exclusive and all. If you look at metacritic, you will see almost every single PS magazine gave it 100-90, exception of the PS3 UK magazine. Something has to be wrong there. The game is hardly 90-100 material.
Patton89 said:90-100 would mean the game is an excellent, solid game with hardly any faults, a classic game, maybe even a revolutionary game that changed everything. Does that sound like Heavy Rain ?
The game was published by SONY. The official PS3 magazine gave it 100. The score can't possibly be even bit bloated , huh.
Bal-Sagoth said:Sony has no control of sites such as Metacritic, where the game is in great standing from a multiple range of reviews.
Bal-Sagoth said:Not trying to convince you guys to play it.
Brother None said:Really? Then what the hell is the point of all these claims, from the outright false (its review response is "great") to the dubious (its response on forums is great, its sales are great). Again, you come across as a plant with your attitude towards this game and your relentless optimism in the face of almost everyone else here mocking it. I just don't get you. It's a piece of shit, we all know it's a piece of shit, you're not going to convince anyone otherwise, so what's the point?
Bal-Sagoth said:And no, 88 on Metacritic is a great score for this game.
Bal-Sagoth said:This will easily break a million sold WW sold and continue to push foward, mark my words on that. Pretty damn good for a PS3 exclusive that many thought was destined to flop.
Bal-Sagoth said:You can think it is a piece of shit all you want, the rest of us who like the game will continue to enjoy it.
Brother None said:It's not the worst, but a million worldwide over a lifetime for an AAA title is shit. Uncharted 2 sold 3.5 million copies by February of this year, so don't even try to bring in the PS3 exclusive excuse.
Bal-Sagoth said:Make all the jokes you want, no one is forcing you to play it.
no one is forcing you to play it
I wish I it
It's like a JRPG fucked an FMV! You get shitty acting along with boring linearity!Brother None said:Also, I finally realised one thing bothering me about this game: It just does what Shenmue did, only Shenmue did it a lot better. So why all the "this is the new shit" nonsense? It's just an old idea, done less competently than before (perhaps even compared to the developer's own earlier games? I wouldn't know)
Let's Play chap 3. It's funny how a game with robberies and women in underwear can still be so unexciting.
It's funny how Benzaie just keeps trying to fuck up and the game won't let him. INNOVATIVE DESIGN.
It's a piece of shit, we all know it's a piece of shit, you're not going to convince anyone otherwise, so what's the point?
I think people have every right to bash a game for not being a game due to serious lack of gameplay.Ausdoerrt said:I only wish the game was available for PC, because damn, I really like the concept. Everyone who's complaining about the "lacking gameplay" is basically bashing the game for what it isn't.
Ausdoerrt said:I only wish the game was available for PC, because damn, I really like the concept.