Heavy Rain: What has been Watched can not be Unwatched

aenemic said:
what, he can't praise a game he likes?

He can do whatever he likes, I'm not banning him from this thread or anything.

It's just starting to get tiring. Again, everyone here is joking about this thread and Bal-Sagoth just keeps posting these super-optimistic posts as if this is one of his resident circle-jerks about how great this piece of shit is. It's annoying.
aenemic said:
what, he can't praise a game he likes?

Oh it is alright, I do not mind them.

I am just happy it has been so well received in sales. I always imagined it would get good critical reviews but commercial response I was a bit sketchy about.

Thankfully it seems to have found its market and we can look forward to similar titles in the future.

Oh yeah, and by the way for all non-Slim PS3 users whose PS3s are currently rendered useless. 12 hours and 30 min to go until the internal clock changes and we find out if our systems magically work again.
There is a current work around that involves opening the PS3 and taking out the battery and putting it back in but that voids the warranty and I hear the PS3 is a nightmare to fiddle around inside.

Really hoping this fixes its self, it has the potential to be worse then RROD of this is a permanent hardware problem. Has there ever been another case in video gaming history where millions of consoles failed at the same exact time?
Black said:
Bal-Sagoth said:
Yes, doing so well little wittle Sony blacklisted a site that DARED to give their sweet game a mere 6/10. And now no one dares to say a bad word about it? Gee, I wonder what happened there.

Sony has no control of sites such as Metacritic, where the game is in great standing from a multiple range of reviews.

Make all the jokes you want, no one is forcing you to play it. The success of this game is however wonderful for those of us who enjoy it.

Haters be damned. :mrgreen:
Uh huh.
Metacritic isn't all that reliable due to one thing:
They "balance" or weight the reviews, giving some magazines more weight based among other (some of them bit vague) things, the size of it's distribution.
The score is probably bloated due to the PS3 magazines glorifying it, the game being a PS3 exclusive and all. If you look at metacritic, you will see almost every single PS magazine gave it 100-90, exception of the PS3 UK magazine. Something has to be wrong there. The game is hardly 90-100 material.
Patton89 said:
The score is probably bloated due to the PS3 magazines glorifying it, the game being a PS3 exclusive and all. If you look at metacritic, you will see almost every single PS magazine gave it 100-90, exception of the PS3 UK magazine. Something has to be wrong there. The game is hardly 90-100 material.

Sure, not for you. What a wonderful thing the world is full of different opinions eh?

Not trying to convince you guys to play it, if it is not your thing that is great. It's success speaks volumes however and clearly it has a market.

That is good for people like me who enjoy it. :)
90-100 would mean the game is an excellent, solid game with hardly any faults, a classic game, maybe even a revolutionary game that changed everything. Does that sound like Heavy Rain ?

The game was published by SONY. The official PS3 magazine gave it 100. The score can't possibly be even bit bloated , huh.

You can freely like the game, but metacritic isn't the best way to argue that the game is great.
Patton89 said:
90-100 would mean the game is an excellent, solid game with hardly any faults, a classic game, maybe even a revolutionary game that changed everything. Does that sound like Heavy Rain ?

The game was published by SONY. The official PS3 magazine gave it 100. The score can't possibly be even bit bloated , huh.

Or it could be from someone who enjoyed a change of pace. Not saying the scores were not bloated, but I am also saying that very easily this game could be 90-100 for many people. Reviews are simply other peoples opinions.

For me personally I would put this game around a 95. I have enjoyed it thoroughly. If only the current fatty apocalypse was not going on and I could play right now. :(
Bal-Sagoth said:
Sony has no control of sites such as Metacritic, where the game is in great standing from a multiple range of reviews.

No it isn't. It's getting average reviews for an AAA title. Its current score of 88 is tepid, putting it at 33rd overall for the PS3, below such luminous titles as Ninja Gaiden Sigma, NHL 9, NHL 10, and about tied with classics like Fight Night Round 4. It's tepid, at best.

Similarly, when a game actually sells very well the publisher usually shows the sale numbers. When it's not doing that outstanding we get stuff like "it's sold out in some place omfg!" Meaningless until we see sales numbers. They put it at half a million in the first week here, projected 1.5 million by Christmas. That's pathetic for a big-budget title.

Bal-Sagoth said:
Not trying to convince you guys to play it.

Really? Then what the hell is the point of all these claims, from the outright false (its review response is "great") to the dubious (its response on forums is great, its sales are great). Again, you come across as a plant with your attitude towards this game and your relentless optimism in the face of almost everyone else here mocking it. I just don't get you. It's a piece of shit, we all know it's a piece of shit, you're not going to convince anyone otherwise, so what's the point?
Brother None said:
Really? Then what the hell is the point of all these claims, from the outright false (its review response is "great") to the dubious (its response on forums is great, its sales are great). Again, you come across as a plant with your attitude towards this game and your relentless optimism in the face of almost everyone else here mocking it. I just don't get you. It's a piece of shit, we all know it's a piece of shit, you're not going to convince anyone otherwise, so what's the point?

Just sticking up for the game with so much bashing going around.

And no, 88 on Metacritic is a great score for this game. People at a time were predicting anywhere from low 70s-low 80s. It has held strong at 88 (even when people here said it would drop).

And yeah, I will be interested in seeing the sales. So far all we have thus far is VGChartz which is less then reputable to put it nicely.
This will easily break a million sold WW sold and continue to push foward, mark my words on that. Pretty damn good for a PS3 exclusive that many thought was destined to flop. :D

You can think it is a piece of shit all you want, the rest of us who like the game will continue to enjoy it.
Bal-Sagoth said:
And no, 88 on Metacritic is a great score for this game.

No, it isn't. By what measure is the 33rd-ranked game "great"? Your bias is incredible, no one in their right mind considers 88 average a great response. Good, sure, but every AAA title out there will walk into a 90 average, because that's just how it works.

Bal-Sagoth said:
This will easily break a million sold WW sold and continue to push foward, mark my words on that. Pretty damn good for a PS3 exclusive that many thought was destined to flop.

It's not the worst, but a million worldwide over a lifetime for an AAA title is shit. Uncharted 2 sold 3.5 million copies by February of this year, so don't even try to bring in the PS3 exclusive excuse.

Bal-Sagoth said:
You can think it is a piece of shit all you want, the rest of us who like the game will continue to enjoy it.

I'm not stopping you, I just wish you'd stop your campaign since it's just falling on deaf ears. Enjoy your piece of shit, no business of mine.
Brother None said:
It's not the worst, but a million worldwide over a lifetime for an AAA title is shit. Uncharted 2 sold 3.5 million copies by February of this year, so don't even try to bring in the PS3 exclusive excuse.

Uncharted 2 is a rare exception. The highest selling PS3 exclusive is Metal Gear Solid 4 with sales a bit over 5 million. If a PS3 exclusive reaches 1 million it is a success and if it passes 2 million then that is something celebrate. I think the second highest PS3 exclusive is Gran Turismo Prologue. Which is amazing since that is a glorified demo.

Granted this is not as big of a deal as it once was because of the price drop more consoles are getting out on the market. It also helps to judge the PS3 on its own, when you compare it up to stuff like Halo 3 the exclusives on the system are completely dwarfed sales wise.
Also, I finally realised one thing bothering me about this game: It just does what Shenmue did, only Shenmue did it a lot better. So why all the "this is the new shit" nonsense? It's just an old idea, done less competently than before (perhaps even compared to the developer's own earlier games? I wouldn't know)

Let's Play chap 3. It's funny how a game with robberies and women in underwear can still be so unexciting.
It's funny how Benzaie just keeps trying to fuck up and the game won't let him. INNOVATIVE DESIGN.
Brother None said:
Also, I finally realised one thing bothering me about this game: It just does what Shenmue did, only Shenmue did it a lot better. So why all the "this is the new shit" nonsense? It's just an old idea, done less competently than before (perhaps even compared to the developer's own earlier games? I wouldn't know)

Let's Play chap 3. It's funny how a game with robberies and women in underwear can still be so unexciting.
It's funny how Benzaie just keeps trying to fuck up and the game won't let him. INNOVATIVE DESIGN.
It's like a JRPG fucked an FMV! You get shitty acting along with boring linearity!
That Let's Play is golden. It really exposes Heavy Rain for what it is. Gameplay-wise it's absurdly dull and dumb. The meaninglessness and boredom of most of the possible actions thrown at you and the lack of choice makes me wonder how this can receive such high scores. I mean, I can understand the good graphics and I might even have enough patience for one playthrough just to get the story, if I didn't have to pay for a console and the game. But this game miserably fails at delivering what's important in games - interesting gameplay. What is interesting about sitting down in a chair only to get up because there's nothing to do while you're sitting there, or wiggling your controller to dry the character's back? Or buckling your seatbelt or starting the car? This kind of stuff might be nice for a start, to set the mood or introduce a character's life, as a sort of prelude to more intense gameplay. But the game seems to be chock full of stuff like this.

The lack of choice and the inconsequentiality of the actions is what Bal-Sagoth completely fails to address here in his defense of the game.
I only wish the game was available for PC, because damn, I really like the concept. Everyone who's complaining about the "lacking gameplay" is basically bashing the game for what it isn't. The only reasonable complaint I've seen in this thread is BN saying the marketing is out of whack, since indeed the game is simply a slightly improved version of mechanics that have existed long before, but one should blame the PR dept. and not the devs for it.

Also, all those youtube bash-reviews are usually incredibly stupid. OK, I get that you don't like the game, no need to go into a rant about how much you don't, keep your opinion please. IF you have anything of consequence to say, present it in a logical fashion. Thus far most all critiques I've heard come down to "I don't like this type of game". Is it really that bad that a game of this type is finally getting some decent rankings, possibly ensuring that more will be made in the future? Certainly lots better than reviews automatically taking off 2-4 points for any game that isn't a shooter or aRPG (see reviews for Sublustrum, Nikopol, etc).

It's a piece of shit, we all know it's a piece of shit, you're not going to convince anyone otherwise, so what's the point?

What's up with you, man? I'm surprised to see you being so unreasonable as to present isolated opinions as a fact.
Ausdoerrt said:
I only wish the game was available for PC, because damn, I really like the concept. Everyone who's complaining about the "lacking gameplay" is basically bashing the game for what it isn't.
I think people have every right to bash a game for not being a game due to serious lack of gameplay.
Ausdoerrt said:
I only wish the game was available for PC, because damn, I really like the concept.

Again... check out Indigo Prophecy, its the same guy, same concept, only graphics are a bit out of date. Still, nothing quite like it out there.