Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

Maphusio said:
I really enjoyed the single player mode. While I understood the attraction of mutliplayer I had some fierce single player competition between friends and myself. We would give each other hints and brag about how much our character pwnd the other guys. I also found some comfort playing in my own little world where I would not be interrupted and could completely immerse myself into the story line.

That's EXACTLY how I played them. I also loved listening to the whole speeches by NPC's, which online people rarely do. My best friend got into D2 at the time and used to brag about some cool sword he found and I had to find better. It all ended with us connecting our PC's, getting some weird patch that made every enemy drop unique items and completely ruining the game. Good times.
Woohoo! I just hope that this won't be an over-hyped game what everyone waits to change the world and still is a good game, but a LOT less than we ecpepted (yes, GTA IV was just like this, and I don't want to be disappointed again.)
Lexx said:
Wooz said:
Hmm. Has anyone taken a look at the website's code?




Everyone knows Frontpage is the number one web design tool out there guys. With each new version its a fun tour down confusion avenue. You end up being forced to turn down, "Say, this is completely different from the last version lane" and cross the "What the hell? I hate Microsoft!" bridge... Don't forget the statue of "Feel like throwing up because my previous site no longer functions properly with the new version".

Frack it, I'm jumping off the "I hate Microsoft bridge."
Maphusio said:
Everyone knows Frontpage is the number one web design tool out there guys.
You are wrong. Looks like they wrote the whole thing in XML. The tag is merely called "Frontpage" because it's, well, the front page.
The pages are poorly designed, though. Either that or neither Firefox 3 nor IE6 manage to render XML correctly yet.

Edit: Now it works alright... strange.
Interesting, and expected, but I really have no interest in it.

I enjoyed Diablo for what it was. A little diversion I could play inbetween classes, during college. I even attempted to play it online a few times.

Diablo 2...that was just a came I didn't care for one bit.

And looking at the screens and little info that's out there, I just can't muster up any desire for D3.

We'd been hearing that a D3 announcement was coming for over a year now though, so it's pretty expected.
Ok, so let's talk gameplay changes here.

They've mentioned that looting will be, at least to some degree, player instanced. So there's still that element of a Supermarket Sweeps greed minigame, but also the ability to have some nice stuff drop just for you. Personally, I'm all for that.

But here's an opportunity I see for vast improvement, and I know it's going to be polarizing, but I think the MF% system needs to be reworked or just scrapped altogether. Seriously, show of hands here - who actually likes suiting up in inferior gear and slogging through hell and Baal runs ad naseum until something blings? And I mean something because with all those fuckin' charms in your INV you don't have room for much else. And that's before you go sit in the goddamn trade channel for hours of downtime trying to offload your crap and strike up a bargain.

My idea would be maybe have some sort of artifact that governs this that would sit unobtrusively in your inventory, and could be powered up or stacked by multiples or who knows. Just get that shit off the equipment and make us stop choosing between kicking ass add personal wealth, because we shouldn't have to.

Surely there a better idea out there.
maximaz said:
SL¥DE said:
allows for you to play sans CDs.

What's that? I hope it's not something that would tempt me to install it again.

Translation: he said that patch 1.12 is an official NO-CD patch; you won't ever again need the disk into the drive to play D2 :mrgreen:

It's true, go to Blizzard support site and download it from there.
maximaz said:
SL¥DE said:
allows for you to play sans CDs.

What's that? I hope it's not something that would tempt me to install it again.

I'm not sure if you're joking, so: "sans" = Without.

If you were joking, I apologize. I can't read your tone through text. :?

Just keep in mind: Read the patch notes, as, like the Starcraft/Broodwar no-cd patch, the no-cd functionality requires you copy some files from your CDs.
Makenshi said:
Translation: he said that patch 1.12 is an official NO-CD patch; you won't ever again need the disk into the drive to play D2 :mrgreen:

It's true, go to Blizzard support site and download it from there.

Oh no. I'm not installing D2 again. It's a very very bad idea right now. Official no-cd patch is pretty cool though.
looking forward to this clickfest :)

hopefully they won't suck too much colour out of the graphics - i like it the way it is (it just needs lightradius imho)
maximaz said:
Oh no. I'm not installing D2 again. It's a very very bad idea right now.

What're you talking about, installing D2 is never a bad idea. 8-)
Bodybag said:
Ok, so let's talk gameplay changes here.

They've mentioned that looting will be, at least to some degree, player instanced. So there's still that element of a Supermarket Sweeps greed minigame, but also the ability to have some nice stuff drop just for you. Personally, I'm all for that.

But here's an opportunity I see for vast improvement, and I know it's going to be polarizing, but I think the MF% system needs to be reworked or just scrapped altogether. Seriously, show of hands here - who actually likes suiting up in inferior gear and slogging through hell and Baal runs ad naseum until something blings? And I mean something because with all those fuckin' charms in your INV you don't have room for much else. And that's before you go sit in the goddamn trade channel for hours of downtime trying to offload your crap and strike up a bargain.

My idea would be maybe have some sort of artifact that governs this that would sit unobtrusively in your inventory, and could be powered up or stacked by multiples or who knows. Just get that shit off the equipment and make us stop choosing between kicking ass add personal wealth, because we shouldn't have to.

Surely there a better idea out there.

Aye, I mentioned the change in drops earlier which I am all for. This new system will hopefully make parties online more friendly as you don't get fights in boss fights where people will stop attacking and simply lollygag around in order to swipe the best drops.

As for the MF'ing stuff, I'm not sure. I think the artifact aspect is a good idea as it would make your inventory easier to control (especially if you're an amazon with arrows). I would even just love a warehouse where you can easily store items you find :). I like building up my loot and it would be a lot easier to transfer stuff to a holding place if I didn't have to like, swap characters in a game and come back and forth.

I wonder if it would be better to ditch MF altogether as it might tide back some of the total inflation the game experienced where people would have 100s of SoJ for sale.