Maybe I'll hold off a bit longer with my release then.Looks like there's enough here and on the wiki to justify a new version, hopefully released next week sometime all going well.

Maybe I'll hold off a bit longer with my release then.Looks like there's enough here and on the wiki to justify a new version, hopefully released next week sometime all going well.
A couple of major versions back I was having some problems with a particular function which returns a hex tile position from screen coordinents.Mario_Dweller said:Mash: Thanks!. BTW if you don't know why it happens, maybe there is something special about the map. It stopped happening after replacing the wall with the window with an ordinary wall.
But maybe it's just a coincidence ofc.
Sorry, nothing I can do about this. Blocking scrolling along angled edges would make map playability dependent on the resolution, with smaller resolutions able to scroll further into corners than higher resolutions. If you would prefer to see the broken art beneath the black area, you can easily edit the angled edges using the mapper hi-res patch. The best solution would be to add some scenery to fill the hole but I'm guessing that's difficult with fallout1, since your asking.Isn't there a way to make it look better though? It's kind of messy-looking and people complain to me about it saying it's a bug. I get what you're saying, I remember a few maps in vanilla were a bit fiddly when scrolling the top-right, but there's gotta be a way to make it not scroll into blackness like that, right? --Sduibek
Yep your right, that's exactly what they're for. I created them for the sole purpose of covering up stuff your not supposed to see. The original game limited scrolling about 20 hexes in from each angled side of the map. I had to remove this limit as it causes a lot of problems when you raise the resolution.Sduibek said:I'm confused about how the angled edges work, they don't seem to limit scrolling at all, they just turn the area into black.
Mash said:New versions(4.1.5) of the fallout1/2 hi-res patches are available for download. links in my sig.
Nothing major this time round, mainly bug fixes. The main addition is the ability to adjust the timing of transitional fade effects.
In-game zooming didn't make the cut, I hope to release a test version for this in a week or so as it will surely come with a few bugs.
Now at creation of the interface window by CreateWin command, game crash with a critical error!V4.1.5 22/11/13
Fixed scriptable window functions which were scaling up the window as the resolution increased beyond 640x480.
Yep, at present the hi-res patches mouse stuff is unavailible when using one of sfalls graphic modes. Alternate mouse input is still a work in progress.Thank you for informing me of new versions.I'll try them as soon as possible.
EDIT: Well, unfortunately, 4.1.7 did not solve the issue.No problem though, I'll try to file a bug report on the wiki.
EDIT2: I edited 'Bug List' section of the wiki.![]()
The main-menu has a few scaling options these days. To get the effect your after open the screen settings window under options. Find the "Panel Scaling" section, arrow down to "Main Menu" and set it to "Fill".However I found newest Hi-Res patch 4.1.7, but after installing it into F2 folder and launching the game, despite settings like DX9 mode and 1366x768 res the game is launching in strange resolution - I have two black bars on left and right - it looks like the game want to keep 4:3 ration, not 16:9 which is the case for 1366x768. All intro movies are played fullscreened but main game screen and then game itself is "squarred" and not streched on fullscreen.
Mash is there any way you could include some key remapping in your thing? I know that's not really the point of HiRes but you're the only one with working knowledge of the exe these days, so if anyone could do it it would be you, and I've seen several people here and on GOG asking about shortcut keyboard remapping lately.
(Like option to change key used to enter pipboy or combat, etc)