Bug #1
Lighting changes on objects are delayed.
To see this in action, mess around with flares from FIXT (holding a lit flare in the player's hand). In FIXT without f1_res enabled, when swapping hands the lighting change is instantaneous. With f1_res 4.0.2 enabled, it takes something like 1 to 3 seconds to "engage" the lighting change.
EDIT: This happens in 3.0.6 too, must be something with how f1_res is implemented.
Bug #2: v4.0.2 makes
screen fade times last longer. Really annoying in the menus (when starting a new game and things like that). Can you make the fade times customizable or something? If I go back to 3.0.6 they are definitely faster, but still slower than with f1_res disabled.
The longer fade times happens even in Basic mode.
The game overall is just slower and less snappy with f1_res enabled

Navigating menus is the most obvious of the slowdowns.
Bug #3: Patch doesn't fully disable itself when disabled. To test this, observe the increased fade times as discussed above. Then set f1_res to disabled and observe fade times. Then rename/remove the .ini and observe fade times. If the f1_res.ini is in place and has entries to have f1_res enabled, fade times are increased even if for all other purposes, f1_res is disabled.
EDIT: I played around with it some more, and this seems to only be an issue in Fullscreen. In Windowed mode, everything with fades is nice and snappy. Weird...
Bug #4: The settings are kind of wacky. Scaling X2 many times does nothing and actually unchecks itself. Refresh rate decides to change without my consent. Customize Resolution changes from Scaling X2, but has no effect (i.e. the scaling doesn't actually happen at all). Probably just mismatches and incorrect checks in your parsing code I'd imagine.
(#4 is changing the settings via the included Config.exe)
- Can go ahead and remove the Extras folder from the self-extractor. This is already contained in the data folder now
- I think it makes sense to change some of the default values to these new values:
definitely change this; prevents the scrambled colors. user-reported issue.)
WINDOWED=0 (not sure why anyone would want windowed as out-of-the-box default)
MOVIE_SIZE=0 (stretched movies can look pretty bad. user-reported issue.)
IGNORE_PLAYER_SCROLL_LIMITS=1 (scroll limits are extremely frustrating)
IFACE_BAR_SIDE_ART=1 (metal looks more like Fallout canon)
SPLASH_SCRN_SIZE=0 (as with movies, these can look pixelated when stretched)
SCALE_BUTTONS_AND_TEXT_MENU=1 (user-reported issue.)