Where did someone "kinda" defend hitler here? I'm not sure where you are getting all this stuff from. I suppose if someone "supports" Stalin, you support events like Holodomor or Katyn? Or Netanyahu, then I guess you'd support bulldozing and bombing Palestinian homes? I don't understand what what point you are trying to make.
Seriously you ... Are you kinda dense or something? There is a reason why LOTS of posts got vated in previous political topics where SOMEONE(!) argued that Himmler and Hitler havn't been
that bad, and simply missunderstood individuals, and SOMEONE(!) also DENIED the Hollocaust. I and others started to post evidence, like historical data, speches by Himmler and Hitler themself and witnesses of concentration camps. While NOTHING was posted in return. And simply put, no one could, because there is none. There is no evidence out there from a historical point of view, that would even give you a REASON to doubt that Hitler was anything else than a dictator who had no qualms with genocides. Except of course, the only response was, it's all allied propaganda. Oh hell! How convenient for the discussion ...
There is a big difference if you say,
Hey I love Stalin! And everything he did! GO GULAGS GO! Or if you would argue that Stalin was actually a peaceloving individual who just got tricked in doing all those attrocities, and that he actually didn't knew what happend in his name. If you came in here, defending Stalin, I would also demand your evidences. That simple. Stalin was a dictator and murderer, who had no issue with killing thousands, hell millions of people with his politics. There can be no real questions or doubts about that.
Sure, you might claim that someone like Hitler had NOTHING(!) to do with what happend in WW2. Or that Stalin was a big stupid idiot, who knew nothing of what happend in his nation and was not responsible for most of the killing.
But you would have to actually prove that. And I mean with real historical data, with the required scientific rigor behind it and actuall examples. Because the OVERWHELMING majority of all historical records, witnesses and evidence we have available today, points to Hitler, his Party and all the people that one way or another supported them, in beeing responsible for what happend to the Jews in Germany and the conquered teritory. Just as how Stalin and his goons have been responsible for the millions of dead people under their rule in the Sovietunion.
I would be the last one to tell you, that you should stop being a fascist, if you love fascism so dearly. But you also have to accept the fact that people will call you out on it. That they will challange your view on it. That you will have to actually deal with the
ugly side of said politic. As we are after all talking about a very autocratic and extreme form of government. And those usually come with a lot of very serious side effects to the population. In the end, fascim also turned against the Germans, when the Gestapo and SS roved trough the land, hanging people simply for expressing doubts about the so called