honest gaming opinions thread

Altho I also think the arm chair activists nowadays sometimes try to force where it makes no sense ..
Exactly, that's my point. Upcoming Czech game Kingdom Come: Deliverance makes for good example, since it's historically accurate game set in the year 1403, in the Kingdom of Bohemia. Now imagine that some jackass asked for black protagonist in this setting for diversity sake. I'm sick of this shit, I've never ever complained about lack of black or white heroes in Japanese historical books either! What's wrong with these social justice warriors?

Even Fallout got infected with the Brown haired white dude protagonist syndrome.
I strongly disagree. The United States were incredibly racist in the fifties, with black people openly segregated in every sphere of the society. And since the main idea of Fallout setting was to make the player question the motives of his own government, and thus preserve all positive or negative social aspects in form of retro-future view based on imagination of how the future would have looked like in the eyes of folks from the fifties, it's only logical to have it here. Such as the paranoia based on terrible and omnipresent commie threat, the cold war fear including nuclear attack threat, and good ole racism as well.

edit: This is my honest gaming opinion. /OT
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Fallout doesn't take place in the 50's, the war occurred in 2077. None of the games until 4 gave you a Troy Baker wannabe voice nor did they display the default face on cutscenes like FO4 did.
I prefer inon zur's music to Mark morgan's.
Both are great. The Fallout 3 soundtrack was really good, but Mark Morgan is good at making darker music while Inon Zur's is more relaxing to me.

Fallout: New Vegas did a great job of combining the two.
Time for some honesty.

I don't care much for animé because there are so many issues I find in it (overused tropes, over-emotional characters, template faces that are just copied over and over with only the hairstyle, clothing and accessories being different) so when it comes to japanese games I pretty much instantly get a bad taste in my mouth.

My distaste for how shitty animé has turned into means that if I see a new japanese game that even looks like it takes 'any' notes from animé (spiky hair bullshit, weird zany clothes that don't make any damn sense, etc) then I pretty much ignore it and never even give it a chance.

I have so many issues with animé that I'm at a point where I'm not even willing to give it or games a fair chance.

How's that for bias?
Sounds to m like yoy have only watched the plebest of anime from a very specific point in time. If something japanese animation has more variety than american tv.
Oh don't get me wrong, I know there is good stuff out there, but there is also such an extraordinary amount of total fucking garbage too and I've reached a point where I simply don't want to sift through a sewer just to find an occasional gold tooth. And when it comes to games inspired by animé? They just straight up look like arse to me.

I do like japanese games based on western culture though. Like Dark Souls or Dead Rising.
A lot pf jrpgs are derivative crap and way way overhyped by some types of people. In before the knee-jerk( probably) anti-american butthurt response. But.. But..AAAwestern game blah blah blah what aboutism blah blah you're not smart enough etc.
JRPGs have really gone down the toilet. The only good ones are coming from Atlus at the moment.
The new Fire Emblems could've helped to revive interest in the genre, but Nintendo's hack and slash "localization" work prevented it from happening. Squeenix made a good job of killing most of it's franchises too.

While animation is still strong the japanese gsme industry is barely holding on.
i tend to skip anime and go directly to the manga; usually it's better overall. I make very few exceptions for the anime versions, recently i have ended Code Geass (not bad) and i'm hyped as fuck for the next Re:Zero episode.
The only kind of anime i watch are good Light Novel adaptations, Rokka No Yuusha, Re:Zero, Kono Subarashi (kinda) and SAO (hah, not a chance).
There is so much lost in anime adaptations, i like Fairy Tail a lot, but all of the comedy and interesting world is lost in favor of bews. the only thing worthwile in it is the amazing SO. Same for Naruto; incredible amounts of filler...
And for Berserk, it's almost in a whole other level


And for JRPGS, i only like Dragon Quest and Fire Emblem, japanese devs abuse the "TOO MUCH SH*T ON SCREEN IS GOOD". Grinding is the rule, not an exception.
Just thought of another thing I want to get off my chest:

How come barely any fucking game developer (or director for that matter) understand what the appeal of zombies actually are? The appeal of zombies is 'not' just slaughtering them en masse, the appeal of the zombie setting is exploring the human condition. Seeing how people fare in such extreme conditions, how their psyche breaks or manages to adapt to the cruel world around them. If any game out there needs to put an enormous amount of focus on its narrative it is the zombie games. Slaughtering zombies simply isn't that much fun anymore. We've already gotten games like these and we've already enjoyed them. There ain't much else that can be done. So what do they do? Special zombies. Mutant zombies. Basically, monsters. They're so creatively bankrupt when it comes to the zombie setting that they focus on the wrong thing; Trying to make slaughtering zombies "fun" and "exciting" again instead of maybe... Juuuust fucking maybe... Focusing on the human perspective and narrative.

I can't stand zombie games at this point. It's the same thing over and over again and it has gotten predictable, repetitive and it quite frankly just pisses me off to see the zombie setting practically bastardized.

Oh and zombies don't run. I don't care what bullshit excuse you give me; They don't fucking run. If I see a zombie game where zombies run then I immediately disregard that game as being anything but a pile of putrid poo in loo. (Left 4 Dead doesn't count, cause they're vampires, not zombies. (I believe in you, Francis))

I'm a real snob when it comes to what is an appropriate zombie film/game/comic/book and I ain't getting off my high horse. Either you do a zombie setting right or you do it completely fucking wrong. The only middle-ground is comedies where you're not supposed to take things so seriously. Like the film Zombie Strippers. I love me some necrotic lapdancing.
I think Zombies are not interesting. The idea that their point is to explore the human condition means they are interchangeable with any other catasthrophe/ivasion/virus, but with the other ones you can at least create a more interesting element other than creatures whose menace would logically be extremely short lived. Whenever I see zombies popping up in any story I immediately lose interest.
The idea that their point is to explore the human condition means they are interchangeable with any other catasthrophe/ivasion/virus.
Not really. It's a pretty big difference in a story where a family is slowly freezing to death because of an advanced ice age coming on and watching your child be torn apart alive by your wife. Going through the whole ordeal of someone you love being bit and slowly dying and eventually they will turn into one of those things again isn't exactly the same as the invasion of the body snatchers.

Ultimately, it's about what you prefer the apocalyptic event to be about. I especially enjoy the zombie setting because it offers a certain combination of elements that I find interesting or really neat. I enjoy other events as well, I love me some slow apocalyptic scenarios, but if I get a choice in the matter I'd rather go with zombies.

I'd love to see more of this setting especially: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0069895/
And I don't mean the remake that is utter shit. The first film offered a really eerie story where you couldn't really trust anyone. That paranoia of your family and friends being crazy is something I really enjoyed but I haven't seen replicated to the same extent.

I think the reason so many people are fed up with zombies is because they've been overused and been mishandled constantly. I completely understand that but I still enjoy the great zombie films/books/games and hope to see more competent ones in the future.

For anyone looking for a zombie book to read you should read the Feed trilogy. It's post-post-apocalyptic and has some light sci-fi elements to it as well.
The only thing Zombies offer is blatant gratuitous gore. There is not much complexity to explore from a mindless corpse eating a person. Most Zombie stories also seem convinced human society can completely implode in a day, lots of stupidity from ever character involved is vital to all zombie stories. Even the ones that try to camouflage their Zombies like the Crossed series.
Yeah... I don't care for anime much either.
Some of it I like (Such as Dragonball, Guyver, Akira, Ninja Scroll and Elfien Lied).

But for the most part, a lot of it just straight up sucks.
I'll happily read some Manga as well (Huge on Dragonball through) but otherwise... I don't really care.
The only thing Zombies offer is blatant gratuitous gore. There is not much complexity to explore from a mindless corpse eating a person. Most Zombie stories also seem convinced human society can completely implode in a day, lots of stupidity from ever character involved is vital to all zombie stories. Even the ones that try to camouflage their Zombies like the Crossed series.
I just applied what World War Z (book) detailed as how humanity fell apart as the reason for other stories where zombies reign supreme. :shrug:
Yeah, I don't really buy it either that the zombie genre is supposed to be all about social exploration/commentary. Some pull it off (The Walking Dead for example), but I always wonder how the hell all the worlds militaries and scientists could be so completely incompetent as to let it happen in the first place. It would spread fast, yes. But these days we're pretty good at containing diseases and prevent huge outbreaks. And a horde of zombies is nothing to an armada of attack helicopters and fighter jets.

The zombie genre got big because of the gore and horror aspects. What makes it special and what has made it a good setting for looking at social behaviour is the fact that it's people. And I think that's what makes them terrifying to a lot of people as well. They are monsters, but were once actual people. With people clothing. And faces you might recognize.
An Horde of Zombies would be nothing against being out in the air, with bugs flying around and any type of weather.
An Horde of Zombies would be nothing against being out in the air, with bugs flying around and any type of weather.
Yes. Zombies have too many natural predators (all the wildlife). They have no sense of direction. Irrc the eyes would pretty much be the first thing to rot so they'd all be blind AF. The gasses that build up in corpses would eventually make em burst. They rot faster in the heat and probably wouldn't even be able to move in the cold. And lastly biting is a terrible way to spread a disease.

Zombies are ridicoulous in how implausible they are.

Still the walking dead (comics) have me hooked.