honest gaming opinions thread

@RangerBoo what's wrong with the word 'overrated' in MGS case? It's basically it. Overrated for being an opener of new horizonts, being the most thoughtprovoking story and totally not weaboo anime. Firstly, the general aspects and parts of gameplay and storytelling from MG2(1990) to MGS3(2004) isn't changed much, only more supernatural crap was added. MGS4 is basically a Crysis ported to PS3 (check out the super duper life saver suit and impact on gfx). The real changers, like MGS: Peace Walker and MGSV were greeted with hatred and incomprehension.
Actually Risewild, Pokemon games mostly added new mechanics to the battling system like individualized abilities, split the physical and special moves by attack instead of by type and inteoduced a lot of new moves that make strategies other than pure offense viable and have gradually shed the need for HMs with the new games even seemingly replacing them with key items. If something I would say the so widely beloved 1st and 2nd gens are the worst generations right now, with second Gen introducing some of the worst pokemon of the current 720, they introcuded so many shit pokemon that Gen 4 had to give several of them evolutions, and they still have the worst starters of the whole bunch.
Which one is your favourite?
I found myself liking Black & White way over the bunch
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Balck2 White2, it had lots of post game content like fighting all the previous gen Gym Leaders and Champions, which you know, is pretty cool. Gen 5 also had the Weather wars which was my favorite Team pivot, too bad Gen 6 nerfed Weather summoners but I understand Weather teams had become too prevalent and they wanted to diversify it more.
The real changers, like MGS: Peace Walker and MGSV were greeted with hatred and incomprehension.
I wouldn't go as far to say MGSV was " greeted with hatred and incomprehension". More like disappointed, what with the second act not being as good as the first, a complete third being cut, and a certain plot twist which makes the story feel somewhat wonky.

Most of the game's problems seem to be mostly Konami's fault though what with their attitude as of late. I feel like the game itself is pretty good gameplay wise since there's a bunch of different ways to take down most situations.
This is a good thread because at times NMA can seem like kind of a hivemind.

I prefer inon zur's music to Mark morgan's.

I prefer Fo3 to Fo:T

This is such a short post because I'm currently distracted by Killer Klowns from outer space.
I wouldn't go as far to say MGSV was " greeted with hatred and incomprehension". More like disappointed, what with the second act not being as good as the first, a complete third being cut, and a certain plot twist which makes the story feel somewhat wonky.

Most of the game's problems seem to be mostly Konami's fault though what with their attitude as of late. I feel like the game itself is pretty good gameplay wise since there's a bunch of different ways to take down most situations.
After people got to play it I seen lots of people from different sites hating it. Me personally, I thought the beginning dragged on for a long time like an interactive movie until finally some gameplay. After a while of doing missions it felt so repetitive to go back to the same places to do other missions, the gameplay was pretty good. The game felt rushed and I thought the ending was a huge turd, on the upside there was that funny PC frankenguns bug which allowed players to create things like silent rocket launchers and pistols that shot rockets.
I love MGSV, it was probably my favourite game of last year (I've not completed Witcher 3 yet and I've still yet to play much of Bloodborne) but I felt it was a fantastic 12 hour game stretched out to make it 50+ hours. Which is sad as the Metal Gear series usually worked as a fun and short collection of games with a plot more thought out and detailed when compared to the usual games being released in the AAA market.

Also, on the case of SJWs ruining games, I'm extrememly left, I feel more representation is a good thing, but only if they are treated as fucking characters and not as objects.
What makes a stronger character at the end of the day?
A Gay character who is open about it, tells you they are vegan and has had no troubles in life from no one and can stand on their own two feet or a character who explains the struggles they overcome in a society where it's looked down upon or so.

It's why I have an idea for a gay character who explains his quest is to take down his ex who had become power hungry are reliving his own abuse. It wasn't until the first character brought this issue up after reading a journal which eventually turned things to shit.

That kind of stuff adds more into the world then just "oh look how progressive we are."

Because doing that, you're just making your game no better than if they were showing their tits for no reason other than "Mature".
Honestly? I'm not one of those whiny bitches that are throwing a bitchfit over this but... I am tired of seeing cis-het white males as protagonists constantly. I do want writers to write whatever character they feel comfortable with but at the same time I gotta question their creative flexibility if that's all they can come up with at this point.

I'm fine with it continuing the way it is but I would prefer more diverse characters, if only so that if we put them in a line-up then we could more easily point out who is who.


Oh and uh, I wouldn't object to seeing more vore in games.
Honestly? I'm not one of those whiny bitches that are throwing a bitchfit over this but... I am tired of seeing cis-het white males as protagonists constantly. I do want writers to write whatever character they feel comfortable with but at the same time I gotta question their creative flexibility if that's all they can come up with at this point.

I'm fine with it continuing the way it is but I would prefer more diverse characters, if only so that if we put them in a line-up then we could more easily point out who is who.

I agree a lot with this.
But it should com from the creative freedoms of the developer and not from the publishers or marketing.
It's ironic because for as much as Bioware like to act like this diverse developer, they sure do a lot of white men in their trailers.

Personally, I like RPGs that give you more of the choice, while I love games like Witcher 3, I would prefer to just make my own character.
.. as much as Bioware like to act like this diverse developer, they sure do a lot of white men in their trailers.
I see this "diversity" thing as something unnatural - more product of a modern social engineering than something developed naturally through the past centuries. There's nothing wrong with Bioware sticking with their own history, cultural roots, and vision. That doesn't mean I'm against non-cis-white protagonist though, I'd love to play RPG with a young Arabian prince as the protagonist, surrounded by his own fedaykin fremens wielding scimitars, and building his own harem by means of wars and slavery! Or mighty war-chief Shaka Zulu, rampaging through the jungle with countless spear wielding black infantrymen and loyal chief cook specialized in delicate recipes such as slow-cooked human with onion and thyme; searching for white missionaries in the heart of ruthless Africa. Too bad we don't have any competent Arabian RPG makers in the middle east, or great African RPG studio in Kongo! :sad:
Now a days I don't even know how people can differentiate protagonists of most american games, they tend to be all the same Nathan Drake generic looking motherfucker, the fact that they are all voiced by the same 3 fuckers doesn't help one bit. There was even a year when Troy Baker voiced the brown haired protagonist of 4 different games...

Diversity is good, not only socially but from a design point too. One of the things that makes Jojo so endearing is the wide variety in character design, even the titular Jojo's who are supposed to resemble each other heavily realy look very distinctive. Altho I also think the arm chair activists nowadays sometimes try to force where it makes no sense (people complaining about no african americans on a game set in a world based on Polish myth), those fuckers actually harm the cause, but I still want to play as something other than a Nathan Drake clone. Even Fallout got infected with the Brown haired white dude protagonist syndrome.
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After people got to play it I seen lots of people from different sites hating it. Me personally, I thought the beginning dragged on for a long time like an interactive movie until finally some gameplay. After a while of doing missions it felt so repetitive to go back to the same places to do other missions, the gameplay was pretty good. The game felt rushed and I thought the ending was a huge turd, on the upside there was that funny PC frankenguns bug which allowed players to create things like silent rocket launchers and pistols that shot rockets.
I've mostly seen more disappointment rather than outright hatred toward it, though maybe we just visit different communties with different opinions.

About the intro, I personally liked the slow pace. Reusing it for the final mission however did make it feel like a drag.
Haven't been able to come up with a good one for this topic yet despite that I want to participate.
But reading someone else's post gave me 'inspiration' (basically I share a similar dislike)

-I never understood the appeal of the Metal Gear Solid series.
I played MGS1, 2, 3, Portable Ops Partly, Peace Walker partly, but I never played MGS4 or MGS5 as I found their storylines ridiculous and convoluted and Big Boss way to overrated.
Plus after MGS2 I really did not want to go through conversations or cutscenes again that can take up to half an hour.

I find a lot of Kojima work rather ridiculous and stupid and wonder if some of the jokes comes from some sort of Japanese sense of humor.
I definitely do not see Kojima as some kind of artistic genius, his reputation rather blown up to ridiculous size by somewhat sycophantic fans.

For the record, I am not a Kojima hater. I liked Snatcher, Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake, and the assistance/production role he provided for the Boktai series and Metal Gear Ghost Babel.
I've mostly seen more disappointment rather than outright hatred toward it, though maybe we just visit different communties with different opinions.

About the intro, I personally liked the slow pace. Reusing it for the final mission however did make it feel like a drag.
If it would of done things in a similar manner to Snake Eater I would've enjoyed it more as well as a good story and characters.
I think Kojima's gifts as a writer are highly overblown, EXTREMELY OVERBLOWN, So overblown is insane. The guy is a good game designer and his games usually have lots of interesting game scenarios that take advantage of the medium, but his writting is like if Quentin Tarantino got high on pixie sticks and then got all of his talent and nuance sucked out through his ass.
>all this Metal Gear hate

I guess my "honest gaming opinion" is that I consider Metal Gear to be one of if not the greatest game series ever made and look down on people who disparage it.
I think to be honest MGS4 was a really awful game, it'll never be up there with MGS3 and MGS1.
Oh yea MGS4 is pretty terrible and I pretty much consider MGSV non-canon with how shit and unfinished it is but still. 2 games out of 10 being shit with the other 8 being classics is a far better ratio than what Fallout has right now.
Oh yea MGS4 is pretty terrible and I pretty much consider MGSV non-canon with how shit and unfinished it is but still. 2 games out of 10 being shit with the other 8 being classics is a far better ratio than what Fallout has right now.
i consider MGS4 retarded fanfic that's non-canon along with MGSV: Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain.