A convoluted tale. A retrospective in regret and failed opportunities that pains me even now.
Back in the day I was a complete
whore for Wasteland. As far back as I could remember I had been darkly fascinated with nuclear war and the post-apocalyptic settings. I loved the mad max and terminator films and as a child I used to create tortured wastes with little green army men and assorted junk in a large barren expanse in the back yard caused by an ex-above ground pool. When I discovered Wasteland, it spoke to me on a level I could not begin to explain. It consumed me to the point no other game existed, in my eyes. It was a kind of madness.
Eventually, the computer went the way of all things, and with it Wasteland. Time moved on and it was forgotten, like a favorite childhood toy. Years passed.
Fast forward to the late nineties. I was working in a PnP RPG store when a friend told me about a game in development that was a sequel to Wasteland using the GURPS system. This seemed incredible to me, even impossible if at least improbable. I was sure it would never happen and put it out of my mind.
Jobs change, marriages happen, and such things are once again forgotten.
Once again, another friend approached me extolling the virtues of the enigma that was FO, now minus GURPS and sequel status. I had to have it. OWN it.
But again, the bitter realities of life intrude. At the time, the computer I had was hopeless. With a new baby and a fledgling business hope was small that I could get the hardware needed for FO1. Ironically, I did upgrade soon after, but FO was pushed to the wayside and forgotten. Again.
Then, a friend at work told me about her husband, who apparently ran a software studio specializing in video games for the PC. As it turns out, his company was looking for concept artists for a potential project. I met with him and showed him some of my work. He was interested and wanted to see if I could illustrate some post apocalyptic material.
“Oh, you mean like Wasteland?”
“More like Fallout, actually. I’d like to see some ghouls and perhaps power armor”
I had never played Fallout, so as a result I had no Idea what he was talking about. He wanted to see them in a
week! Immediately I set to find out all I could about it. I downloaded the FOT demo and the FO1 demo and set about absorbing all I could from them.

Straight away I was hooked.
Unfortunately, all the games were, for some reason, gone from the stores. Even the used bins were devoid of any Fallout incarnation. Eventually I found a used copy of FO2, disc only, in an EB twenty miles away. I dropped ten bucks and found it cheap at twice the price.
They loved my work, but the point was moot, as the project fell through. Now a burning love of FO bordering, nay,
firmly rooted in obsession remains.
No regrets!