zetabobster said:
I remember mine back whenever kazaa was out and popular(2002) I first played fallout 2 DLed it

, I had just read about it in some old magazine. :idea:
About 2 days later I was so engrossed by the story that I bought the jewel case when I saw it at K-mart.
Good boy. Came back to the bright side of the force again, eh?
As for me. I think I found the demo on a game magazine's cover CD.
I also have the original jewel cased demo CD, so I don't know where I got the demo from originally, but either way I instantly fell in love with it.
I bought the game right away and when I noticed there's a sequel, I bought it too -- only to notice it wasn't half as good as the first part, which, I think, has a lot to do with the atmosphere lightening up (starting with the initial dungeon: in Fallout you are cast out of your vault and can't get back and there's a lot of hungry rats and miles of empty wasteland between you and whereever that other vault would end up being, in Fallout 2 you start in front of a stupid temple full of giant ants and baby radscorpions and are awaited by a whole village full of people who admire you once you pass it -- can you say "downhill"?).
I never could force myself through Fallout 2 (once I came to the puzzle room, I stopped playing and then I never ever came that far again because it got boring to play through the same couple of cities again and again -- which was not true for Fallout 1 though), but I have finished Fallout 1 more times than I can count.
Hell, Fallout was the first true RPG I ever played and it definitely spoiled my standards. Baldur's Gate felt like a joke and even Planescape: Torment seemed more like an Adventure game than anything else to me.
The only other "RPG" I ever enjoyed after that were Diablo (which I think I acquired before Fallout -- not sure there) and Diablo II. Both of these aren't RPGs, but they are still among the best hack-n-slash games with stats-based character improvement I've played, even though they can't bind me for long (I usually stop playing Diablo II around Act 3 and I never got myself into playing Diablo after D2 came out).
Considering I played it a bit this year again, I think I can consider Crusader 1 and 2 good hack'n'slash games too, story- and atmosphere wise way superior to the Diablos even. Actually, compared to these the Diablos were worthless.