How did you discover Fallout ?

A few years ago my brother worked at Virgin, and he would bring home games that weren't put on display because the boxes were damaged, or they had no instructions, etc. So the staff could buy them games for cheap. and one day he saw both Fallout 1 and 2 together in the discount bin, so he thought he'd jsut buy them and give them a try. so he brought them home and gave them to me and said "I think its a little like Mad Max" so i played and i just loved the game. Just waiting for Fallout 3 now.
Well, about 3 years ago, there was a garage sell at some house down the street from where my grandma lives. This guy had all kind-o-junk and a bunch of pc games. I picked up like a 250 Best ARCADE GAMES EVAR!, and Fallout2. Yes, I played Fallout2 first and then I fell in love with it, shortly after I bought FO1, then tactics.
The way I first discovered Fallout was nothing really spectacular; I'd been staying at a friend's house, and she'd been playing Fallout. I was watching her, because I liked the looks of the game. I asked her if I could borrow it; and from the first time I played it, I was hooked, and bought 1 and 2 for myself.
I was at my cousins house a few years back. they'd just got a new computer and got a load of cd's with it. for some reason they got duplictated so there was 2 of every of which was fallout 1! this was god's way of telling me that i was destined to play fallout!!
it was about the time half-life came out, i was 14-15 years old, and i was just moved to a new kiddyhome(orphanage, but not just for orphans), and we had a 120MHz with 32 sdram or so, for 8 people, and this guy was playing fallout 2, my first impression was something along the lines of "that sucks, where is the rocket launcher and the 3D gfx?", later i got bored enough to try it myself, and i discovered the rocket launcher and forgot all about 3D gfx :)
Well. I discovered Fallout, Whilst rummaging through a PC Softwear Bargain Bin. I also aquired "Quicken '98", and "Robo Rumble" For the scant price of 3.99
It was 2000 or 2001 when I first heard about my soon-to-me favorite game of all time. My friend was talking (or raving, probably the latter) about it at lunch in school, and said it could be installed completely on the computer. So yeah, I'm down for free games. He brought the CD to school and let me borrow it. Naturally, some guy stole it from my backpack in class! I had a hunch of who it was, and attempted to intimidate the truth out of him...Since my STR isn't 8, that didn't exactly work. Sooo, I ordered my friend a new copy when I got home from school...and two days later the guy who stole it felt guilty and gave it back...after installing it himself. Hope he appreciated it as much as I do! I waited till AFTER he handed it to me to hit him, of course. Oh well, at least I got my own copy because of it.

Anywho! When I finally got to install the game, saw the intro movie, heard the Vault 13 cave ambience, and punched my very first rat to death, I was in love. I never did thank my friend for introducing me to Fallout. I'm not very wired into game releases, even when they have heavy advertising, so it's possible I never would have discovered it for myself.
I had money to buy a computer game so I was at Best Buy looking for a game I would like to play. The radioatice symbol on the Fallout 2 box caught my attention. I picked up the box and wanted it instantly and badly since I love anything that has a post apocalypse theme. Needless I bought the game and spent the next 30 hours playing it.
Was introduced to Fallout 2 in 99' Think i was around 12/13, Loved it then and still do.
A few weeks later I went on the Hunt for the original, and after a long search found it for like 10 bucks CDN.
Still the best purchases I've made in my gaming career
I was introduced early November of 2005 I think it was. A friend of mine had gotten his favorite game ever as a birthday present from his girlfriend. He told me the basic plot about saving your vault and why it existed. So after a few weeks he let me borrow it. And to my amazement it actually fully installed and I returned the disc the next day. I gave it a 5min try and gave up cause the controls were lame. But after a couple weeks I decided to give it another try and have been completely hooked since!
It was 1997 and a friend of mine told me about this "kick-ass game that has cool and gruesome death animations". I think he showed it to me, I liked it and bought a copy of my own. I was something like 12 or 13 years old.

It took a few years until I started tot realize what the Fallout was about. I grew up and I fell deeper in love... with Fallout.
It was the year 2005, and the Autobots-er, what were we talking about?

Ah, yes: How did I discover Fallout?

It was 1997. I had recently quit my <s>wonderful</s> job at K-Mart. I was in Media Play, looking through their video game section, having just put in an application.

There was this (I can't quite recall if it was a standee or just a poster) ad for a "Post Nuclear Role Playing Game" called Fallout. First off, you have to know that I was one of those people. The kind that think Final Fantasy is the only way to make an RPG. Yes, yes. It tis my secret shame. :?

Anyway, to continue, I picked up the box and looked on the back. My first reaction: "You can't have guns in an RPG!" I put the box back down, and went on to purchase some crappy JRPG.

So, the dark years came to pass. 1997 rolled into 1998 and so forth, and so on, until the year 2002. I had just bought a new computer from the Wal-Mart I was working at and wanted some games for it.

Lo and behold there was the dual-jewel case of Fallout and Fallout 2. I picked it up, and read the back, remembering how I had dismissed it all those years before. I figured, what the hell, it is only 10 bucks (though I still thought you couldn't have guns in an RPG).

I took it home, installed both games, and started playing... Fallout 2. Now, you're saying to yourself "What the f**k is wrong with this f**ker!? You have both games, and you start with the second one!?" Yeah, I know.

Anyway, to make a long story short (TOO LATE!), I traversed the wastes in search of the Holy GECK. I couldn't figure out where to go (remember, I had only played the hand-holding JRPGs up to this point). So, in frustration, I turned to the original.

Thus, I saw the light. I quested for the waterchip and took a boat load of bullets in the back from Ian (though I didn't know Ian could join you as an NPC until much later in the game. I never bothered talking to him when I first got to Shady Sands). I learned that Shady Sands became NCR, and realized that that was where I should have gone in Fallout 2.

I beat Fallout and Fallout 2 over my two days off. I replayed each about 4 or 5 times. I was hooked.

About a year (give or take a few months) later I learned about Fallout: Tactics, and started searching the internet for information about it. I found two sites that I decided to join: NMA and DAC.

Over the years that I have spent lurking here, I learned about other great game series, like Ultima, Wizardry, the Bards Tale, as well as individual games, like Wasteland. I became a lover of all things cRPG. I still play Final Fantasy games and JRPGs, but I look at them as some mediocre to decent adventure games.

Fallout <s>taught</s> reminded me of why I loved PNP RPGs as a kid, and showed me what a good RPG should be.

Please forgive me for making this long winded post. I just felt the need to speak of my <s>fanatic</s> infatuation with Fallout.

*Edited for my general raping of the english language.*
I actually bought it off the shelf back in 1997, I had just gotten a new computer and I wanted a new game. The Fallout box looked cool so I took it down.
In 2001 or 2002 I finished BG and asked the salesperson at the Electronic boutique for another good RPG on computer. He gave me the original Fallout.
Shape of the box

I purchased the original Fallout a month after its release. I was around 12 years old at that time and i was astonished by fact that the original box was mishapped and unique looking. Since then i haven't been able to stop playing! :lol:
I realize I never (after some years in this forum) did say how I got stuck.

I got it as a cover disc on some PC gaming mag. around -99...and not having found any RPG I liked,I just discontinued it until I was just bored one evening and had nothing to do.
I thought to myself that "I'll try this then,even though it's a RPG"...started the game and before I got out of the initial cave I was stuck.
The possibilities in character creation,the depth of the initial story and the way noone really knew what was out there,but they sent me out into the unknown...which was as unknown to me as it was to the rest within the vault...(so not only me as a fresh player,but also the character I was playing didn't know what to expect,a purely brilliant move)
It all started when I saw my uncle play the first game a few years ago. I watched him play for a while, and I must honestly say, I wasn't to impressed.
Then it came; that big green/black-thingie which made you able to aim for particular parts of the body. My attention was, in a non-gay way, drawn to the groin. I wanted some piece of that action.
So, he made me a copy of the game, and years later, here I am.
Getting ass-raped by mutants, shooting children in the groin with a plasma rifle and, when the spot opens, save the world -that turned out to be my type of game!
Zaron said:
It all started when I saw my uncle play the first game a few years ago. I watched him play for a while, and I must honestly say, I wasn't to impressed.
Then it came; that big green/black-thingie which made you able to aim for particular parts of the body. My attention was, in a non-gay way, drawn to the groin. I wanted some piece of that action.
So, he made me a copy of the game, and years later, here I am.
Getting ass-raped by mutants, shooting children in the groin with a plasma rifle and, when the spot opens, save the world -that turned out to be my type of game!

The groin comment made me laugh, how childish of me. But yeah, back in 1997 I had some cd that came with a pc-magazine where you could find all sorts of demos and stuff like that. "Hmm, whats this thingy here, "Fallout". Sounds pretty cool to me." After 10 mins of playing, I was hooked. Next day I went to to store and purchased it. Took me about 20 days to finish it the first time, and I played a LOT. Guess I wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer back then (or now) :roll:
The groin comment made me laugh, how childish of me.

Doesn't matter how old I grow, serious groin-hits will always make me laugh.

...that and old ladies using heavy firearms.