I first heard about Fallout 3 last summer on the television, maybe some E3 coverage on G4. Its been years since I bought a game, it looked interesting, and I knew Bethesda were the cats who made Daggerfall so I bought it when it came out because I had nothing else to do.
Popped the disk in PS3 (yeah, thats right, PS3) played it and loved it. Liked the idea and concept of it, but it was weird and awkward when it came to gameplay, dialogue, etc. It was too much like Oblivion, which that game took me awhile to accept, and what I really loved was the concept of the Fallout universe.
Couple weeks later I downloaded Fallout 1 and 2. Played Fallout 1 and daaamn, where has this game been all my life! It's perfect! Love the setting, gameplay, story, loved everything about it.
I got up to the military base in Fallout 1, but had to stop because my computer decided it doesn't want to "live" anymore. So I gotta start over... no problem!

Once the Fallout Trilogy came out I bought it right away; I didn't even know there was a trilogy coming out to stores, just saw it one day to my surprise and snatched it right off the shelf.
Once I finish Fallout 1, I going to start 2 right away!
Fallout is my new favorite game series. Love the first one, can't understand what happened with the third one...

so different from the original and not in a good way. Now Fallout 3 is just an "alright" game, something I play to kill time, waiting for when the day comes that I can play the first one again. Those Deathclaws have had too long of a vacation!