How Do You Feel About Gender Identity Hw ?

Is Gender Identity Important?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don't know

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Well I got to ask this is it because English is your second language you just don't get colloquial language and sarcasm or do you legit have a learning disability?
Are you always this much of an asshole or only on Fridays?
No, your gender identity isn't important. Who you are as a person, your personality, likes, dislikes, hopes and dreams are what should matter. Sure, your gender identity can add more to who you are and your outlook on life but it shouldn't be the most defining and important characteristic of a person. This is why the Western Entertainment Industry sucks so hard right now. They don't understand that a person's gender identity isn't what makes a good character nor should it be the most important characteristic of a character. Then again a lot of this shit is coming from the Bay Area and L.A of California and I could go on on what a creativity bankrupt and ideology driven cesspit that California is.
Indeed. It's absolutely irritating how people have to slap heteronormativistic (or cis as some calll it) romances and situations in media and in public with no decency! What's their deal, doing what's natural to them and to assumedly a large amount of people, as the naturally life experience defining that that it is? "Normal" characters can't be poor or underdeveloped charicatures and it's somehow worse when it's trans or nonbinary it's-not-bigotry-no-really.
Mental health matters, as evidenced by a bulk of this thread--a thread more or less about troons, but didn't even need any to turn into an abject fuckfest. Duterte even made an appearance. Wild.
Indeed. It's absolutely irritating how people have to slap heteronormativistic (or cis as some calll it) romances and situations in media and in public with no decency! What's their deal, doing what's natural to them and to assumedly a large amount of people, as the naturally life experience defining that that it is? "Normal" characters can't be poor or underdeveloped charicatures and it's somehow worse when it's trans or nonbinary it's-not-bigotry-no-really.
Aww... Can always count on Arnust to not get anything and stick up for a failing and corrupt industry. Since you don't understand I am going to spell it out to you. A good example of using gay characters or characters with different gender identities would be Arcade, Veronica and Christine. With Arcade him being gay wasn't the main characteristic of his character. When it came to his relationships with men it was more about how secretive and guarded he was about his past and due to that he didn't let anyone get close to him. With Veronica and Christine it wasn't about them being gay but about the Brotherhood's views on homosexuality. The Brotherhood is a dying organization and as such they have child quotas for their members in order to obtain their numbers. This is using gay characters and gender identity well. Then again knowing you Arnust and what a kiss ass you are to the game industry you probably thought the Rimworld's depictions of trans characters was offensive, even though the trans characters backstories were written by actual trans people. :V
It was more essential to their characters than the build-a-bear companions of Fallout 4. Everyone's bisexual/crazy in that game--and everyone needs to stick their dick in crazy in the hopes redeeming attributes will surface over time. "Lover's Embrace" more like waking up with neurosyphilis
Not really essential to their characters considering most people go without realizing, but yes, they're a good example. It's just that they're only one way yo go about it, where it's unasumming and unimportant to current events. Because romance or conflict coming fromt isn't really a theme in the game and let alone with them, it's an aspect that isn't really explored out of a vague implication that Arcade would be prosecuted by the Legion, and Veronica's is headcanon especially when you consider her actual job in the BoS.

Cool, those were "three" examples, and only from games (Christine is only really an extension of Veronica in that extent). Curiously, from the hellish lands of LA and the Bay Area. Now, it's almost like no examples of this not being done well, or of that by itself being the cause of the decline of western pop culture (as of differently from eastern?), and of being from the West Coast are being listed, hmmm...

Aww... Can always count on Arnust to not get anything and stick up for a failing and corrupt industry.

Not really essential to their characters considering most people go without realizing, but yes, they're a good example. It's just that they're only one way yo go about it, where it's unasumming and unimportant to current events. Because romance or conflict coming fromt isn't really a theme in the game and let alone with them, it's an aspect that isn't really explored out of a vague implication that Arcade would be prosecuted by the Legion, and Veronica's is headcanon especially when you consider her actual job in the BoS.

Cool, those were "three" examples, and only from games (Christine is only really an extension of Veronica in that extent). Curiously, from the hellish lands of LA and the Bay Area. Now, it's almost like no examples of this not being done well, or of that by itself being the cause of the decline of western pop culture (as of differently from eastern?), and of being from the West Coast are being listed, hmmm...


You know, your picture actually shows a decrease on console and pc games but a increase in mobile games. So in a way, it's failing...
You know, your picture actually shows a decrease on console and pc games but a increase in mobile games. So in a way, it's failing...
I hate the mobile market! Its so rife with microtransactions. No wonder so many AAA gaming studios are trying to get into the mobile market.
You know, your picture actually shows a decrease on console and pc games but a increase in mobile games. So in a way, it's failing...
What? Do you have eyes on your face? It's increased, just not to the pace mobile does. Thus proportionally it has a smaller, almost static increase, but it's nowhere near a decrease. This is also only in REVENUE, not games coming out or quality. As an industry, it's topping most other entertainment industries now in worth. Source. It is arguable how much does revenue reflect artistic and critical evolution, a science in itself, but oh wait, MOBILE GAME BAD. Mobile is generating lots of profits because of the different business models and the waaaaay bigger sample of players, which not only generally overlap with the standard gaming audience but people without even a passing interest for it. Elitism for them is sort of hilarious because they're neither a threat or ever actually dwell in the same circles we do, so it's more like this:

And even if that was true, which it isn't, "failing" is a funny way to say "I don't like the new games that are coming out even if I don't really care or bother to look for them".
What? Do you have eyes on your face? It's increased, just not to the pace mobile does. Thus proportionally it has a smaller, almost static increase, but it's nowhere near a decrease. This is also only in REVENUE, not games coming out or quality. As an industry, it's topping most other entertainment industries now in worth. Source. It is arguable how much does revenue reflect artistic and critical evolution, a science in itself, but oh wait, MOBILE GAME BAD. Mobile is generating lots of profits because of the different business models and the waaaaay bigger sample of players, which not only generally overlap with the standard gaming audience but people without even a passing interest for it. Elitism for them is sort of hilarious because they're neither a threat or ever actually dwell in the same circles we do, so it's more like this:

And even if that was true, which it isn't, "failing" is a funny way to say "I don't like the new games that are coming out even if I don't really care or bother to look for them".
Have you not been paying attention to what is happening to Blizzard and Actvision after Diablo: Immortal or are you just a spastic dolt?

They seem to be fine for the most part. The Diablo Immortal thing is everyone collectively forgetting they're still developing Diablo 4 and mostly due to poor show timing (Bethesda or Microsoft did the exact same thing but got no stink because of shaking it up with the stuff people actually care about).

If anything, the bigger hit is the Bungie split, but of course it's MOBILE MOBILE MOBILE. So far the exact reasons of how/why they managed to is undocumented, that I know of. Another thing was Heroes of the Storm not really picking up and having marginal profits especially for its genre.

D:I doesn't even look bad especially as of mobile games go, that's the best part :lmao:

But getting back on track, non binary representation is causing this, no doubt.
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They seem to be fine for the most part. The Diablo Immortal thing is everyone collectively forgetting they're still developing Diablo 4 and mostly due to poor show timing (Bethesda or Microsoft did the exact same thing but got no stink because of shaking it up with the stuff people actually care about).

If anything, the bigger hit is the Bungie split, but of course it's MOBILE MOBILE MOBILE. So far the exact reasons of how/why they managed to is undocumented, that I know of. Another thing was Heroes of the Storm not really picking up and having marginal profits especially for its genre.

D:I doesn't even look bad especially as of mobile games go, that's the best part :lmao:

But getting back on track, non binary representation is causing this, no doubt.
I love how you suck the dick of AAA game devs. Give me more of your excuses daddy. Like you sticking up for Randy who had child porn on his computer and had guys exposes themselves to underage kiddies at his "theater". Or you telling all of us that we are haters for ripping on Fallout 76 until AngryJoe released his review. Your such a thin skinned two faced worm Arnust.
I genuinely do not understand this fixation with AngryJoe as the arbiter of the general opinion, I've not watched anything of him that isn't this meme inserted in other stuff:

It's not like I've done a 180º, it was going to be a Bethesda game and turned out to be a below average Bethesda game. Big gasp.

Now it'd be nice if you stopped derailing this with your shit fit, if you would. It's already been proven that I'm literally hitler by not jumping on early impressions or unproven accusations.
I genuinely do not understand this fixation with AngryJoe as the arbiter of the general opinion, I've not watched anything of him that isn't this meme inserted in other stuff:

It's not like I've done a 180º, it was going to be a Bethesda game and turned out to be a below average Bethesda game. Big gasp.

You called us all a bunch of haters for dog pilling on Fallout 76 and made excuses for Bethesda. Your such a two faced worm Arnust.
It's less about sticking up for the big companies and more about about sticking it to the GooberGators.

Also, what the fuckballs is going on here? We have enough heavily derailed threads going on, so let's get back on track here.
Everyone can feel like whatever gender they choose, really. Of course, the whole "trans" thing is still something to figure out, so until then we have hilarious situations like big-ass trans women dominating sports or a transgender rapist being transfered to a women prison where he/she immediately assaults women again. But yeah, something to figure out how to deal with.
What I disagree with is that some doctors seem to support transgender kids way too easily, letting them get on puberty blockers and hormones and stuff. It's very likely just a tiny minority of doctors doing it, but it happens, and it's not good.
A transgender identity is not a trend, even though way too many seem to feel like it. Transition surgery is a big step, and it needs to be carefully considered. To be honest, I don't really believe that transition surgery really helps many. It's not like you can actually get the actual body of a man or a woman if you were the other before. It will never be the same, it can't feel the same, and I think realizing this might be a contributor to the high suicide rate among transgender people. Yes, bullying and discrimination plays a big role, but honestly, if you felt to have lived in the wrong body all the time and then someone promises you that with surgery and hormones you'll finally feel correct just to end up with a chopped up version of your old body?
No doubt that surgery helps some, but I think for many more recent cases it creates more problems than it solves.
It's kinda shitty. On the one hand, people feeling transgender should be able to freely express themselves. On the other hand, gender dysphoria as a real disorder should maybe not be dismissed completely, and maybe encouraging a trans-identity instead of therapy to help them feel comfortable in their own, unaltered bodies may be suited better for some.
The whole situation is very complex and there really isn't a simple solution for it.

I think I am going to steal fart-kin. Too good to pass up.
Also, good post @Hassknecht. My cousin is married to a transgender man. Her husband, Anders, is a good man. I respect him and me and my family always refer to him by male pronouns. He treats my cousin with love and respect. Couldn't ask for my cousin to have a better partner. What worries me with him is that he wants to go through the full transition surgery. I just worry that it won't be the be all end all that he was hoping for. If he does go through with it I hope he is happy with the results. Sadly it sometimes isn't with some people who are trans.
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