How Do You Feel About Gender Identity Hw ?

Is Gender Identity Important?

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Y'know bisexuals are a thing, right?
I had this argument with him. I’m bi, and as we speak I’m listening to P!nk and eating brunch; I’m gay as all phuck and I own it. I think Graves just doesn’t wanna accept the semantics of gayness.
That reminds of those people attacking bisexuals as the fence sitters of the sexual world who won't make their mind up.
yeah but i don't fucking know anymore dude. it seems to vary day to day and its ridiculously confusing being this way.
Well, Graves, I don’t think we’re judging you for it; I’m not, at least. I just want you to accept the fact that whatever you are and whatever urges you have, they’re ok. So long as you’re not a pedophile, you and me, we’re good.

I think we all just want you to admit that you like dick; we’re not gonna hate you for it.
i'm well aware its okay dude. just like jerking off or getting fuck off drunk is okay. doesn't make it any less embarrassing a thing to do/be.
I understand, man. But what I’m trying to say is that there are people willing to share in that embarrassment. People willing to be open with you.

I don’t know what else to say, man. I can PM you if you want, and if you don’t wanna have this discussion in the forums. But as abrasive as you’re being, I’d never turn someone down who needs to talk.