Angry Preacher
Threepwood said:Stanislao Moulinsky said:Threepwood said:Why does the NCR exist? To get money and power for fat cats? No, it annex's things because it want's to rally other provinces under it's banner and make life better for people, with the ultimate goal of securing the United States.
Maybe in the beginning (I think there is actually someone saying that this was the kind of ideals Tandi had), certainly not when it reached a certain size.
Pray tell, for what purpose does the NCR exist then?
It exists to serve its own bureaucracy. Imperialism usually is conquest of other peoples for greedy purposes under false pretenses of bringing better culture and peace. Look at the United States' westwards expansion and what they did to the Native Americans. They promised to bring 'civilization' and brought only suffering and their own people. The NCR is highly similar in nature, if you look at their relations with tribes like the Great Khans, where they basically commit genocide against them and shove the problem under the rug. One could argue that the Khans aren't a great group of people, but then, the Khans we see in New Vegas have had all their children slaughtered by those 'Knights in shining armor', the NCR Rangers...
The Legion has similarly expansionist ideals; however, the Legion actually brings order to its lands and safety to its people. While the Legion brings death and slavery, it raises people up, if only at a great cost.