I Am Losing Faith in Humanity

Fireblade said:
I'm sorry we couldn't talk about your favorite foot fetishes again or whatever. You know, important stuff.

Oh god, yes, yes, yes, let us talk about sexy female feet! The thrill, the excitement, the simple joy one gets from smelling those feet, sucking those toes, caressing those perfect heels... :wiggle:

Can I help it that the mere sight of perfect female feet makes me drool like a mongoloid? Can I help it that exquisitely polished and pedicured female feet make me want to jerk off almost immediately and cum non-stop? It's not my fault, it isn't. Blame it on my Catholic upbringing, goddamnit! But it's my crucifix and I'll carry it around proudly!

Now, for the connaisseurs amongst us, here is a reminder of the most beautiful feet of 2003 (the year in which I still thought that endlessly complaining about how utterly stupid humanity is could and eventually would still make a difference):


How can a mortal still claim that life sucks when one sees a thing like that, eh? Pfff... Thank god my girlfriend has perfect feet... :roll:

Now drool puppies, drool! :obsessed:
Alec said:
makes me drool like a mongoloid

I am, on behalf of Ozrat and by myself, offended by that..

You sick, sick man.

EDIT: Non-nailpolished feet are just so much hawtier than the polished ones..
No audiences are as harsh as one that finds joy in a nuclear apocalypse.

Alec- Mr. Gloomy. Seriously, for you to bash Fireblade for his angst considering your history here is, as Kharn says, the Pot calling the Kettle “nigger.”

John Uskglass said:
Nihilism and anti-religious rhetoric goes nowhere faster then a train in Canada.

How *you* are treated? You *really* think you have it bad enough to spite your *creator*? Your ancestors raced across Hungary to give themselves and yourself a chance, for you to think your life is so terrible as to spite *God*?

This is less nihilism and anti-religion. It may have more to do with deep seated fatalism and cynicism in humanity.

But your post suggests you are putting a lot of faith in a Christian God to assume it’s the an empirical truth and not a “truth” based on your faith.

There is always the possibility that Christianity is just bullshit written by a bunch of followers from a guy who was kind of nutty. They made up some good stories to create a better legend than the reality, and hundreds of years of Christian religion have perpetuated the myth.

And if you are an unbeliever, as is much of the world, than Christianity is bullshit and a fraud. What are you left with.
Hinduism- which is fairly fatalistic
Buddhism- that takes a rather dim view of the phenomenal world
Islam? When you think of Islam as a faith based on the idea of justice and submission to a rather tough God- well I mean this is a religion of a desert people and think about some of the crazy shit they believed in before that. (hint- the demon in Exorcist is Pazuzu- a demon that goes back to Babylon.) Remember the word Satan come from the word Shaetan (I think the spelling is right) demons that lived in the desert. Villagers would make offerings to both the “good” Gods and the “bad” demons just to hedge their bets.

Remember being Christian is about your faith in the teachings of the religion, not about the religion’s empirical truth. Even there some early Christians divided the Bible between the “good” God of the New Testament, and the “bad” God of the Old Testament- well at least until they got repressed by the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

Toss at your faith in Christianity and there is a lot of reason to think that God (or the Gods) made us a difficult world.

Things are getting better FB. Totalitarianism and all totalitarian ideologies are on the run, the largest African governments and nations are among the fastest improving in the world, AIDS may be as bad as ever but you have thousands of people working on making it better with retrovirals and a possible cure, etc...

Sure, there is a lot of shit, like Darfur, but even a century ago no one cared about genocides in Africa or Asia, and some even defended them.
John- you are being silly.

Largest African governments and nations? Egypt still has major terrorism and is ruled by a strongman. Congo has lost a few million people in the past 10 years, Nigeria is constantly on the brink? Niger is going through a famine because the rest of the world ignored their problems despite the warnings. Where you have economic growth it has more to do with good rainfall in some places. Plus it’s a lot easier to show rapid growth when you start from virtually nothing- see Mozambique as an example.

Seriously, in most of Africa a good economic year is one where it rains enough but not too much. And in most of Africa political power is still comes from either the barrel of a gun or the patronage of a “big man”.

Yes, there were genocides back 100 years ago- Leopold’s Congo stands out, but there were others. But there are people who defend genocides even today. The French did land troops to protect the Hutus in Rwanda, and you don’t see much being done about Sudan.

Not that anyone seems to care.

This is *not* because of some romantic notion of solidarity with the opressed or nihilism, but because of practical compassion towards the less fortunate.

One hopes. But perhaps not nearly far enough.
To me, the purpose and meaning of life - "it all", if you will - quite obviously boils down to this: take what you can for yourself, don't give a fuck about others unless they can be of use to you (preferrably in a sexual way, if female), and get as much expensive stuff as possible since you're only going to live once, and who the fuck cares about some kiddos starving in Africa or w/e. 100$ does much more good in my pocket than it does in some starving village anyway, since it would only be cruel to prolong the lives of the already doomed - especially when the same money could give me an awesome night on the town. If people who have it worse than me whine, they should totally kill themselves, since I belong to the lowest part of the "If you have this, it's worth to live" scale.
Kharn said:

*looks at watch*

Yeah, I guess it's about time to give the answer.


hey you was counting too?


I really don't have faith in mankind. I'm going to keep living, working, dating and etc until the end of days (that means when I die). Anyway I think you should enjoy the travel. Get a hobby like collecting stamps or comics. Joining a RPG group or going to church also helps a lot. We can be exterminated in a nuclear war, in a mortal virus outbreak or maybe like the dinosaurs. So, enjoy your life until you have time.

Live as you plan to die, all's but a dream.

Maybe there is hope..... If we can travel to space and colonize other planets our species can continue even if our planet dies. Do you want to help mankind? Start studding physics and find a way to make space travel cheaper. I have the feeling that there is something there that can helps us.
Fireblade said:
Tell me, tell me true, what nobility is left in spent humanity? What is there worth fighting for in a race of abject slaves to ideology and doctrine, serving a cruel and malevolent God? Where is the love and concern for our fellow suffering souls on this path, that we should give up freedom to be enslaved willingly to those who will promise us freedom from determining right and wrong of our own accord?

I am sorry that I am most bitter, but this issue has left me deeply depressed. The sordid affairs of the world today have left me dangerously close to losing my sanity, and I guess this is somewhat of a cry for help. Who can help me then, and tell me why humanity deserves to be defended? For I wish to stand with the suffering, and defend them against this cruel God, despite the uncaring and ignorant majority. I care, and I care deeply, but I cannot seem to overcome the deep and abiding despair I have for humanity as a whole, not to mention its treachery to those who seek to free it.

Please, anyone, help or comments?

Don't be such a fag.

Also, what movie/book did you rip this unoriginal rant from?
The Kotex Kid said:
Fireblade said:
Tell me, tell me true, what nobility is left in spent humanity? What is there worth fighting for in a race of abject slaves to ideology and doctrine, serving a cruel and malevolent God? Where is the love and concern for our fellow suffering souls on this path, that we should give up freedom to be enslaved willingly to those who will promise us freedom from determining right and wrong of our own accord?

I am sorry that I am most bitter, but this issue has left me deeply depressed. The sordid affairs of the world today have left me dangerously close to losing my sanity, and I guess this is somewhat of a cry for help. Who can help me then, and tell me why humanity deserves to be defended? For I wish to stand with the suffering, and defend them against this cruel God, despite the uncaring and ignorant majority. I care, and I care deeply, but I cannot seem to overcome the deep and abiding despair I have for humanity as a whole, not to mention its treachery to those who seek to free it.

Please, anyone, help or comments?

Don't be such a fag.

Also, what movie/book did you rip this unoriginal rant from?

Who the hell are you again, exactly? I was under the impression I was insulted by someone I didn't really give a shit about, but I could be mistaken and wish to clarify this.
Fireblade said:
I DO sincerely want to aid people, but the fact that I feel it necessary to have to be as like the "Guardian" class in The Republic makes me wonder if I am sane, or if I am slipping from my own ideals and only justifying a desire for power.

Cruelty really exists only between other people.

I have a lot to say.

First of all Fireblade dont feel bad. There's always plenty to feel bad/good about its just that sometimes you get more of one than the other. Not that I'm gonna just say some simple well-meaning quote then walk away leaving you unsatisfied...I just first have to clarify.

Second, I like all your comments everyone. Especially Kharn, Welsh, John, Quiet Fanatic, and others.

Well let me start off, as most well-remembered moral lessons, with a story...

I grew up very poor. We had all we needed...food, clothes, and a place to live. I even grew up in a very good neighborhood considering my family's earnings. It was tough though. My Mom worked 2 jobs and my Dad couldnt find skilled employment (though he did work). I got practically nothing during gift giving seasons like birthdays. This however made me become very resistant to the idea of caring about how much money I had and to my general feelings needing things. It also taught me what really is necessary and what is just transitory in nature. Eventually this lead to many other thoughts and idea's. I became extremely (and still am) very weaken me either by lowering my money, destroying my health, or just plain being bad for me since I knew of a time when life cut close at times.

Well without much of an explanation I decided that any use of addictive drugs, even legal one's like alcohol, (particularly in fact) were something I should stay away from. I became adamant with this belief after my Dad became an alcoholic and I realised that people sometimes cant rise above physical desire.

Well I have this cousin that tends to drag me to things. Although he enjoys most of what I do he does many things I dont approve of...smoke, drink, and sleep around basically. So around a month ago he takes me to go play D&D with his friends. Now I could love D&D if it werent for the fact that its always hard to organize and many of the people I meet are pricks. I only went this time, because of my cousin. So I drive to his house and he takes me in his vehicle. Well we get there and its in a real bad area of town. We go up into a dingy apartment. After wasted hours of waiting for his friends it turns out that of the six two arent showing up and two more are going to be late. Even worse I have work the next day and my cousin is drinking and I'm getting the impression I wont be able to leave if he gets drunk. We passed the time by doing work unpacking (a friends apartment of his that was just moved in) and I realised I wasnt having fun, but just there to work and maybe end up spending the night somewhere I dont want to be. I ended up convincing my cousin to drive me back to his house where I leave to go to Target to buy a gift for my Dad since it was nearing Father's day. Well although I am generous on gifts I am cheap towards myself, but on this occasion I found Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for only $20 PC. Not only was it one of the few games I wanted, but at bargain bin prices so I bought it...

Well I played through it and loved it for obvious reasons. (If anyone asks I rate it 9 out of 10) I particularly enjoyed the explanation of the meaning of the light and dark sides though and the differences in philosophy. Well I finished the game today, literally, and when I read your post Fireblade I immediately understood the reference "I pick Guardian and go about slaying evil." Well now I have something to make you feel better.

Does one really have to commit very showy, active things to indeed be good? First consider some of the traits considered to be virtuous. Humility...you need not appear to be a hero that necessetates cheering crowds. So there's no reason to feel a lack of fame is a lack of faith. Generosity...if your not rich you wont be able to go around looking like your rich so how will people notice you? Good has no need for pride. Peace...although violence is a quick and easy to understand form of action is it the best? In fact it may be wrong under any circumstance. If you live in a world run peacefully enough to where most conflicts are resolved without swords doesnt that mean good has already been established to the point where one not need worry that a lack of "noble cause's" necessitates the feeling of a lack of action? Besides under such circumstances, humble, unnoticed work often can do good things, but without creating the inner need for pride or quick rewards...which as you should know are steps on the path to the dark side.

Also dont worry about faith Fireblade. Think of this...do you find it odd that all the little odditties of my life gathered together at this one nexus all so I could understand your gaming reference and give you a response that is not only valid, but refereshingly easy to understand? First I'm poor, but resiliant. Then I become adamant against drinking which leads me to nervousness that forces me to flee a situation I find uncomfortable. I go about a menial task only to be rewarded with a game that I play just in time to finish the EXACT same day I read your post and come to a rather deep conclusion...if any one of those factors was different I would have said nothing or perhaps said nothing significant.

Consider that something to find faith in.

Very Sincerely,
The Vault Dweller


Though I read this thread and started writing this post on the day you made it I didnt get to post it 'til today due to time constraints.
I really appreciate the comment, Vault Dweller, heh.

Though one minor clarification: While I played the game and, yes, always selected the Guardian class as well.....

I was referring to Plato's "The Republic", my friend. Though I guess both are applicable.
Fireblade said:
I DO sincerely want to aid people, but the fact that I feel it necessary to have to be as like the "Guardian" class in The Republic makes me wonder if I am sane, or if I am slipping from my own ideals and only justifying a desire for power.

Fireblade said:
I was referring to Plato's "The Republic", my friend. Though I guess both are applicable.

I thought what I said was an extremely rare coincidence...after what you just said I think this is once-in-a-lifetime.

I mean what are the chances of a "Guardian" that favors combat existing in both a philosophical work and a role-playing game that I finished the day you made a reference?

This is fate/destiny/God love's toying with people isnt it?

The Vault Dweller


By the way I actually preferred the consular class.
Perhaps an instance of Carl Jung's concept of synchroncity. At any rate, the comments are most welcome, and fortunately, I am feeling better from when I posted this thread.