Brahmin Cavalry Commander
well technically I followed that principle with the entire product, not just the features.

well technically I followed that principle with the entire product, not just the features.
Yeah, i've always hated the argument: "Oh, you don't like x? Don't use it!"
i got killed by an enemy death explosion its so annoyingFuck the Legendary robots. Having them explode on death is such a blatantly stupid design choice that does nothing but screw over melee players. And it always gets me because the only robots that regularly explode are Sentry Bots so I never expect it.
Exactly this.New Vegas, the game made in 18 months, had unique looking weapons scattered across the map on NPCs and at the end of dungeons that actually felt unique and interesting. FO4 puts 6 adjectives on the name of a randomly generated pistol that looks like all the other pistols and calls it a day.
Don't forget, Bethesda is the exception, always has been and it wouldn't surprise me if they always will be. If other studios pull the same shit they'll be called out on it but when Bethesda does it it is a feature and it just works.Huge weapon models... that's just amateurish shit, Bethesda has been in the bussiness for decades and they are doing the kind of thing not even Indie games get away with....
Don't forget, Bethesda is the exception, always has been and it wouldn't surprise me if they always will be. If other studios pull the same shit they'll be called out on it but when Bethesda does it it is a feature and it just works.
It irritates me how people will turn a desk over when games like Star Wars Battlefront have season passes but when Fallout 4 has a DAY ONE season pass then proceed to raise the price! It's absolutely okay, nothing wrong with Bethesda doing it because they could never do anything wrong. I don't get the double standards.
No dud, Bethesda has been releasing extremely buggy games for years and barely get called out on it by mainstream mediums or even by most of the public. New Vegas got mauled for it's glitchiness, Ubisoft is the Boogieman nowadays for their broken on release ports of games, but bethesda almost gets a free pass on it, with many mainstream outlets even making excuses for it and always refusing to even call them out on anything. When Capcom turned RE6 into a Third Persona QTE shooter everyone destroyed it, same with the FPS Xcom game, Bethesda tho? They can do no wrong, Jim Sterling even threw a tantrum over how mean people were being to Fallout 4.
Your opinion is not unpopular, is like the most common one outside of here.
It's funny. If you look at the comments to that Jim Sterling article immediately after he posted it, it was full of fanboys rabidly defending the game. Now that everyone has played the game, the top comments are largely saying "Well, those people criticizing the game aren't exactly wrong, are they Jim?"So Jim Sterling did a thing. I will remind you that he has defended developers in the past who turned out to be full of shit later on despite seemingly well-intentioned at first, and he has been regretted defending them. He'll likely get to that point eventually with Fallout 4. Are people not allowed to make mistakes now? Wait, so everyone who hasn't yet called out Bethesda - but may in the future - are regarded as bad until they do? Isn't that a little immature of a stance to take?
It's funny. If you look at the comments to that Jim Sterling article immediately after he posted it, it was full of fanboys rabidly defending the game. Now that everyone has played the game, the top comments are largely saying "Well, those people criticizing the game aren't exactly wrong, are they Jim?"
If Bethesda had gutted the dialogue any more, this game would be Borderlands with better crafting. It is DANGEROUSLY close to being Borderlands, and that is clearly going to upset a lot of the fanbase of ALL Fallout games including 3. Giving the game a 9.5/10 AT LAUNCH (When the game was ridiculously buggy and gave the worst first impression possible) is just silly.
To put it in perspective: He gave The Witcher 3 a lower score than Fallout 4.