"Fallout 4 adds to the lore"
We can hope the public will wise up about Bethesda's tactics, but it took years for the general gaming media to entertain the thought that Skyrim was less than subpar as an Elder Scrolls game, precisely because of the cult-like admiration Bethesda gets from their nu-fans; Angry Joe, Pewdiepie, and others like them, don't help matters. The folks with fewer followers, like Razorfist, get it though.
As for hiding the story, this could mean they know the story will get picked apart by "curmudgeons" like us, that the story is not much improved from the F3 narrative, or any number of things marketing-based. (The 200-year-old Vault survivor they've talked about is far-fetched enough, even with what we know about Vault 112 and Mr. House.) However, being clever about detailing bits of a story early is not hard. Remember the actions and consequences trailers for Heavy Rain with the detective in the convenience store? Quantic Dream made a point to play multiple scenarios to show off how things would change.
If Bethesda can't do something like this, a thing which came from a game that never changed its ending based on who lived and died, but did shut out parts of the game if one of the four did, they're likely hinting that there is little consequence to what you do in the game.
I'm fairly convinced that it's not a lack of ability on their part. I think it's a calculated understanding of their intended market. IE. making the story too good, and the game too in depth, could cut a sizable chunk out of their bottom line.
This is what happens when you try to sell 'The Fountain Head' to Harry Potter fans.
What they've made is a Farcry from Fallout; and it's most certainly intentional deformation. It's been practically expurgated of anything distasteful to the action-fps fan, who just wants to shoot first and ask ~nothing... (nothing but "where's the loot?")
*The profit they made by this was no accident.
I'm seeing two meanings in this, intentional?
Probably so. Farcry has moved deeply into open-world murder and loot fest with 3 and 4 from 2's open-world mission based, loot-lite, setting and 1's linear island exploration design.
Ah yes, Heavy Rain. That reminds me. I'll brink up Dragon Age:Inquistion again, Even fallout new vegas here. New Vegas Marketed everything they worked on. Gameplay, Story elements. Their faction system. Discussing more than just shoot them up. Duke Nukem style. They knew that they needed to take pride in their work. That making games that would cater to the mind-fucking numb dipshits. aka Bethesda drones. Would not only for a pragmatic-integrity standpoint fuck them over. But also, due to the fact they also know regardless this is proper respectful way to their predecessors. Fallout was never just kill shit yolo. It was more than that. It always was.
Onto Bioware. In their E3 trailers they showed off part of a changed Inhushed whispers. SPOILERS. In hushed whispers you get sent into the future due to the breach expanding and Elder One taking over. The world is in ruin. In E3 demo. It made it seem like they were in the fade. But they didn't know the fade and the world became sort of one. That Their companions and their spy master had visual affects that told the story. They were able to show enough and cut out the important game details so they could hook you with bait. Espically towards the end. I'll link the video here.
This is at e3. Skip to 7m mark
This is full In hushed whispers. If you get a time watch it. It's really good.
Furthermore, This is one of the most powerful emotional secenes i think in video game history.
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