Big No
Watch as I open and close this door
and i bet your a troll probably living in your moms basement
Obvious troll is obvious.
and i bet your a troll probably living in your moms basement
and i bet your a troll probably living in your moms basement
As everyone is quite aware and familiar with. Bethesda is notorious for making bland pesudo action games. I vomit at the notion of calling it an RPG. Regardless. The title of this thread i will explain.
What do you all think? Am i the only that thinks the lack of story marketing is intentional and to masquerade the bad story telling/choice/consequences for sales?
I don't see that as being better; I don't at all see the lack of a context as being preferable, or more skillful; I see it as a cop-out ~rather than writing an interesting origin/ and situation to kick off the campaign. I will quit a game that just drops the player into a sandbox to play in the sand.If he can come up with an intro that doesn't force a background on the pc, then he is an infinitely better writer than the hack they have right now.
No to both. Fallout begins with a PC that has been essentially raised in a cave, and under a very rigid society. They have been fed every day, and done their proscribed duties every day... They are essentially living in a penitentiary ~and know nothing different... which is to say ~that is what life is to them; it has [like it or not] shaped their perception of existence from birth. That is the kind of mind and personal history you get to play in Fallout. The minor details of their life may differ, but they are all cast of the same mold, with only the 'casting defects' being their personal differences. They have no experience with a different world view ~they ALL were born and raised in the same metal coffin. Fallout is quite the culture shock to emerge into a completely alien ~Earth.Well, you gotta admit FO3 was a lot more restrictive about your backstory. I mean, FO2 has us playing as a tribal, but that was pretty much it. Same for FO1 being from V13 was the only backstory you had. That is not much.
I see one's choice of grammar as being akin to one's choice of driving habits; and one's respect for the implied public contract of behavior when exercising each around others.Dude's just got a chip on his shoulder.
You see it with people who complain pedantically about grammar instead of the points being made.
Grammar is mostly just the realm of dead guys who thought we should all be speaking Latin.
One can look at a movie trailer, and usually see the lemons from the peaches; the lemons tend to put every redeeming second of the film into the trailer. I don't think it's any different with games.You're going to "writing school" with grammar like that? Fuck me... I fear for whatever field you are going into and its future...
On the topic (which, by the way, Walpknut, has nothing to do with the NPC's), I have to say, I'm actually glad I don't have story details. I mean, a little more would be nice. A simple "you are on a quest to do -insert thing here-" would be fine. But we live in a day and age where trailers show way too much of the story, and you can piece together the entire plot based off the trailers alone. I'm glad they are keeping it low-key, and I do not feel this is because they are hiding their bad writing. If their writing has always been bad, as seems to be the popular opinion here, then why have their past games shown more about the story? Why would they suddenly want to hide it, if they previously had no fear of this?
I wouldn't say Fallout 4 had no Choices, it had let you join four different factions in the ending after all. That's three factions more than Fallout 3.
I wouldn't say Fallout 4 had no Choices, it had let you join four different factions in the ending after all. That's three factions more than Fallout 3.
The problem is you're talking about ONE major choice when the past games had numerous such instances of it spread throughout, not in the third chapter alone, and those choices were acknowledged in the ending of the game. Fallout 4 doesn't do that, just like how Civ V doesn't replay your games once they're over like the past games did.
Beth makes digital drugs for the weak minded. Sure its entertainment but for who? Not me. They're not making Fallout 3 or 4 for me. They're making it for the masses. I accept this. I haven't bought a beth product since oblivion when pete showed up to the picture and butcher it. Oblivion on paper was great advancement of the franchise. But we got was crap a lie compared to morrowind. Then they bought the IP for Fallout I knew then and there they would ruin it. Its not about making great games for them. Its about how much money they can make from you. I don't support them nor expect anything good from them. Same goes for EA and friends, Stardock, Egosoft, and others. Shit Even CDProjekts too I was screwed with witcher 3 for PC. I fell for it. multiplatform, microtransactions, Seasons passes. DLC scams.. Gaming industry is shit now. I'll stick to classics on gog and kickstarter opportunities. My only hope!
I don't know, I would be more miserable if I joined a forum just to complain about how they don't like something.
I suspect Walpknut that this is some kind of initiation rite on the Bethesda Fallout forums. "Before you can truly call yourself a Bethesda Fallout fan, you must face the neckbeards, fossils, old timers, and anyone who clings to the first Fallouts and doesn't follow the mantra that all change is good. You must confront them and tell them the undeniable truth, and defend your own opinion without backing it up, or better use the consensus that Fallout 3 is simply good and that these people are idiots for not seeing that."
It is kind of charming, us having become a part of their traditions and mythology.
I don't know, I would be more miserable if I joined a forum just to complain about how they don't like something.
I suspect Walpknut that this is some kind of initiation rite on the Bethesda Fallout forums. "Before you can truly call yourself a Bethesda Fallout fan, you must face the neckbeards, fossils, old timers, and anyone who clings to the first Fallouts and doesn't follow the mantra that all change is good. You must confront them and tell them the undeniable truth, and defend your own opinion without backing it up, or better use the consensus that Fallout 3 is simply good and that these people are idiots for not seeing that."
It is kind of charming, us having become a part of their traditions and mythology.
Goddamn it. Now you have me laughing because I'm imagining some sort of Fallouty faction doing this.
I don't know, I would be more miserable if I joined a forum just to complain about how they don't like something.
I suspect Walpknut that this is some kind of initiation rite on the Bethesda Fallout forums. "Before you can truly call yourself a Bethesda Fallout fan, you must face the neckbeards, fossils, old timers, and anyone who clings to the first Fallouts and doesn't follow the mantra that all change is good. You must confront them and tell them the undeniable truth, and defend your own opinion without backing it up, or better use the consensus that Fallout 3 is simply good and that these people are idiots for not seeing that."
It is kind of charming, us having become a part of their traditions and mythology.
Goddamn it. Now you have me laughing because I'm imagining some sort of Fallouty faction doing this.
Isn't NMA as a community as close as you can get to a Fallout faction?It's bitter, distrustful of the outside, but full of intelligent ideas... I'm thinking the Brotherhood cuts the closest to it, but even Vault City and the Boomers count.
Brotherhood of Steel, because it fits the whole false rumours thing.
Brotherhood of Steel, because it fits the whole false rumours thing.
We shoot lasers from our eyes? Awesome!
And what's even worse is seeing these journalists refer to Fallout 4 as a game for "hardcore RPG fans."