Dishonest no, Ignorance actually yes. I don't come here enough to see that, but good on them. Never said the word hate at all, and I'm not complaining about being disrespected, I've come to expect it from this website for the views that I hold, which is sad in its own right but that's not the point. While MrMatyPlays does make a lot of videos about Fallout 4, I still fail to see why it should go here in the Fallout 4 forum, since it really isn't related to the game in any real sense. Also you definitely don't have to spend money on Bethesda's "garbage games", and if that's what you think they may end of being then I would encourage you to not buy them, to use the minuscule amount of power we as individual consumers have and not buy. Besides though, I just think it is hilariously childish to call a person cancerous, just because you don't like what they think, say, or do. That, in my opinion, is worthy of criticism, and all I even recommended was that G could just not bother with him, if he hates him so much. If anything it is a waste of his energy, as he hasn't, from what I've seen, given any reason as to wanting to go back. If he would tell me he goes to laugh at him, or to make fun of him, then sure, I still think he could better spend his time, but I have no say in what he does with his spare time, so go ahead.
But seriously, are we not doing the violin thing? I haven't really taken much time to look but if you do find one, let me know perhaps?