i really loathe the FO3/Oblivion engine, i really do :(


Keeper of the trout
with it, a major debilitating bug is a guarantee, its nothing but a simple matter of time.
did a new playthrough of oblivion
i finally got hit with the all-quest-items-turn-invisible bug, and now i have to go through the idiotic process of un-questing my quest items through the console whenever given one, or ill be stuck mid-quests forever (as a bonus, i got a crash followed by a corrupt save-file. "luckily" i had a very recent autosave)
obviously, in this playthrough ive allready had to mark-essential several characters, ive had to revive a few, and ive had to movetoplayer a few who decided to wander off into god-knows-where, and force-progress some quests through console (the one where you enter a "painted-world" naturally bugged up as per custom).
the same thing happens whenever i begin a new FO3 playthrough as well, by now i have several pages of notes laying around, little console commands to bring back a whole list of characters, error corrections etc...
not to mention the things that work fine, but that are still lame as hell, such as the pointless levelling system: you level up, but so does everybody else. thats the premise of: you are special, but everyone is as well, making you effectively un-special :(

so now my motivation fell right down to 0, and im left with civilization or sim city or something :(
i really need a better computer and more games :(
I feel your pain man. Damn that fucking engine and everything it represents.
Thus spake the master programmer:

"A well-written program is its own heaven; a poorly-written program is its own hell.''

"Let the programmers be many and the managers few - then all will be productive.''
Look at it this way: at least it's possible to use all these console commands to help yourself instead of waiting for patches that will never come.
I remember the time I lost tons of stuff in NV that was stored in the little flying robot. I managed to get it back after half an hour of tinkering.
askwazzup, i dont know. habit. it has varied content, and i like the atmosphere and music...

fedaykin, yes, i do appreciate the possibility to use console commands, ive often cringed to imagine the frustration had it been on a tv console - especially every damn time i get stuck in a corner...
my tv-console-promoting friend proudly boasts "no problem! all you have to do is load from a previous save!", oh wow :0

come to think of it, FO3 should include a "push" function like FO2 :D all those times fawkes or dogmeat decides to place themselves right in my house's doorway, and i have to waste an irritating minute trying to squeeze by...
I've been playing on Xbox 360 and never hit glitches THAT bad. You might want to uninstall and reinstall that.

I was pissed about the Hermaeus Mora quest getting jacked up in Oblivion though, and the Forsworn Conspiracy/Cidhna Mine bug.
TorontRayne said:
Joelzania said:
I think that half the fun of Fallout 3/Oblivion is just to laugh at the bugs.

The bugs make me cry instead of laugh.

they make you cry and laugh! like the threatre!

one fun oblivion bug some days ago was that everyone's greaves "exploded" as in, the model or image of their greaves stretched out from their legs, in every direction, often forming huge walls in front of my view. a simple restart of the program fixed it, but still fun
I have been playing Fallout New Vegas for so long that various bugs also have been slowly crawling into it, some of them caused by mods I added and others by who knows what.

Like the poster of this forum I also had to make lists of characters that kept disappeared for no clear reason and have had situations that populated streets were suddenly completely abandoned.

Because of these annoyances I decided to remove them game and all setting files it made the game made in order for a clean install, and yet again I am already seeing some problems returning.

Is this a problem this engine causes in all games it uses?
And how do you get rid of the bugs that come in after a while but are not there in the beginning?
well some of the "known" bugs from Oblivion have been present in Fallout 3. They also appeared in Vegas. And now they are in Skyrim.

make out of that what ever you want.
There's nothing to make out creation is gamebiro. What i don't get is how bethesda can take something that doesn't belong to them rewrite it a little and call it their own.
Crni Vuk said:
make out of that what ever you want.
Apart from the fact you could even use the same modded DLL so the game didn't perform like shit in ATI cards, just like for FNV? :P
Dario ff said:
Crni Vuk said:
make out of that what ever you want.
Apart from the fact you could even use the same modded DLL so the game didn't perform like shit in ATI cards, just like for FNV? :P

Can you explain that a little more? FNV runs like shit on my ATI card and a way around that would be nice.
Desperate, are we?

They are modded ATI dll files, you know, the one's that you get with driver updates. But that is only a fix for some issues which are related to the card. I believe nexus has some of them if you are interested, you can reed more about them there.