Over at RPG.net, I remember the Build up to Fallout 4 and people discussing how happy they were about the game because Fallout: New Vegas really expanded your options for characterization. I remember, especially how gay posters were horrified by the fact they were basically losing the option to play themselves with the absence of the Bachelor/La Femme perks.
And then being forced into the heterosexual relationship.
Then the game OPENS with the Male Survivor talking about HIS grandfather fighting in WW2.
It really brought home to me Bethesda seemed uninterested in anything but the male straight protagonist.
My sensitivity to this issue actually isn't Fallout related, though, despite the above but due to Live Action Role-Playing Games (LARP) which used to be something I did in the 90s. One of the big controversies which happened was when White Wolf released "Kindred of the East" which basically was a supplement of racist bullshit stereotypes and the idea the Asian Vampires were going to come and murder the shit out of the Western vampires. Which is notable because V:TM actually had a very large Black, Asian, and (incredibly large) female base unlike roleplaying had before.
And there was a SHIT TON of racism to the Asian gamers in my area after Kindred of the East. The local assholes talking about how with the Kindred of the East or Kuei-Jin existing, they were just "playing their character" harrassing Asian vampire players even if they were playing Western vampires who were Asian. They justified it with lore. I shut that shit down at my table/gatherings but it still pisses me off decades later.
Just, "Lore is more important than welcoming fellow gamers to love your hobby and world like you do?"