Thorgrimm and Scorp crossed the hills surrounding the ravaged ville at sunrise. Thorgrimm stood still for a moment, admiring the sun, remembering days long passed. Scorp was already about ten meters further when he noticed Thorgrimm wasn't following.
"Move it, lardass. I aint waiting for yeh, we're almost there." Scorp yelled back over his shoulder.
"Do as you like, nazi muffin." Thorgrimm replied calmly.
These little flames were becoming routine. Calling each other names was quickly becoming customary.
Scorp lead Thorgrimm to the place where he had hid Thorgrimms gear and sniperrifle. He had well camouflaged it, to make sure no dimwit recruit would steal it while on a salvage mission. Thorgrimm quickly checked his gear and concluded everything was as he had left it. Ready for use, although his guns could use a good cleaning.
"This is HRT calling BoS field HQ. This is HRT calling BoS field HQ, come in please." Scorp said into the radio he had received from the Brotherhood.
"This is the Brotherhood, identify yourself HRT." A strong voice replied.
"Hostage Rescue Team reporting in." Scorp replied barely avoiding a stomp from Thorgrimm "I was send out by the chief to retrieve the captured sniper. I brought him the info on the mutants, he'll remember. Where can we get new orders? Don't feel like running around in the ville looking for anyone who knows."
"Report to the tents north of town and keep this frequency clear." The voice replied.
"Well, lets get moving then Thorry." Scorp said to Thorgrimm.
Both made their way through town. apparently the bodies and guns had already been collected for the biggest part. Only puddles of blood, dragmarks and spend casings betrayed what had happened here not so long ago. Here and there there were still small groups of recruits looking for things to salvage and bodies to collect. Most looked pretty pale, not yet completely recovered from the horrors most never had seen before.
Thorgrimm and Scorp were welcomed to the temporary camp by a corporal who was expecting them. The BoS leaders did not have the time to brief every recruit, but this corporal had been ordered by the chief to inform them in specific, because the had already proven their skill. They were informed small groups were being formed to act as scouts and do some eventual ambushes and sabotage missions. However very little recruits were found to have adequate skill for such a mission. Most were kept behind in the main body of the strikeforce as canonfodder. Both Scorp & Thor liked the idea of some extra freedom and not being stuck in the main force, so they agreed to act as scouts.
The corporal advised them to try and form a group of 5 with other recruits. Many were just standing outside the tentcamp waiting for something to happen. Either too green behind the ears or too chicken to make their own group. Others were just standing there because they had slept to long to join the early scoutingparties.
Thorgrimm stepped in front of the biggest group and said "We are leaving on a scoutmission. If you have the skill and the balls to join us you are welcome."
A skinny black man stepped forth armed with a 1Omm SMG. Thorgrimm walked up to ask the man some questions, to try and find out if he had the necessary skills to join them, but Scorp stepped in his way. Scorp slowly reached into his sidepocket. As he pulled his hand back out again, he knocked down the man with his brass knuckles. Thorgrimm was surprised but could not intervene.
"We don't need no donkeys to carry our gear, nigger, you are worthless to me, you piece of shit!"
To prove his point he threw down his gear and uncovered his torso, now showing off his confederate and his swastika tatoos, as well as his raider tatoo.
"THIS MEANS YOU ARE NOT WELCOME!" Scorp yelled out while pointing at his tatoo.
Some guys stepped up and carried the unlucky man to the medic. Scorp spit at them as they walked by.
Two shifty looking guys also stepped up, pointed at the skull tatoo on Scorps arm and said "We'll join you, Scorp. Your and the Skulls reputation is well known to us." Then they both revealed their own tatoos.
"Aha, Desert Vipers, no discipline whatsoever, but they have all the skills required." Scorp said to Thorgrimm.
"Welcome, this is Thorgrimm. Don't fuck with em or you'll get burnt." Scorp warned.
"I'm Lance, he's Frank." One of the raiders replied.