ICC- First Mission

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Kahgan was a bit late to the meeting, most had gone already, among them Miles, Jack and Tenel Ka. "Aw, well, I'll do recon mission to, maybe I'll catch up wiht the others later"

He went out and setled his gear, clensed his weapons and proceeded to go. If they he did not run into any caravans or other possibilitys of bartering, he would soon run out of 9mm, only one clip left.
Thorgrimm and Scorp crossed the hills surrounding the ravaged ville at sunrise. Thorgrimm stood still for a moment, admiring the sun, remembering days long passed. Scorp was already about ten meters further when he noticed Thorgrimm wasn't following.

"Move it, lardass. I aint waiting for yeh, we're almost there." Scorp yelled back over his shoulder.

"Do as you like, nazi muffin." Thorgrimm replied calmly.

These little flames were becoming routine. Calling each other names was quickly becoming customary.

Scorp lead Thorgrimm to the place where he had hid Thorgrimms gear and sniperrifle. He had well camouflaged it, to make sure no dimwit recruit would steal it while on a salvage mission. Thorgrimm quickly checked his gear and concluded everything was as he had left it. Ready for use, although his guns could use a good cleaning.

"This is HRT calling BoS field HQ. This is HRT calling BoS field HQ, come in please." Scorp said into the radio he had received from the Brotherhood.

"This is the Brotherhood, identify yourself HRT." A strong voice replied.

"Hostage Rescue Team reporting in." Scorp replied barely avoiding a stomp from Thorgrimm "I was send out by the chief to retrieve the captured sniper. I brought him the info on the mutants, he'll remember. Where can we get new orders? Don't feel like running around in the ville looking for anyone who knows."

"Report to the tents north of town and keep this frequency clear." The voice replied.

"Well, lets get moving then Thorry." Scorp said to Thorgrimm.

Both made their way through town. apparently the bodies and guns had already been collected for the biggest part. Only puddles of blood, dragmarks and spend casings betrayed what had happened here not so long ago. Here and there there were still small groups of recruits looking for things to salvage and bodies to collect. Most looked pretty pale, not yet completely recovered from the horrors most never had seen before.

Thorgrimm and Scorp were welcomed to the temporary camp by a corporal who was expecting them. The BoS leaders did not have the time to brief every recruit, but this corporal had been ordered by the chief to inform them in specific, because the had already proven their skill. They were informed small groups were being formed to act as scouts and do some eventual ambushes and sabotage missions. However very little recruits were found to have adequate skill for such a mission. Most were kept behind in the main body of the strikeforce as canonfodder. Both Scorp & Thor liked the idea of some extra freedom and not being stuck in the main force, so they agreed to act as scouts.

The corporal advised them to try and form a group of 5 with other recruits. Many were just standing outside the tentcamp waiting for something to happen. Either too green behind the ears or too chicken to make their own group. Others were just standing there because they had slept to long to join the early scoutingparties.

Thorgrimm stepped in front of the biggest group and said "We are leaving on a scoutmission. If you have the skill and the balls to join us you are welcome."

A skinny black man stepped forth armed with a 1Omm SMG. Thorgrimm walked up to ask the man some questions, to try and find out if he had the necessary skills to join them, but Scorp stepped in his way. Scorp slowly reached into his sidepocket. As he pulled his hand back out again, he knocked down the man with his brass knuckles. Thorgrimm was surprised but could not intervene.

"We don't need no donkeys to carry our gear, nigger, you are worthless to me, you piece of shit!"

To prove his point he threw down his gear and uncovered his torso, now showing off his confederate and his swastika tatoos, as well as his raider tatoo.

"THIS MEANS YOU ARE NOT WELCOME!" Scorp yelled out while pointing at his tatoo.

Some guys stepped up and carried the unlucky man to the medic. Scorp spit at them as they walked by.

Two shifty looking guys also stepped up, pointed at the skull tatoo on Scorps arm and said "We'll join you, Scorp. Your and the Skulls reputation is well known to us." Then they both revealed their own tatoos.

"Aha, Desert Vipers, no discipline whatsoever, but they have all the skills required." Scorp said to Thorgrimm.

"Welcome, this is Thorgrimm. Don't fuck with em or you'll get burnt." Scorp warned.

"I'm Lance, he's Frank." One of the raiders replied.
Miles saw the two Hardasses requesting new blood for a recon mission. Standing up he looked at Jack,"You better go to the medic and get that wound cleared, I will meet up with you after the next stop" .Miles moved off threw the crowd and waited a bit before walking over to the tattooed guy and the quiet one.

"I understand you guys are lookin for helpers? Got a spot for me?" Miles lips twitched beneath the helmets eyeshield."I'm all set to go, just need to brush off my rifle.".Tightening his straps down Miles looked at the two of them."your quiet friend looks like he could use a rest though."

Miles awaited their answer and hoped Jack and the rest would survive the coming marches.
OOC: nice reference to "American History X" suaside....

IC: Fenix was About to die when the medic noticed that he had a BOS tatoo under his bandage.

Had this not happened, and he not recieved the blood specially set aside for BOS members.......he would be dead.

After the medic had noticed his tatoo he had scrambled for a package of blood and tranfused into Fenix, who being a BOS soldier was entitled to much more attention and care then the new recruits.

It would only be a few mintes now before Fenix regained consciousness and go back to duties.

OOC:sorry that the writing in this post is dry and repetiive but i wrote a really long one that was good and the damn thing ate it.please bare with my crappy writing for now.

Ignore my previous post, it doenst mesh with a few posts, so Ill post this instead.

Also, sorry for the foul language, but it would be in characther for Scorp I belive.

Jack lay aginst the wall dozing when someone smacked the side of his helmet, waking him up.
Looking up, Jack saw Tenel Ka.
"You require further medical attention. These stims should help."
Tenel Ka handed him several stim packs. Jack begain to use them
"Where'd you get them ?"
Color returned to Jack's face as the healing chem's did their job.
"The medic's keep an innefectual guard on their supplies "
"Heh, score. Lets go find Miles and Kahgan."

Several minutes later, they witnessed the raider punching a recruit, and Miles joining him, as well as the other raiders joining up.
Jack was about to say something, when a 3rd raider joined the head raider, Scorp Jack heard him called. Once that raider was done speaking Jack spoke up.
"Mind if we join up ?" Noticing that the raider, Scorp, was looking at him with contempt Jack moved his left hand up to scratch at his neck, making sure to drap attention to the DeathClaw tooth on the necklace he wore.
"Sure, what the hell, you got enough heavy shit on you. But the bitch stays, we dont need no cunt slowing us down.
"Aww, she's such a pretty little bitch. Can I keep her Scorp ?" The newest raider begain walking towards Tenel Ka.
As he reached out with his right arm she acted, grabbing his wrist and pulling him foward, then using levrage to throw him.
However, as he swung over her, Tenel Ka twisted and the raider landed on the ground screaming.
the other two raiders, from the same clan judging by the tattos Jack though, begain to draw their sidearms.
Suddenly, they noticed Scorp's SAW pointing at them.
"Well, the cunt proved that she knows a little something at least. Enough to join us for now anyway.
Arco understood where Major Max was coming from, but He also felt that they need to weed out the weakling. If they were to win this battle, they would need a strong, intelligent army. The entire group would need these traits. Arco simply view the deathclaw engagement as way to sift out the soft sand from the rocks.

In any case, there were more imperative things to worry about now, like forming the new scout group, tending to wounded, and procuring new supplies. Major Max and his army were to hang back procure what supplies they could, possibly from the nearby LA boneyard, and attend to the wounded while Arco led the advanced scout team. Arco looked over those who had volunteered for scout duty; most of them had proven themselves capable warriors in the deathclaw fight.

Arco spoke to on of the advising lieutenants, “Let everyone know that the scout party will leave on a moments notice and for them to be ready for such.”

Arco looked out to the south and wondered what sort of fight lay ahead of the group. One thing was for sure, Major Max was definitely correct in day that the odds were stacked against the group.

Meanwhile, Krogan gave up his search for the humans. It was time for him to return to the main group at the first stop off point. No matter he thought, those normies would pay another day.

*Far to the South*

Corr’s detachment had reached the first stop off point, an abandoned military science warehouse from prewar times. The group of mutants was greeted by something even stranger, a small group of humans. What their plans for this facility and why were these humans here? Only time will tell of the plans of the mutant congregation.
"Well, Frank, you succeeded in making a complete fool out of yourself. Now get up, or I'll make you my bitch." Scorp said as he gave Frank a soft kick to the ribs.

Mmmm, the girl had spirit. Scorp liked that and she was pretty too. If things went sour and the guy she was with ended up dead, Scorp just might have his way with her, although he wasn't sure if Thor would agree.

Thorgrimm walked over to Miles and quietly said "Make another comment about me and I'll feed you your own testicles. If I'm tired that would be my bizznezz, not yours." He turned away before Miles could reply.

A Brotherhood leader (Scorp believed it was the second in command) announced the second scouting parties would be leaving any time now. Thorgrimm suggested to use the little time they had left to check up on their gear.

"Now move along children, you heard the man now, didn't yeh? We aint going to be standing here all day." Scorp said as he started walking.

Only a good 20 meter further the motley crew reached a small house that was more or less intact. It even had a table and a couple of chairs. Thorgrimm decided this was a good place to check their gear. He just quietly sat down and started to strip his sniperrifle. He expected Scorp to do it his own way and didn't want to intervene anyway.

"Ok, lets lay down some basic rules." Scorp said as he started stripping his FN9-M pistol, M249 SAW and his grenadelauncher too. "Rule one: You listen to Thorgrimm & I, we give the orders. Rule two: we all fight, if you run away, I'll shoot you myself. Rule three: get us in trouble due to your own stupidity, I'll shoot you myself."

Most nodded, as it was only fair. Thogrimm was kinda surprised he didn't go harder on them.

"Now check your gear. Make sure your guns are well oiled and in perfect condition. I don't wanna see any jammed guns when we hit the tight spots. This aint no picnic ladies." Scorp added.

Frank started taking his Benelli M3 Super 90 pump-action shotgun apart. It was a proven weapon in CQBs, but of course utterly useless long range. Lance had found himself a FN FAL with wooden stock and grips. Both of the raiders had Desert Eagles as backup weapons. It had become somewhat of a statussymbol for raiders. Scorp found it an utterly overrated gun that was too heavy for its purpose, he'd stick to his 9mil.

-occ: ok, i'd appreciate it if you guys gave a quick rundown of what you guys have. kinda hard to keep track of all types of guns and ammo moving around in the story. just give it a quick mention in your next post.-
When Scorp told them to clean their weapons, Tenel Ka gestured towards a large table by an old rusty fridge.
Jack plopped down and set his .50cal sniper riffle down on the table and begain looging it over as Tenel Ka begain to clean her .223 pistol.
After several minutes of inspection, Jack whistled, then explained himself to Tenel Ka who had raised an eyebrow in question.
"This is a modified Bozor. Someone rechamberd it for .50 cal, proably had to make a new barrel too. To bad whatever they did took away the autofire."
"Allow me to look at it, I may be able to undo whatever disable's the automatic function, if the assembly wasnt modifed to much when the reciver was alterd to accept belt ammunition.
Nodding, Jack handed the big gun over and set his colt .45 and M-79 grenade launcher on the table and begain cleaning them.
Ten minutes later, Tenel Ka handed the big gun back to Jack. She had been unable to fix it, although it would be possible once they found someone with more mechanichal skills.

OCC: Ok Ill let my groups leaders decide where things go from here.

And to make it easier for them, here's a breakdown of my characthers again.

Jack is from V13, he left in anger after the Dweller was kicked, before anyone else left, and before the overseer was disposed.
Ingame, his tag skills would be small guns, big guns, and speech.
He learned weapons because he was a security guard in the vault. (makes sense to be more than one)
Jack lack's much knowledge of the wastes, though he has read the dwellers reports.

Tenel Ka is from a small village that is a mix of tribals and city dwellers.
her main skills are small guns, outdoorsman, and mele/unarmed
Watching the others strip and clean their weapons Miles sat down on a chair with his back against the wall.Unslinging the ancient yet well cared for assault rifle he layed it across the rag on his knees quickly stripping it and checking the parts for any damages.The carbine had already had its barrel and receiver assembly replaced three times in its lifetime.His ancestor had carried it before the catalyst, it had been kept greased and locked up with the groups other weapons in the caves.One of the raiders,the one who had been talking was busy stripping a m249 SAW.Miles had seen a few of those before his family and the other people had one in their armory and the Darwin City police had used a few of them for city defenses.

After stripping the ancient carbine m4 down and oiling it well Miles re-assembled the weapon and checked that everything seemed to be in working order. Resting it against the wall next to him, he pulled the Colt 1911a1 out of the holster and began field stripping the weapon."These things are near impossible to kill I swear".No hairline fractures on any of the pistols parts,verifying the parts where in working order Miles put the pistol back together along with the tactical light on the front.Though it had rarely been used Miles hoped the batterys where still good.

Next came the combat knife from Miles boot sheath.A quick coat of oil made sure the weapon would be in working order when he needed it.Miles began cleaning and oiling his magazine springs then reloading them carefully.Sliding the magazine into the carbine Miles racked the charging handle back and slapped his palm on the forward assist.Next he slipped the Colt's magazine into place and pulled back the slide.Ejecting the magazine in the pistol Miles replaced the shell that had gone into the chamber, before putting the weapon in its holster Miles then repeated the process with the carbine.

Looking up he glanced around "Nice SAW, I got the chance to fire one once, enjoyable but a little bulky for me, I'm Miles by the way".Miles looked at the raider."Probably just refer to me as shit for brains but at least its better to know the name of the guys your gonna be dying with".
A stark feeling came over Fenix. The most basic feeling to humans, and had it not kicked in he would have kept his eyes shut forever enjoying deep sleep. Boredom. Fenix,s eyes shifted below the lids looking for something new to see besides blackness. His eyes opened and a rush of colors and shapes flooded his vision. The immediate shock to his mind brought him into full consciousness. He sat for a minute rediscovering his surrounding area. For three minutes he went unnoticed listening to the bustle around him and looking at the ceiling and the wall in front of him until a medic came by and saw his open eyes.

"Sir can I ask you to please sit up if you can."

Fenix slowly lifted himself with a groan.

The medic nodded."Do you think you can stand up?"

Fenix nodded and slowly lifted himself to his feet.

The medic extended his hand to Fenix."Congratulations you are fixed. Now get the hell out we got more patients."

Fenix stared incredulously at the medic."Whatever. Where is my stuff?"

The medic pointed to a basket under the bed."Take it and go."

Fenix let out a long sigh and grabbed the basket before he hobbled out the door.
"Oh don't worry Miles, I'll call you lots of things. But what I will exactly call you will depend on your actions. I might end up calling you friend, but i might as well end up putting a bullet through the back of your neck..." Scorp replied, paused for a second, put down the grenade launcher he was tinkering with and looked straight at Miles. "Understood?"

Miles nodded and mumbled something.

Thorgrimm had already finished checking his gear and stepped outside. After some time the others followed. They just stood there and already little groups were forming: Thorgrimm & Scorp were observing both their new recruits and the BoS tentcamp. The two raiders were playing around with some dice. The girl and her friend were chatting about something, which Scorp didn't give a rats ass about and Miles was running around between these groups trying to get to know the others.

Scorp looked at the tent of the BoS leaders and said in a somewhat louder voice than usual "I hope those BoS guys get their ass in gear soon, I can't stand doing nothing in this busted up town."
The raiders where ok for a bunch of opportunistic scavengers.Now mind you Miles wasn't about to get himself killed for nothing, but he wasn't about to go preying on defenceless people for just their measly money or food.The big guy with the SAW definitely knew his shit and so did the sniper he was with.

Miles leaned against the wall and re-checked his gear, the explosives he had packed still where in optimum condition..."If you can call the ones i found in the caves as working then i guess this is as good as it gets in the wastes.Miles looked at the hustle of the main BOS camp.He sure hoped someone told them what to do soon, all this standing around was letting those mutants get farther away and probably stronger as well.
rob walked over to fenix at the medics tent.

"well well well..........looks whos alive"said rob

"hah.............good to see you again.....but where is chua?"asked fenix

"he......he died"replied rob

"what!.....how?"said fenix

"a death claw got him good........"said rob

"well.........i guess we better go now........"said fenix

rob and fenix headed off to the main group
Fenix looked at Rob."Hey man I feel really fucked up. Seriously that deathclaw almost killed me.So I tell you what man.......I am gona fall back to the rearguard and return when I can move my left arm better."

Rob said his goodbyes as Fenix walked to the common area.Things would not be the same without the cynical warrior.

As Fenix walked back To the command tent a large dog fell in stride next to him. Fenix stopped for a moment and knelt down with a groan."Heya boy what did you come here for?" The dog turned it's side exposing the letter satchel on it's flank. Fenix unclipped the catch and took out a letter addressed to Arco. The dog gave a quick whimper. A smile curved Fenix's face, he had always loved dogs.

Ten minutes later they had reached the tent and been sent a message from the BoS headquarters that the dog had been sent as backup for an elite team. Realizing the tactical capabilities of this he sent Rosco to the front lines and Scorp's scout group while he acknowledged Fenix's request to sit back for a while.

After Arco had told Rosco to join Scorp's group and given him a quick hearing as to what scorp sounded like over the radio it only took a few minutes for the dog to find the noise similar to the one over the radio.

Rosco had arrived............
Jack was standing in front of a firepit where Tenel Ka was maling a cooking fire and teaching the vault dweller the best way to make one with flint and steel when Scorp came outside.
"Hey asshole, youve got a second bitch to deal with now. The head BOS guy has some kinda robo dog that he wants assigned to our group. Since your the tech bitch of the group, you deal with it and keep it out of my way. It gets in the way, I shoot it and you."
As Scorp turned to head back in, a dog came trotting down the street and walked up to him.
"Follow him mutt, he's the techie." Scorp pointed at Jack.
The dog trotted up towards them and Jack and Tenel Ka, who had finished making the fire, turned and looked at it.
"Gee Golly, this dog is hi tech. Look at the way the armor was intergrated into it's biological systems. It even has a plug that my pipboy could proably attach to. "
Jack attached his Pipboy, and his face broke in a large grin.
"Greeting master. I am ROSCO, BOS robodog prototype. At the moment, I require sleep and food."
"Tenel Ka, could you get some water for my cooking pot so I can make some soup with this meat jerkey ?
"Very well Freind Jack, I will go get water, as well as getting another package of Meat Jerkey, as our supply is running low."
As Tenel Ka walked away, Jack's slow social abilty's considerd how lucky he was to have someone exellent at wilderness survival like her. As he was thinking, Jack went and got a few good sized peices of Jerkey out of his pack.
"Will this be enough nutrition Rosco ?"
At the dog's entheusiastic head nod, Jack set the peices of meat on a rock and begain looking thru his pack, taking stock of what he had.

<blockquote>'knife- Just a standard combat knife. Might as well attach it's sheath to my boot.

binoculars-Almost frogot I had these, might as well use this shoulder pocket on the armor to carry them

firstaid kit- Been restocked, so it's at full capacity.

small cooking pot, pan, and fork spoon- Well, the pan is useful at least.

lighter w/o extra fuel- Gotta conserve use of my zippo til I find more fual.

flint/steel- not the most useful for me, but Tenel Ka can use it

Plus Ive got my two V13 water flasks and that portable dumbell that Tenel Ka has to store the water in.'</blockquote>

OCC, I havent setup an inventory for Tenel Ka yet, I will in a later post.
She has a .223 pistol, and is pack muleing to carry Jack's spare .50 Cal ammo box's
Arco stepped out of the tent and into the morning sun. The battle had taken its toll on the band of soldiers, mercenaries and misfits but it seemed that they had destroyed the deathclaws after all. That was old news though, two days old in fact. Arco had been surprised at the new arrivals from the brotherhood. From what he understood, the only BOS members that were assigned to this task were the ones who had been left in the hub after the great battle. Perhaps, these members had a disagreement with the elders and were sent off to avoid further dispute, in others words outcasts of the BOS like Max and Arco. Whatever the case, Arco and Max were both grateful for the assistance.

One thing that drew his attention was the dog that had arrived with the paladins. It appeared to be a normal dog, but the information that came along with described an advanced cybernetic implant system that had been installed in the animal. Apparently it was using the prototype for a new type of implant. Arco read on to find that the unit was frequently prone to what the scribes called “berserker malfunctions,” periods where the animal became completely enraged and was completely uncontrollable. According to the initial tests, the unit only experienced this when it was engaged in highly tense battle situations. None the less the only reason that this unit was sent to them was because it was in fact a defective prototype from which the BOS scribes hoped to exact information from what went wrong in the implants and how to correct it in the future.

Arco finished reviewing the paperwork on the unit and called everyone in the scout group to the infirmary. A total of twelve people showed up including himself and this cyborg dog, Rosco. Arco looked over the group and began to move around assignments in his mind.

“Okay, we will be forming into groups of group of three. Everyone, in every group will be equipped with a radio. We will fan out at distance of approximately 3 kilometers apart.”

Arco had thought about the Ruins of the Ancient Order that were near by. The place was a deathtrap, but could supply this little group quite well. Despite that Arco had decided that the risk was too great to venture in. Death was the glow and he knew it. Even if they avoided the facility, it emanated radiation for miles and only the dead knew what dwelled in the vast wastes surrounding that hole in the ground. Arco himself could only wonder what exposure to the FEV and radiation had created. Soon enough they may find out.

Arco returned the task at hand and began dividing up the scouts into threes based on their skills and relations that he and the other officers had observed during the deathclaw encounter. Arco knew the names of all of the individuals that stood before him as they had actually stood out, good or bad, in the last battle.

”Miles, Scorpio, and Thorgrimm, you are scout group Alpha. You will the farthest inland patrol and closest to what you call the glow. You may divide command up however you see fit but keep in mind that we have no idea what is out here so be watchful. Understood?”

The group just nodded in reply.

”Fenix, Rosco, and Kahgan you are group Beta. You will follow the coast line south. Again you may divide command up how ever see fit.”

”You Rob, Nicolas, and Harper you are group Omega. Rob is in command and you will patrol approximately 6 kilometers inland going to the south.”

”Tenel Ka, and Jack you are with me. We will follow the coastline 3 kilometers inland. You two have been pathetic in our previous battles. I expect better now that you are under my direct command. I won’t hesitate to kill the both of you if you prove yourselves worthless.”

We move out now. I want each group to check in every fifteen minutes. Understood? Good.

The scouts moved south as the rest of the army prepared to move west to try and resupply at the L.A. boneyard. The pieces were in motion and perhaps the cards would reveal their purpose soon.

OOC: More to come on saturday or Sunday, hopefully Saturday.
Miles grimaced, and watched everyone begin to group up and get ready to move out. Turning to Scorpio Miles looked past the big raider and into the wastes "The fucking glow...can you believe that shit.Wonder if the medics have any anti radiation supplys we can um liberate". Miles wondered what kind of creatures might be lurking near that dark hole in the ground. Nobody went near there anymore a nuclear device from the war had impacted directly on it. That place was fucking ground zero.

Miles looked over at that strange dog."somethings not right with that mutt..Can't place my mind on it though".Miles shrugged and checked the straps for his equipment including the radio and its one extra power source."I'm not gonna bother arguing over whos gonna lead the way Scorp, you got an idea for a direction?".Miles studied the map that the BOS commander had layed on the table, checking it against the small one he had take from home.
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