So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

"What the fuck crawled up his ass." Jack asked Tenel Ka as they looked over his pipboy's map ten minutes after the meeting.
"I do not know, I belive that he wishe's to evaluate the recruits that managed to stand out. Apparently we qualified. Although I do not know how Fenix will manage to keep up with his injuries."
"Yeah, that guy fought well but he's still pretty fucked up."
"Last I checked, freind Jack, you were still injured yourself"
"True, but not that injured. Anywayl, lets go and see if the supply people have any extra stims for us, Im plan out of them."
"As am I."
Twenty minutes later, they had managed to scrounge five stimpacks each off of the medi people for assisting in carrying the dead to a large pit, where they would be buried.
"I do not know, I belive that he wishe's to evaluate the recruits that managed to stand out. Apparently we qualified. Although I do not know how Fenix will manage to keep up with his injuries."
"Yeah, that guy fought well but he's still pretty fucked up."
"Last I checked, freind Jack, you were still injured yourself"
"True, but not that injured. Anywayl, lets go and see if the supply people have any extra stims for us, Im plan out of them."
"As am I."
Twenty minutes later, they had managed to scrounge five stimpacks each off of the medi people for assisting in carrying the dead to a large pit, where they would be buried.