First time out of the vault

The problem with changing the Legion at this point is that he has done everything in his power to ensure it does not. A sudden switch in policy will damage it severely, especially if it accepts NCR ideology in itself, since it's the very antithesis of the Legion's. He apparently does not change much if he captures Vegas, it is a slave haven and the Legion presumably prepares to march against the weakened NCR. There's 0 hints of it actually changing. If Lanius is in power all pretense is dropped and they just ravage and murder most everything. Marcus is right when he says the Legion follows Caesar, Caesar's subordinates and Caesar's brutality, not Caesar's ideals.
And the Legion is already a standing army, no? It (apparently) holds 4 States in perfect security, that's as big as the NCR if not bigger.
Caesar isn't going to blindly accept every part of the NCR ideology. He states that he is going to combine the two not overwrite everything he has done. He has done nothing that would make me assume he won't accept the good ideas the NCR. Yes, he does not take cultural influence from nomadic tribes like the vipers or the Khans, but he stated he wanted to stray away from that.
Next, here is the actual quote of the Caesar takes over ending "Caesar entered The Strip as though it was his Triumph. The Legion pushed the NCR out of New Vegas entirely, driving them back to the Mojave Outpost. The Legion occupied all major locations, enslaving much of the population and peacefully lording over the rest. Under the Legion's banner, civilization - unforgiving as it was - finally came to the Mojave wasteland. "- so if taking some slaves, lording peacefully over the others, and starting civilization is what you call a slave haven, in which nothing has changed, I disagree. They are described in game as a roving army and now they are described as a civilization. The Legion has changed, because now they have a capital that is vastly superior to every city we now of. With the right changes it can be made as a cultural center just as Rome once was.
Why would it surrender? By that point NCR would know exactly what the Legion does to it's prisoners, the men are still killed and the women are still enslaved, especially if they are as culturally strong as NCR's. The second tribe to face Caesar surrendered. He still killed the males and enslaved the females. Why would he make an exception? If a few tribals are considered dangerous to the Legion's unity, imagine what educated citizens would be.
The Great Khans surrendered and their men were not killed and the women were sold as wives not slaves. Yes there is a difference, a wife in any culture is treated better than a slave. So no, willful integration (Note surrender after you have lost the war is not willful integration. That is "Okay, even though we were just trying to kill you we give up, now don't kill us.) will not have the consequences you have mentioned. When I looked at the wiki entry for the Kaibabs (second tribe to face the Legion) it did not say that they surrendered or what happened to them. It only states that all 7 tribes were either destroyed or incorporated, but if it the game says something different I would like to hear it.
That's done so that he is not hopelessly outmatched by NCR, both lore and gameplay wise. If his whole army had machetes vs the rifles, power armor and heavy-caliber weapons of the NCR he would not last long. He is dogmatic but not completely stupid. As for medicine, he says it weakens the body (but has no trouble using it himself, the hypocrite). Plus, technology is far more than armament; appliances, lodging, clothes, resource gathering, mass-production of food and drink, all the stuff that makes life easier Robots are a given, even NCR and the Brotherhood don't use them much, presumably because the facilities and knowledge required to manufacture them are lost to any but the Think Tank and possibly Mr. House.
The artillery repair and the mission where the Legion wished to purchase laser weaponry were not put there so that the Legion wouldn't be outmatched. And you are right Caesar isn't stupid so he lets his men use whatever will help them get an edge. Also I have never heard any policy on separating the actual lore form the game so I don't think it is fair for you to label something as not canon simply because you think it is not. As for medicine yes he says it weakens the body, because his men are going to build up a reliance on something they hardly have any of. If you get use to stimpacks you are going to have low morale if you don't have any. Also if you check the inventories of dead Legionaries you will find that they usually have healing powder, where as an NCR Trooper doesn't even have that. EDIT: This sentence contained a wiki quote, but after reading ramessesjones's theory that Caesar's current usage of different technologies shows his willingness to accept change, I agree with him. Plus the Legion seems to have lodging, food production, and clothes down pat, because they have more people and they manage to provide all these to it's people. Again if you check the inventories of the opposing factions grunts, the Legionnaire has food in his inventory were as the NCR opposite does not.