Ideas for new Fallout threats

One silly(?) idea I had was that the pre-war IRS (or its Fallout equivalent) had their own AI at some point, made to keep tabs on taxes owned and collect them in any way by whatever means are available. I think I called it some silly name like Taxatron, TAXER or TAX-MAN.

Anyway, after the war, the thing is re-enabled. It looks at its own internal calendar, sees that it has been over two centuries, starts doing tax calculations... and promptly goes after anyone "in debt". Its intelligent enough to know a nuclear war has happened, but its programming is also strict enough that it can't stop making people pay tax, even through the United States doesn't exist for a long time.

So there's this AI that simply goes around and tries to collect two hundred years worth of extremely overdue unpaid taxes in current's day currency from everyone, simply because its programmed to. Of course, it has the robotic muscle to back it up.

The Player Character is The Dodger. He/She is literally the first guy to get a visit from the "Collectors". The (Tax) Collectors are Taxatron's enforcers in the matter of tax collection. They WILL take your money, and if you have no money, they will take your stuff. This makes them stay away for a while, but they WILL come back and take your shit again, unless you can find a way to fight/avoid them.

The problem is that this is literally destroying the region's economy as Taxatron takes everyone's money and/or goods for its payments and does nothing with it. It won't attack cities brazenly, but that's about it.

Essentially, the first part of the main quest is to stop getting your lunch money stolen by robots, or pay it off.
One silly(?) idea I had was that the pre-war IRS (or its Fallout equivalent) had their own AI at some point, made to keep tabs on taxes owned and collect them in any way by whatever means are available. I think I called it some silly name like Taxatron, TAXER or TAX-MAN.

Anyway, after the war, the thing is re-enabled. It looks at its own internal calendar, sees that it has been over two centuries, starts doing tax calculations... and promptly goes after anyone "in debt". Its intelligent enough to know a nuclear war has happened, but its programming is also strict enough that it can't stop making people pay tax, even through the United States doesn't exist for a long time.

So there's this AI that simply goes around and tries to collect two hundred years worth of extremely overdue unpaid taxes in current's day currency from everyone, simply because its programmed to. Of course, it has the robotic muscle to back it up.

The Player Character is The Dodger. He/She is literally the first guy to get a visit from the "Collectors". The (Tax) Collectors are Taxatron's enforcers in the matter of tax collection. They WILL take your money, and if you have no money, they will take your stuff. This makes them stay away for a while, but they WILL come back and take your shit again, unless you can find a way to fight/avoid them.

The problem is that this is literally destroying the region's economy as Taxatron takes everyone's money and/or goods for its payments and does nothing with it. It won't attack cities brazenly, but that's about it.

Essentially, the first part of the main quest is to stop getting your lunch money stolen by robots, or pay it off.
That would be pretty funny as an entire sub-plot with the Wild Wasteland Trait.

Hello Hardboiled Android,

I meant to respond to you much earlier. But one of the things that held me back was that I did not know how to write a proper response

This is fine, I just don't think they should explicitly be yearning towards the Old World, just a Cowboy-mythology influenced vision of what constitute's "civilization," filtered through the lens of the various civilized towns of the West, in New California and the various civilized oases in the Four Corners.

I have talked with Atomic Postman in the past about not reusing certain elements that have already appeared in Fallout before, such as a republic much similar to the Pre War US republic, instead exploring new ideas that the mostly blank canvas of Fallout offers.

One such concept is the Lone Star Merchant Republic, a nation run by traders rather than politicians.
The Cartel, a 'government' run by the descendants of drugs cartels that are now a 'legitimate' leaderships.
A Confederacy of Native American Tribes (and independent settlements that have joined) in Oklahoma.

I don't wish to turn the Black Hats into a military version of the NCR, in a way we already have that with the Legion even if it is an ancient world styled dictatorship.
But I want there to be something more to their ideology of bring law and order to the wasteland.

The Black Hats' 'cousins'; the Desert Rangers sought to bring law and order to the wasteland by dealing with raiders, hostile tribals, mutants, and rogue robots, and help people to survive by teaching them survival skills.
The Black Hats have not abandoned those goals or principles, but they feel that people in the wasteland perhaps have to be taught by force when they are not willing to listen when the Black Hats try it in a diplomatic way.

But how would I avoid to make it sound that the Black Hats seek to create a nation of their own?

Yeah, I think it would work really well to repurpose the Surf Solar concepts. And I absolutely disagree that it's not up to par, the concept really does feel like it could have been the plot of a Black Isle Fallout 4. It's really quite good.

It would require extensive background/lore building for me to give the feeling that it really works.

The backstory of Fallout 2 in which the Vaults were part of research for off world colonization and the Enclave's planned space program could be used again, but there would also have to be more details where the Enclave intended to go and how they would make this world into a new home for humanity.

I have been thinking a lot of scaling back my earlier ideas for the Enclave's space program. Rather than wanting to go to another star system and starting over there on an Earth like planet (rather much like Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri) which would be rather difficult, I am thinking that the Enclave instead wanted to go to Mars.
Much nearer to Earth and it fits the 50s sci-fi idea of the solar system being the next frontier pretty well.

In reality colonizing Mars would be rather difficult but this is where the Fallout world's different take on science! would get into play.

I remember BTW that you wrote a post a while back about the role of a hidden party behind events taking place in the wasteland, such as the Master and his Unity in Fallout 1, the Enclave in Fallout 2, and Presper and his NCR army allies in the proposed Fallout 3.
And that Fallout New Vegas rather diverged from that with its faction system.

You did not mind that that was used for a campaign once, but you felt it was not a plot concept that should be used over and over again.
In my own work I've come up with an idea for a subterranian faction not entirely unlike The Institute. An organization that has technology akin to weather manipulation, they cause massive Dust storms that flood an area with oppressive radiation and scrambles radio signals. They use this to send abduction teams to the surface, scary, fully-suited mystery-men with technology unlike any seen elsewhere in the Wasteland.

During these storms they raid areas for technological parts, capture people they deem 'of interest', eradicate dissidents/agitators, and run mysterious scientific experiments. They enact their will upon the wasteland through proxy groups and infiltrators, as well as monetary and technological backing.

Their goal, as I'm workshopping it, is to keep The Wasteland down so that when they've accrued enough technological power they can emerge and seize control with comparatively little resistance. The end goal being to establish a totalitarian government.

I dunno, I'm dumb and unoriginal, I just want to take The Wasteland Boogeyman concept to an actual conclusion and make it... not shit.
I have talked with Atomic Postman in the past about not reusing certain elements that have already appeared in Fallout before, such as a republic much similar to the Pre War US republic, instead exploring new ideas that the mostly blank canvas of Fallout offers.

One such concept is the Lone Star Merchant Republic, a nation run by traders rather than politicians.
The Cartel, a 'government' run by the descendants of drugs cartels that are now a 'legitimate' leaderships.
A Confederacy of Native American Tribes (and independent settlements that have joined) in Oklahoma.

I don't wish to turn the Black Hats into a military version of the NCR, in a way we already have that with the Legion even if it is an ancient world styled dictatorship.
But I want there to be something more to their ideology of bring law and order to the wasteland.

The Black Hats' 'cousins'; the Desert Rangers sought to bring law and order to the wasteland by dealing with raiders, hostile tribals, mutants, and rogue robots, and help people to survive by teaching them survival skills.
The Black Hats have not abandoned those goals or principles, but they feel that people in the wasteland perhaps have to be taught by force when they are not willing to listen when the Black Hats try it in a diplomatic way.

But how would I avoid to make it sound that the Black Hats seek to create a nation of their own?
A concept I mentioned briefly once to @Atomic Postman is "Rangers gone bad," on an institutional rather than an individual level.

Basically, the Rangers are a highly trained, extremely well equipped group, one of the very very few 'professional' military organizations in the world, especially pre-NCR expansion. What is the purpose of the Rangers? Obviously we don't have much detail on them in the games, but more or less its to be da good guys, to defend the innocent and help the helpless. Well that's all well and good, but how do they make money? How do they finance their training and their weapons, their organizational structure?

Well, what makes the most sense to me is that, eventually, the way to Rangers maintaining 'law and order' is to rent themselves out to mayors and merchants. Not mercs per se, they (sometimes) have limitations on what they'll do and generally what they do is focused on 'law and order' rather than just random work. But inherently, this sort of stuff is a corrossive influence, the Rangers stray from their original pure purpose.

In effect, what I'm trying to get at is that the Rangers essentially become feudal knights or samurai. They are among the only professionally trained or well equipped soldiers around, and end up coming into the service of local leaders to do what militias or poorly trained mercs can't. They have a code of ethics much like the chivalraic code, but of course most of the time this is violated and they spend most of their time putting down peasant rebellions. There is an overarching 'Ranger' organization that attempts to direct all of the chapters and bands, but it is weak, and Rangers end up fighting other bands in the service of other war lords as much as they do bandits and aggressors.

Now, this isn't exactly right for the Black Hats, but I think there are some ideas here that would be applicable: see them as a military order rather than a state. See them as decentralized tyrants, pettily controlling in a paternalistic manner small towns but uninterested in unifying. Constantly bickering amongst themselves. Unhealthily obsessed with martial prowess and honor, in addition to survivalism.

I dunno, tell me what you think.

It would require extensive background/lore building for me to give the feeling that it really works.

The backstory of Fallout 2 in which the Vaults were part of research for off world colonization and the Enclave's planned space program could be used again, but there would also have to be more details where the Enclave intended to go and how they would make this world into a new home for humanity.

I have been thinking a lot of scaling back my earlier ideas for the Enclave's space program. Rather than wanting to go to another star system and starting over there on an Earth like planet (rather much like Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri) which would be rather difficult, I am thinking that the Enclave instead wanted to go to Mars.
Much nearer to Earth and it fits the 50s sci-fi idea of the solar system being the next frontier pretty well.

In reality colonizing Mars would be rather difficult but this is where the Fallout world's different take on science! would get into play.
Yeah, this is definitely more sensical than Alpha Centauri - though it makes the Vault experiments a teensy bit less sensical, since they were mostly psychological experiments because the Enclave wanted to know what life would be like in isolation on a generation ship. Some of that is probably still applicable to Mars, though.

I remember BTW that you wrote a post a while back about the role of a hidden party behind events taking place in the wasteland, such as the Master and his Unity in Fallout 1, the Enclave in Fallout 2, and Presper and his NCR army allies in the proposed Fallout 3.
And that Fallout New Vegas rather diverged from that with its faction system.

You did not mind that that was used for a campaign once, but you felt it was not a plot concept that should be used over and over again.
Ah, happy to hear you remember it. Yeah, doing another campaign that is centered around faction conflict is, in my mind, equivalent to doing another game about Super Mutants or the Enclave - it could work to have those things in the background but the 'main plot' should not be centered on it.

But it is super super important to have those things in the background, and really be the bulk of what the player actually does.
A concept I mentioned briefly once to @Atomic Postman is "Rangers gone bad," on an institutional rather than an individual level.

Basically, the Rangers are a highly trained, extremely well equipped group, one of the very very few 'professional' military organizations in the world, especially pre-NCR expansion. What is the purpose of the Rangers? Obviously we don't have much detail on them in the games, but more or less its to be da good guys, to defend the innocent and help the helpless. Well that's all well and good, but how do they make money? How do they finance their training and their weapons, their organizational structure?

Well, what makes the most sense to me is that, eventually, the way to Rangers maintaining 'law and order' is to rent themselves out to mayors and merchants. Not mercs per se, they (sometimes) have limitations on what they'll do and generally what they do is focused on 'law and order' rather than just random work. But inherently, this sort of stuff is a corrossive influence, the Rangers stray from their original pure purpose.

In effect, what I'm trying to get at is that the Rangers essentially become feudal knights or samurai. They are among the only professionally trained or well equipped soldiers around, and end up coming into the service of local leaders to do what militias or poorly trained mercs can't. They have a code of ethics much like the chivalraic code, but of course most of the time this is violated and they spend most of their time putting down peasant rebellions. There is an overarching 'Ranger' organization that attempts to direct all of the chapters and bands, but it is weak, and Rangers end up fighting other bands in the service of other war lords as much as they do bandits and aggressors.

Now, this isn't exactly right for the Black Hats, but I think there are some ideas here that would be applicable: see them as a military order rather than a state. See them as decentralized tyrants, pettily controlling in a paternalistic manner small towns but uninterested in unifying. Constantly bickering amongst themselves. Unhealthily obsessed with martial prowess and honor, in addition to survivalism.

I dunno, tell me what you think.

A lot of what you wrote here is rather similar to what my thoughts of what the Desert Rangers in the Fallout world are like, with the exception that have slowly grown corrupted or strayed away from their original mission.

Oh some of the members may have done so, after all they are still human. And perhaps some groups have split off from the main Ranger organization, having become more mercenary in nature, or siding with with some of the tyranical leaders in the wasteland.
But the Rangers in general have stuck to their ideals, only aiding and assisting those settlements whose politics they agree with, and people who are in general 'good' (no intentional screwing up other people's lives in some form)

To a lot of people that probably makes the Rangers a bit too idealistic, but it has also gained them the support of many communities in the wasteland as well as tribes.

The badge a ranger wears stands for something, and even more anti authoritarity types respect the Rangers.

I almost went into lore here again which was not my intention, going into my own made up stuff what led to the decline of the Rangers when we are discussing here what the Rangers are and what the Black Hats would be about.

The Black Hats would definitely be a military order and not really a nation. There is no civilian population.

I am not sure if I would put them down as decentralized tyrants as I have something else in mind that comes a bit close to it.

To me the difference between the Black Hats and their Ranger cousins is that the Black Hats would be more 'extremist' about achieving the goals of the Rangers.
This group formed because they felt that the main Ranger organization was not determined enough, willing enough to do what was necessary to achieve their mission, even if it meant violating some of the Rangers' own ethics.

This led to a schism in the organization and almost a Ranger civil war if the Legion had not arisen in the meantime.

The Legion would drive the Rangers West towards NCR, while driving the Black Hats East towards Texas.

As the Black Hats headed East they would also have slowly changed from 'wasteland cowboys' with some military gear, to a Brotherhood level tech organization with the weapons and technology they retrieved along the way includ Power Armor and energy weapons.

I do like the idea that they are perhaps very obsessed about martial prowess and honor, the Black Hats believing that they are continuing a tradition.

Ugh, I feel that this does not answer your question completely.
Sorry for that, can't seem to make a coherent thought about this today.

[/quote]Yeah, this is definitely more sensical than Alpha Centauri - though it makes the Vault experiments a teensy bit less sensical, since they were mostly psychological experiments because the Enclave wanted to know what life would be like in isolation on a generation ship. Some of that is probably still applicable to Mars, though. [/quote]

Now that you bring up the concept of why the Vaults social experiments were part of the Enclave's starship project I am starting to have doubts about my idea of scaling back the size of the Enclave's space program.

It is not that I dislike the Enclave's ambitions to colonize another star system. I really would like to make the Enclave's starship to appear in a Fallout campaign, this very large ramscoop fueled fusion power propelled tower of a ship.

What I am stuck on however is what for role the starship would play.

It would make one heck of an end game location, like BOMB001 would have been in Van Buren.

In my reduced scale take on the Enclave's space colonization plans the Vault social experiments were to determine the success of a colony that would have been built underneath Mars' surface as Mars is being terraformed, something which could take decades.

Or perhaps those old fifties style domed cities, or dome habitats similar to the dome that would have appeared in Van Buren (that was suppose to be a prototype for a colony structure on another planet)

Hmm, perhaps that the terraform tower in a possible Texas setting that I previously compared to the atmospheric processor from Aliens, actually being the starship on its launch pad?

And that the starship contains the terraforming device?

In the good ending the player perhaps activating the launch sequence to send the starship into space before the terraformer kills almost everything alive with the atmosphere alteration/climate conversion process.

Originally I had envisioned that the starship was equipped with an “Ultrawatt” message laser for interstellar communication.
Of course this would also make it a very potent weapon system.

It could be a reason why no one gets near the 'tower' since the Vault Dwellers have repaired and reactivated it. But it may also be too much like ARCHIMEDESI/II

Even more the threat of the starship was that when it would take off, it would use its fusion drive, destroying anything nearby, and doing something like igniting Earth's atmosphere.
I got that from Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, I admit that it is a bit vague.

In the ending we would see the starship flying into Jupiter's atmosphere as its navigation computer made a critical failure, the results of all the systems on the starship having been in its experimental phase when it was built.
The player would just emerge from cryo sleep and enter the bridge on time to see the Red Spot looming in front of him.

Ah, happy to hear you remember it. Yeah, doing another campaign that is centered around faction conflict is, in my mind, equivalent to doing another game about Super Mutants or the Enclave - it could work to have those things in the background but the 'main plot' should not be centered on it.

But it is super super important to have those things in the background, and really be the bulk of what the player actually does.

I would like to write this better but I also believe that a campaign... hmm 'plot device' from a previous game should not be repeated again in the next game.

We now had the conflict between four factions taking a central role in Fallout New Vegas, that should not come back in the next Fallout.
Not conflict between factions that decides on the future of the region, but the main quest revolving around it.

Storylines and quests with the various people, factions, and settlements are the 'potatoes and vegetables' of a Fallout game, and they do play an important role in building the world and setting the feeling.
But the 'meat' needs to be something new that we have not seen yet.

Perhaps the Vault Dwellers of the 'Lost Vault' could play some role in making the Texas Wasteland a more habitable place in another way if the player convinces them to give up their plans of using the terraformer.

Or if not using the starship to evacuate to another world, destroying what is left of this world during the take off.

I am very much in doubt about using the terraformer plot device or starship plot device.
A lot of what you wrote here is rather similar to what my thoughts of what the Desert Rangers in the Fallout world are like, with the exception that have slowly grown corrupted or strayed away from their original mission.

Oh some of the members may have done so, after all they are still human. And perhaps some groups have split off from the main Ranger organization, having become more mercenary in nature, or siding with with some of the tyranical leaders in the wasteland.
But the Rangers in general have stuck to their ideals, only aiding and assisting those settlements whose politics they agree with, and people who are in general 'good' (no intentional screwing up other people's lives in some form)

To a lot of people that probably makes the Rangers a bit too idealistic, but it has also gained them the support of many communities in the wasteland as well as tribes.

The badge a ranger wears stands for something, and even more anti authoritarity types respect the Rangers.

I almost went into lore here again which was not my intention, going into my own made up stuff what led to the decline of the Rangers when we are discussing here what the Rangers are and what the Black Hats would be about.
The reason I have this is because we never really learn much about the Rangers. We meet Tycho in 1 as a call back to Wasteland who vaguely tells us that they're da good guys. Fallout 2 we see the NCR Rangers, which are organizationally completely different but clearly have a throughline. They're da good guys, uncompromising paragons of justice in an injust world. In Fallout NV, the two organizations have fused, and now they're da good guys together.

Of course that's a bit of an oversimplification, especially in the case of NV where we meet a lot of well fleshed out Ranger characters, but overall the thrust of them is that they're trying to do right. In the case of NCR Rangers, this is fairly justifiable - they're an arm of a liberal-democratic great power, they don't have to fend for themselves. While they're probably subject to corruption and bad incentives etc, they can focus a lot of their energy on these higher values.

But for the Desert Rangers? What's the incentive structure that keeps them relatively righteous when they're out in a Wasteland constantly starving, and need to invest an exorbitant amount for their training? Just honor in the abstract? Well, the natural comparison then becomes Christian priesthood in the Middle Ages, or knights bound by codes of chivalry in the middle ages.

Rangers need food, they need water, they need cash to run their operation, without even getting into greed. Roughing it out in the Wastes will only get them so far. Inevitably - like medieval knights or samurai - they're going to need to ask the locals they're protecting for some help. Given time, this devolves into a shake down racket, especially after generations of relative isolation and the feeling of superiority among the Rangers.

Given enough time, separated from a well-developed state, the one dimensional view of the rangers simply isn't sustainable. Their view of ethics and honor will be there in the background, just like codes of Christian ethics or knightly chivalry, but just like for those organizations it will often be violated, and its interpretation will be skewed by circumstance and elitism.

The Black Hats would definitely be a military order and not really a nation. There is no civilian population.

I am not sure if I would put them down as decentralized tyrants as I have something else in mind that comes a bit close to it.

To me the difference between the Black Hats and their Ranger cousins is that the Black Hats would be more 'extremist' about achieving the goals of the Rangers.
This group formed because they felt that the main Ranger organization was not determined enough, willing enough to do what was necessary to achieve their mission, even if it meant violating some of the Rangers' own ethics.

This led to a schism in the organization and almost a Ranger civil war if the Legion had not arisen in the meantime.

The Legion would drive the Rangers West towards NCR, while driving the Black Hats East towards Texas.

As the Black Hats headed East they would also have slowly changed from 'wasteland cowboys' with some military gear, to a Brotherhood level tech organization with the weapons and technology they retrieved along the way includ Power Armor and energy weapons.

I do like the idea that they are perhaps very obsessed about martial prowess and honor, the Black Hats believing that they are continuing a tradition.
My only major problem with this is the characterization of the Black Hats as being on the level of the Brotherhood though I think this is probably hyperbole.

Otherwise it's fine, but I don't think "rough sense of frontier justice" is enough to characterize the organization.

Teutonic Knights, IMO, is the template here. Knights without a king.

Ugh, I feel that this does not answer your question completely.
Sorry for that, can't seem to make a coherent thought about this today.
NP, I feel like mine aren't super collected either.

Now that you bring up the concept of why the Vaults social experiments were part of the Enclave's starship project I am starting to have doubts about my idea of scaling back the size of the Enclave's space program.

It is not that I dislike the Enclave's ambitions to colonize another star system. I really would like to make the Enclave's starship to appear in a Fallout campaign, this very large ramscoop fueled fusion power propelled tower of a ship.

What I am stuck on however is what for role the starship would play.

It would make one heck of an end game location, like BOMB001 would have been in Van Buren.

In my reduced scale take on the Enclave's space colonization plans the Vault social experiments were to determine the success of a colony that would have been built underneath Mars' surface as Mars is being terraformed, something which could take decades.

Or perhaps those old fifties style domed cities, or dome habitats similar to the dome that would have appeared in Van Buren (that was suppose to be a prototype for a colony structure on another planet)

Hmm, perhaps that the terraform tower in a possible Texas setting that I previously compared to the atmospheric processor from Aliens, actually being the starship on its launch pad?

And that the starship contains the terraforming device?

In the good ending the player perhaps activating the launch sequence to send the starship into space before the terraformer kills almost everything alive with the atmosphere alteration/climate conversion process.

Originally I had envisioned that the starship was equipped with an “Ultrawatt” message laser for interstellar communication.
Of course this would also make it a very potent weapon system.

It could be a reason why no one gets near the 'tower' since the Vault Dwellers have repaired and reactivated it. But it may also be too much like ARCHIMEDESI/II

Even more the threat of the starship was that when it would take off, it would use its fusion drive, destroying anything nearby, and doing something like igniting Earth's atmosphere.
I got that from Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, I admit that it is a bit vague.

In the ending we would see the starship flying into Jupiter's atmosphere as its navigation computer made a critical failure, the results of all the systems on the starship having been in its experimental phase when it was built.
The player would just emerge from cryo sleep and enter the bridge on time to see the Red Spot looming in front of him.

I would like to write this better but I also believe that a campaign... hmm 'plot device' from a previous game should not be repeated again in the next game.

We now had the conflict between four factions taking a central role in Fallout New Vegas, that should not come back in the next Fallout.
Not conflict between factions that decides on the future of the region, but the main quest revolving around it.

Storylines and quests with the various people, factions, and settlements are the 'potatoes and vegetables' of a Fallout game, and they do play an important role in building the world and setting the feeling.
But the 'meat' needs to be something new that we have not seen yet.

Perhaps the Vault Dwellers of the 'Lost Vault' could play some role in making the Texas Wasteland a more habitable place in another way if the player convinces them to give up their plans of using the terraformer.

Or if not using the starship to evacuate to another world, destroying what is left of this world during the take off.

I am very much in doubt about using the terraformer plot device or starship plot device.
A lot of really really interesting stuff here. I really feel like the terraformer/Vault mirror protagonist concept has a lot of legs, and the addition of the spaceship is really interesting.

I also really like the dilemna posed: allow the space ship/terraformer to remain, it will terraform the Texas Wasteland killing everyone and all of the societies you've met, but the rest of the planet will be fine. Or you could launch the rocket, igniting the planet's atmosphere, but you get to pick and choose the societies and individuals to take with you. Or a third, ideal option (Master's suicide, talking down Lanius) where you are able to deactivate the terraformer without using the starship and collaborate with the Vault Dwellers to use the technology to make the world a better place - piecemeal, imperfectly, unlike the clean slate of terraforming or space, but obviously more humane.
We now had the conflict between four factions taking a central role in Fallout New Vegas, that should not come back in the next Fallout.
Not conflict between factions that decides on the future of the region, but the main quest revolving around it.

You could have the faction conflict happen before the end-game.

Using Vegas as an analogy, imagine if the 2nd Battle of Hoover Dam was Act III, and once you win, you and Mr. House/Yes-Man/NCR/Legion have to fight, idk, Elijah or Ulysses in Act IV.

You need to engage in the big faction dust-up to get allies for the endgame. The faction(s) you supported will then support you in the end.

Western story-telling tends towards the Three-Act Structure, but the Four Act Structure exists as well.
Here's an idea for a threat, one that I think Fallout 4 could have used, but failed hard at it.

I've always wanted a Fallout game where you fight some sort of conspiracy. Not as much an overt force as much as a group or a force who are in the shadows working against you, the player. A Conspiracy, a Corruption, an Infiltration of some sort. Who can you trust?

Now, the "replay factor" would mean that in the second play, you already know who to trust and who not to. Well, what if everyone's real allegiance is rolled at game start? Or maybe it starts small but your enemies can "spread" somehow - you know, like some mind control bacteria, The Conditioning, the Corruption, things like that. Perhaps it starts very small but through the game as you play, NPCs start being subverted.

In New Vegas, every NPC has a faction. In this game, every character would have a public and a secret faction allegiance. Some guy might be working for the NCR and even wearing their uniform, but he is actually working for the Secret Elder God Cult or Communists or something.

For some reason, I think of X-COM Apocalypse. X-COM Apocalypse was essentially you defending a futuristic city-state from an alien invasion by aliens from another dimension. The city is full of factions, and every faction has its own budget, their own vehicles, their own products sold and brought, enemies, foes, rivals and allies. The aliens are a faction too, and they make allies in this side by infiltrating factions and using their mind-control methods on people. They can even take over the Government.

So maybe "The Enemy" has some Falloutesque method of mind control. Hell, might not even be one but multiple shadowy foes, fighting each other. Maybe what makes the Player Character special is the fact he's somehow immune to this control. The PC is the one person who can decide, truly.

And it's a theme that goes well with Fallout. The 50s are the height of the Red Scare. So much sci-fi of the time had such elements about secret take-overs, infiltration and such sort of conspiracies.
You could have the faction conflict happen before the end-game.

Using Vegas as an analogy, imagine if the 2nd Battle of Hoover Dam was Act III, and once you win, you and Mr. House/Yes-Man/NCR/Legion have to fight, idk, Elijah or Ulysses in Act IV.

You need to engage in the big faction dust-up to get allies for the endgame. The faction(s) you supported will then support you in the end.

Western story-telling tends towards the Three-Act Structure, but the Four Act Structure exists as well.

Hi Slaughter Manslaught,

Yes, despite that I have been reading Manga for some time now, I did not learn about the Four Act Structure until recently that Manga tends to handle, with the first act being the introduction of the characters and the setting.

It is kind of funny that you bring up that example;

sing Vegas as an analogy, imagine if the 2nd Battle of Hoover Dam was Act III, and once you win, you and Mr. House/Yes-Man/NCR/Legion have to fight, idk, Elijah or Ulysses in Act IV.

Because in the years since the release of Fallout New Vegas I have from time to time brought up in the FNV sub topic that I would have liked it if FNV's campaign had been like that. (Lonesome Road changing FNV's ending, taking place after the second battle of Hoover Dam)
Most of the main plot would revolve around the conflict between the NCR, Legion, and House, and the impact it has on the world and the people around it.
The conflict with the fourth party, in my case I had taken Ulysses and his plans to use the missile bases on the Divide to reset the South West, would have been born from this initial conflict. (Ulysses feels that civilization's rebirth has been a failure because of people bringing back flawed old world ideologies such as flawed democracy, totalitarianism, unrestrained capitalism).

Maybe you have heard of my wishes to make a Fallout Texas. In it I handle the idea you suggest.
The player must initially resolve the conflicts between major factions and smaller factions that are tied into this, recruiting allies and forging alliances along the way as the player learns of a much greater threat posed by a faction or individual that is on the background. Perhaps this faction or individual is manipulating the well known factions.
Once the major conflict has been resolved the player and his or her allies need to confront the fourth faction and deal with them.

The major conflict being about the trade war between Lone Star merchant republic, the Cartel, and the Okie Confederacy, with the recent arrival/invasion of the Legion having changed the established balance of power in the region. But once this has been resolved the player must deal with the threat to everyone; the vault dwellers of the Lost Vault who want to use the terraformer machine in the Enclave's old starship to terraform the Texas wasteland, killing almost everyone on the surface.
Here's an idea for a threat, one that I think Fallout 4 could have used, but failed hard at it.

I had somewhat of a similar idea with the androids introduced in Fallout 4. The androids infiltrating and replacing key people in various settlements, groups, and organizations, and it being very difficult to determine who is an androids and who isn't
Especially as some of the androids may not even know themselves that they are fake.

The player's own investment in this is that he or she woke up in a restored medical facility run by robots, not remembering the last year or perhaps more of their life.
After escaping the medical facility the player goes out to investigate what happened that made them wake up in that medical facility, and during their journey they find out that there is someone else out there who looks exactly like the player and has been doing its own thing or has been causing problems the player is now being accused off.

The player would find out about this project by the institute or perhaps a pre-war organization that sought to 'save' humanity by uploading their minds into immortal android bodies that don't suffer a lot of the limitations that humans do.
This project is still ongoing, perhaps now run by the first successful android, and the player was one of the people its followers caught.
Normally the download process destroys the neural structures of the organic original, but in the player's case the original was preserved and instead a duplicate was created.
So now the player does not only have to find his or her 'other', but also determine which of the two is the original.

The androids, even if they don't know that they are one, are controlled or manipulated by the original android (calling him Adam for now after the monster in Dr Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus) for its goal of 'saving' humanity.

Of course that can not be done any more so something new would have to be made up with this plot concept.
There's probably been a load of takes on this during the years. I will not search for it right now but has there been any idea on another breed of humanoid mutants that isn't Ghouls or Super Mutants? I mean something orc-like that Bethesda could have used as a threat on the East Coast instead of SM:s? A breed of mutants that has been formed by radiation and not FEV.

Something like this but not generic and in accordance with the Fallout setting:
Something like this but not generic and in accordance with the Fallout setting:
Bethesda created the Swampfolk for the FO3 Point Lookout DLC:

Remove the Hillbilly clothes and give them pelt/leather/bone clothes, teeth necklaces, skull accessories, etc. and you would have something that could fit with the Goblin, Orc and Ogre stereotypes.
There's probably been a load of takes on this during the years. I will not search for it right now but has there been any idea on another breed of humanoid mutants that isn't Ghouls or Super Mutants? I mean something orc-like that Bethesda could have used as a threat on the East Coast instead of SM:s? A breed of mutants that has been formed by radiation and not FEV.

Something like this but not generic and in accordance with the Fallout setting:

Well with the help of Brazilian Slaughter I came up with human-plant hybrids based on Swamp Thing and Poison Ivy. There would be humans 'embraced' by the Bloom.
Don't know how I would call the male Swamp Thing hybrids but we called the female ones 'Ivvies' though I would also like to compare them to Dryads. They would be unusually attractive females.
Oh before I forget, both would retain their human level of intelligence, acquire additional regenerative capabilities, and perhaps more unusual abilities like being poisonous.
Each Bloomtender, the guardian and caretaker of the Bloom hopes that they will be embraced and be made into hybrids so they can be closer to the Bloom. Often though the Bloom just ends up consuming people.

Other ideas of my own were for example Slobbers and Fused Men/Merged Men, the result of an accident at a former rocket R&D site involving special fuel and radiation.
Slobbers are basically 'melted humans', blobs of flesh not dissimilar to amoebae, C&C's visceroids, or gelatinous cubes from D&D. I know, not very original but we have no had them yet in Fallout.
These would be very instinctual creatures. As their 'bodies' consume themselves when Slobbers have not eaten in a while, they are constantly searching for additional biomass to replenish their own.
Fused Men or Merged Men resemble two or three humans fused into one body, and because they are in constant agony they have pretty much lost all ability to reason, acting on violent impulses instead.

Then there are also Degenerates or 'D-gens'. Clones suffering from Clone Degeneration Syndrome, the result of cloning the same tissue over and over again.
These clones break down both mentally and physically, becoming increasingly animalistic.
Many clones fear that they may carry CDS in their genes and are constantly wary for any symptoms that may suggest such as they know they will be send to the bio reclamators if they are in the first stages.
There's probably been a load of takes on this during the years. I will not search for it right now but has there been any idea on another breed of humanoid mutants that isn't Ghouls or Super Mutants? I mean something orc-like that Bethesda could have used as a threat on the East Coast instead of SM:s? A breed of mutants that has been formed by radiation and not FEV.

Something like this but not generic and in accordance with the Fallout setting:

I've mused on Porcs before - mutated Boars, humanoid boars, that could be an easy way to add a beefy faction to kill/fight against (and even work with) that makes sense for NA, ya know?
There's probably been a load of takes on this during the years. I will not search for it right now but has there been any idea on another breed of humanoid mutants that isn't Ghouls or Super Mutants? I mean something orc-like that Bethesda could have used as a threat on the East Coast instead of SM:s? A breed of mutants that has been formed by radiation and not FEV.

Something like this but not generic and in accordance with the Fallout setting:
This reminds of a concept I had. I'm actually pretty annoyed because I thought I had written it down somewhere but I can't seem to find it. It's based on this urban myth:

I'll give a quick rundown.
  • An up-and-coming biotech firm in Riverside County that specializes in growing organs and limbs for transplant. Mainly intended for wounded soldiers, but later for the general population of ill and invalid, and perhaps even cosmetic applications.
  • Doing better and better, but they find limitations in vat growing transplants. Eventually, they strike on the genius idea of growing organs and limbs on pigs. Anatomically and biologically similar to humans, a single limb or organ could be grown on an otherwise perfectly normal pig, and the organ could be harvested when it reaches maturity. They establish a research ranch in an abndoned plot of land out in the Chino Hills.
  • These experiments grow more and more subtle. Limbs and organs with the genetic code of a specific person can be grown on a single pig. In fact, limbs and organs tailored for multiple individuals can be grown on a single pig, or several generic limbs/organs for a mass market.
  • The most complex and most disturbing development of the firm is in neuroscience: to grow tailored bits and pieces of neural and cerebral material for brain damage to soldiers or the rich, or even to regrow an entire brain from scratch, achieving a certain kind of immortality. With genetic and chemical priming, these brains can even be massaged in such a way to have the structures, the memories, the souls of the people they're grown for. To assuage any ethical fears, these bits of brain matter and brains would be totally inert, only "coming online" when attached to a human host by a specialist.

  • But the War comes. Pigs who leave peacefully in the Chino Hills suffer through the War but survive, living merrily on open pasture with loose human organs not serving as much of an impediment.
  • The issue comes with the next generation. No longer constrained by human caretakers, the pigs begin to breed freely. The effects of radiation destroy the best laid plans of careful scientists - human DNA reactivates, recombines with swine DNA in unpredictable ways, enflamed by the mixing together of different pig and human genetic codes from mates.
  • The first generations are true monsters. Most of them are squealing piles of limbs and eyes that are quickly devoured by their sires and broodmates.
  • But natural selection works as it does, eventually things stabilize. The new generations are half alive, in constant pain, masses of mixed and mutated limbs of human and pigs but they're alive and can do most of the basic functions of life. In some cases, their mutations give them certain advantages: six arms and supercharged muscles can come in handy, five sets of lungs, ability to go from bipedal to quadrapedal gait, etc.
  • Life is constant pain, this is made no better by their brains. Combining human and pig, the chaos of two distinct neurological systems intersecting at random leads to unforeseeable issues, both physical and mental. They are much smarter than a pig, but on average much dumber than a human.
  • Most problematic is that it is not just human neurological strucutures but in some cases the fragmented memories and personalities of human beings. Often multiple human beings at once, sometimes several entire brains. These memories and personalities can have their uses, however.

  • The pigmen live in a tribal society. Pigs are sorted into various "totems," sorted by shamanic systems of lineal descent correlated with certain physical and neurological/behavioral traits that can be outwardly observed and traced through generations.
  • Life is brutal and constant pain for the Pigmen. It is only natural that this is reflected in their society. Their hierarchies are shaped by violence, their culture predicated on raiding. Raiding is somewhat ceremonalized between the totems, but takes on its most brutal aspect against humans.
  • They despise humans, seeing them as monstrous versions of themselves, or perhaps they are jealous. In any case, the feeling of hatred is more than mutual. The pigmen eat humans very often, and human are not averse to eating them, seeing them as being not human. This is limited to the local tribal around the Chino Hills, but increasingly "longpork" is becoming a valued commodity in more distant communities unaware of its source.
  • Most pigmen use clubs, or their own brute strength, as this is all they have. Often their fingers are tooo clumsy and malformed to use firearms, but it is not uncommon.
  • As a nation they are ruled by a council of totem elders. At the top is the war chief, the most renowned fighter among them, and the wisdom chief, who generally has three or four human brains, a wealth of memories and torments and processing power to draw upon for counsel.
This would be in a setting focused on the Boneyard region. Not sure exactly what their overall role in the world would be, assuming that they're not just used as generic monsters. One concept I had is that the humane path, requested specifically by the wisdom chief, would be to kill them all by triggering an atomic reactor meltdown. Not sure, but I think the basic concept is solid.
I mentioned in the past that in the world of Fallout, some kind of cyborg/tech-enhanced villains could work well.

We already have Frank Horrigan, which is a mutant and enhanced with his Power Armor that's part of his own body. Now imagine a crazy tech cult/tribe/raider group that enhances its followers with tech they scavenge/find/build. They could have cyborg animals too, tougher versions of the wild animals that would be found in the wastes.

Maybe even organic robots, robot versions of the ones found in the wastes, but with human parts (like the brain or something).
  • the pigs begin to breed freely.
  • The effects of radiation
  • human DNA reactivates, recombines with swine DNA in unpredictable ways
  • natural selection works as it does, eventually things stabilize.
  • They are much smarter than a pig, but on average much dumber than a human.
  • Their hierarchies are shaped by violence, their culture predicated on raiding.
  • They despise humans
  • The pigmen eat humans very often
  • As a nation they are ruled by a council of totem elders.
  • the wisdom chief, who generally has three or four human brains, a wealth of memories and torments and processing power to draw upon for counsel.
It's a great concept I think, nicely done! The fact that there's a lot of variance between individuals in this breed of mutants gives writers and game designers a lot of flexibility. Very versatile. And also fun for players to go up against an enemy where each fight isn't as repetitious as it can be with Super Mutants sometimes (especially in Fallout 3).

You locate them to the Chino Hills, that means there's still a need for another species of orc-likes for the East Coast, if we don't want Super Mutants there...
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It's a great concept I think, nicely done! The fact that there's a lot of variance between individuals in this breed of mutants gives writers and game designers a lot of flexibility. Very versatile. And also fun for players to go up against an enemy where each fight isn't as repetitious as it can be with Super Mutants sometimes (especially in Fallout 3).

You locate them to the Chino Hills, that means there's still a need for another species of orc-likes for the East Coast, if we don't want Super Mutants there...
Well I wrote it off of one specific urban myth in the Chino Hills. Theoretically they could be moved to just about anywhere.