- Tall, skeletal, mutant deer-people
- "
at 13:58 -20:40
Vampires. Kinda...
Mexican half-human, half-bats. Unlike super mutants or ghouls these guys can and do breed. Also they feed on human blood, so they could remain humanoid.
The creatures are originally human that have some bat DNA inside. Their DNA is unstable for reasons unknown, and after a certain age they must gather new human DNA once a month or two. The longer the creatures lack Human DNA samples, the more feral and animalistic they turn. They could breed, though they often choose not to due to lack of food. Some look human (though extremely rare), some look bat, but most are somewhere in between.
The whole thing started pre-war in South America. A scientist from unknown origin, experimented with bats. He found a species that was more resistant to radiation than most animals. He then made a experimental vaccine, that would alter human DNA, making humans almost immune to high levels of radiation. Side effects were minor -mostly changes in skin pigmentation and improved sound perseption.
What exactly happend is not known. Did the scientist release the drug? How many people were vaccinised? Those things are a mistery, since around the time the drug was ready, the bombs start falling. we can be sure about one thing - something survived.
Well, they live in small deserted towns, slowly moving north year after year, decade after decade in search for humans. They are mostly nocturnal. Their DNA is f**ked up, to they are not very nice. Some can talk, most are inteligent. Children are rather rare. Some use guns, some don't - depending on the level of Mutation.
They are not evil, but they almost always need human blood to survive, making them very dangerous. Every year they selebrate the Calavera Carnival, a vicious ritural with human sacrifices and live music.
- They still have their human intellect and remember their past lives. They can use guns, wear armor and clothes and can strategize ... but can't talk. They communicate with sign language, but mostly basic hand gestures ( thumbs up, middle finger, etc.), vocal noises, and reading each others' body language.
- Communicating with them is hard, but
reasoning with them is the real challenge.
- They eat humans, specifically hunt humans like animals. Common traps are supply caches out in the open. Others are like the intro to this video, with the broadcast being the genuine fear from a past victim:
When their meat supply runs dry, the Wendigos will begin their "hunting season" with individual hunters targeting travelers out in the wastes. When enough time passes, people will start noticing the mass disappearances and stop venturing outside. The Wendigos will then be forced to assault entire towns and villages; not implying they weren't going to do that anyways. They will first target the radio station; to keep settlements in the dark and to keep them from communicating with each other. They'll go on to systematically; and nearly, purge The Overgrowth (Washington Wasteland) of human life, but leave
just enough alive so they can repopulate. Because of this, the Wendigos are hesitant to kill women and children. Once they've harvested all the meat they can, they'll move on to the next region and start all over again.
- Wendigos find other types of meat nasty or not-as-good. They explicitly eat human flesh.
- The big twists in the story are their existence and the fact they aren't from Washington. They came from Alaska (referencing real life mythology and the main reason they're chosen for the setting).
- Some Wendigo lore versions say you become one by committing cannibalism in a forest cursed with the Wendigo spirit. For Fallout, the Wendigos give
their own flesh to a select few. Methods are either tricking a human prisoner into eating it by mixing bits of it in their food, or just force feeding. For the latter, a Wendigo would enter your cell, slice off a chunk of skin off their arm, leg, or chest in front of you and then cram it down your throat. Sometimes they'll try growing their numbers "the normal way", but Wendigo birth is too extreme. One of the sub-endings are the player becoming a Wendigo themselves, which would affect the main endings because of everyone's reaction to it.
- Surface level: deer hunting people instead of people hunting deer. Cannibals with a scarier coat of paint
- Plot and theme level: The Wendigos are "innocent" in a sense that their only motivation is survival. Not malice or sadism and certainly not greed. Everyone needs to eat; simple as that.
- Wendigos Vs. The Raider (Player moniker)
1. The Wendigos only take what they need so their food source isn't depleted. Raiders in general take as much of whatever they want from who ever they want.
2. The Raider came to The Overgrowth to pillage it's over abundant resources, like everyone else who isn't local. The Wendigos came to The Overgrowth for it's dense human population, because of said abundance.
Reasons why the Wendigos may be well received (at least on NMA):
1. A new race of sub-human
2. A non-ideologically driven faction, though they'll be used to compare morality with the general wasteland and the player (to an extent)
3. A relatively small-scale threat
4. Body horror and monster movie based (personal reason why I choose them to be the main antagonists)