Matthews said:
alec said:
The ability to save and load IRL.
I really can't think of anything that would be better. I mean, think about it: no more regrets. Ever.
This. So much this.
Good, but very limited tbh. There's powers that make "reloading" unnecessary to begin with.
Crni Vuk said:
dajohnson said:
What would it be and why?
Omnipotence. Obviously. Because thats like, com on, its all the powers combined.
If omnipotence is "too much" for a superpower, i'd go with total understanding and control of matter to a subatomic level.
Means you can do, control, create, destroy anything you set your mind to.
CO2 issues? Well, It's carbon & air now.
Turn lead into gold? Done.
Speeding car coming at you? Suddenly just a mist of harmless iron, alu and plastic particles.
Wish to be more buff? Boom, muscles.
Wish to have unbreakable bones & stop ageing of your cells? Done.
Cut yourself? Instant self-heal.
Nanobot army to serve your every command? Oh yes please.
Create your ideal mate/companion? Perfect!
Crave a nuclear wasteland? You've got it!