I'm getting old, Shonny: The good and the bad


Vault Senior Citizen
Lately I have been frequently visiting a website known as http://www.retrojunk.com/ and been wondering what everyone feels about their youth. My youth as a 90's kid in the good ol' US of A was mostly awful food crammed down my throat along with sports, good to decent toys, cars and the most popular golden oldies. I'm sickened by the rampant force fed materials of fast food. Kids meals seem to dominate my total youth but as a current mid twenties adult I've noticed some things became increasingly good. I remember a good ol' cartoon by the the name Eek The Cat. Not so much the whole show but a segment of the show "Terrible Thunder Lizards". As an adult loving older metal music in general I didn't know that Mr. Dee Schneider was responsible for the theme.


Although this was cool, I cannot fathom the amount of fast food ads and such for the sake of commercialism. I feel sick most times watching these old ads and thinking "maybe this is why my generation is so damn fat". I myself spending a good time of my life obese. 16 to 20 to be exact. But there are pluses such as the Thunder Lizards theme. So tell me world. What are the highlights of your youth, and what has been destroyed as an adult.

Ad's, pop culture, food, toys, etc.

What has been made better by age and what has gotten worse?
What do you turn to when feeling nostalgic and what repulses you and your 10 year old self would kick your current self's ass for?
I'm not following you. Every generation has had to put up with commercialism, it's what pays for all those cartoons. Plus everyone knows Eek the Cat was just a poor kid's Ren n Stimpy which was Bevis and Butthead for kids with overprotective parents.
I just wanted certain views is all. What was awesome as a kid and what makes you wanna puke in rage and frustration now, looking back on it. Why being a kid in YOUR perspective sucks/rocks now. That's all. My words may have been picked better.

Example. The magical words of Ronald McDonald seems salty in my mouth now. But when I was a kid seem awesome. The Terrible Thunder Lizards still seem awesome to this day. Maybe in light if new facts I've learned. I just wanna know what remained awesome to some and others have turned rotten is all. When adulthood shatters some realities and makes others immortal.

Example. Angry Beavers still makes me laugh but Gak looks retarded.
Honestly, I find myself wanting to kick my younger selves ass more than anything. I was a spoiled little brat that only cared about what I wanted. Thankfully the Army beat most of that out of me. I think toy commercials have went downhill personally. Ninja Turtles is still awesome. Captain Nintendo is still awesome. Mcdonalds tastes the same. Sure it can make you fat and shit, but that is something I will never have to worry about. I would show pics, but it's embarrassing how skinny I am.

Edit: Who can hate on Doug or the SNES? Who doesn't love to bask in the nostalgia that will never be again? How about that Beetlejuice cartoon? Pogs? LA Gear? Top Gear? What about those cowboy humanoid cow dudes that were ripping off the turtles....yeah they suck.
TorontRayne said:
Who can hate on Doug or the SNES?
I can. Both of them, in fact. I LOATHED Doug with such a passion, and yet I had to watch every episode. That kid just pissed me off every time he misunderstood shit and his DOG had a better grasp of the situation than he did. I guess I just loved whenever we'd get to see his neighbor (can't remember the character's name), because that was a highlight of the show.

I was also a Sega kid, so, like all the XBox fanboys nowadays, that meant Nintendo was "my enemy" when I was younger. Of course, I've since then played many games on SNES/NES emulators, and marveled at how WONDERFUL those games were. But, back in those days, all I saw was "My Nomad is a HAND-HELD version of hardware that kicks that crap's ass, so I don't see why anyone could like that sort of thing..." In retrospect, I still feel that technologically it was absolutely superior, but that didn't mean Nintendo couldn't have some amazing titles exclusive to them.

I spend more time mentally jaw-dropping at kids TODAY than I do about my younger self. I mean, my cousin's daughter didn't know who Bugs Bunny was!!! Meanwhile, at her age, I was eager for the school year to end JUST so I could come home and the Tiny Toons summer adventure special would start airing, which was a favorite of mine for a couple years. I loved all the shit I used to watch, and very few of them elicit the "what the fuck was I thinking???" reaction. Power Rangers is the only fad I was into that I can think of becoming repulsed by when I grew a little. I DID, for reasons I no longer understand, make a habit out of getting 2 (then 99c) Whoppers from the Burger King across the street, every day, for lunch. Today, I SOMETIMES "feel weak" and buy such crappy fast food from places like Jack or Carl's, but I quickly remember that there's better food just blocks away, and cheaper, at In-n-Out, or Chipotle. Ah, simpler times, when I had no standards... XD
O yeah. I watched the summer vacation movie so much I forgot about the rest of the show



You are all spoiled brats. Try growing up before video games existed.

We had this thing called "outside" where we played all day making up games, like 'beat up the weak kid'.
Well I grew up without videogames. Not because I am old, but because we were poor back then.
DammitBoy said:
You are all spoiled brats. Try growing up before video games existed.
Troll harder old man. Not all of us grew up with living cro-magnon relatives to teach us the joys of rock throwing
DammitBoy said:
You are all spoiled brats. Try growing up before video games existed.

We had this thing called "outside" where we played all day making up games, like 'beat up the weak kid'.

Have you ever posted something that wasn't?:

Related to boosting your epeen.
About guns.
About Rosco.

This is a site dedicated to a fucking video game. Go shoot your gun at the moon you primitive hick.
DB kinda hit it with that one. I had the pleasure of growing up in a safe environment. I spent my childhood wandering around and doing all sorts of stuff with my friends. During summers when days where longer and warmer i would wake up in the morning grab some breakfast and storm out on my bmx only to come back when night falls. A whole day spent exploring and having fun. I had very few toys a couple of toy cars and trucks but thats because i didn't ask for them plus dragging around toys became bothersome because we were always on the move searching for the next adventure. I carried only two things with me the whole time my pocket knife and my trusty wooden slingshot, cliche i know.

I guess that all stopped when i began tracking time. Duties and obligations made the days shorter.
donperkan said:
DB kinda hit it with that one. I had the pleasure of growing up in a safe environment. I spent my childhood wandering around and doing all sorts of stuff with my friends. During summers when days where longer and warmer i would wake up in the morning grab some breakfast and storm out on my bmx only to come back when night falls.

Was it really safer? Even back when I was a kid in the sixties? I think we just had bigger families and you didn't get concerned about losing a kid to some fatal playground accident.

When did 'helicopter' mothers become popular? Kids are weaker today - too much time in front of a screen, too safe in the cocoon mommy made for them.
donperkan said:
I spent my childhood wandering around and doing all sorts of stuff with my friends. During summers when days where longer and warmer i would wake up in the morning grab some breakfast and storm out on my bmx only to come back when night falls. A whole day spent exploring and having fun.

Did pretty much the same up until I was 11 and moved to Florida. Would go out with my friend all day exploring (trespassing), fishing, constructing sketchy bike ramps out of dirt piles and plywood, climbing trees, falling out of trees, and getting handed little porn booklets in the woods by a guy who turned out to be a child molester.

Ah, the 90s.
DammitBoy said:
When did 'helicopter' mothers become popular? Kids are weaker today - too much time in front of a screen, too safe in the cocoon mommy made for them.

I almost punched out out 16 year old asshole the other day. The kids nowadays seem like a bunch of super sensitive narcissists. The little prick got upset when the bus driver closed the doors on him...he asked the driver if the bus went to A, and the driver said no, and wanted to leave. The little fuck wouldn't allow the doors to close and wanted to start a fight with the driver. I got up and physically threw the little fuck off the bus.

DammitBoy as President what will you do with these little fuckers?
I'd like to pin the blame on the parents, but I'm not really sure that's accurate, or appropriate.

Funny story, I was hanging out with a good friend, whose brother moved back in with him, and he was being charged with picking up his brother's kids from school, making sure they did their homework, and generally keeping tabs on them. When we briefly left to grab lunch, they stopped doing the homework; ya know, normal reasons, no supervision, they can get away with it. When we got back, he restrained himself from bitching up a storm, but quietly pushed them to resume their homework. A couple minutes later, while I was munching away on my Szechuan Beef in in my friend's room, one of the kids came up to me, with a big smile on his face, and said, "I'm done with my homework!" He wasn't carrying it, he wasn't showing me what he'd finished, he just wanted to get my approval that he could go back to watching TV.

I feel like I'm getting old, but I still remember being a crafty little bastard, so I was on to him. I ever so quietly and slowly explained to him how it wasn't my job to oversee his schoolwork, and that he should present this to his uncle, but that if I was, and it turned out he was lying to me, that he would RELISH the opportunity to be punished by his uncle or his parents, because of the severity of the retribution he'd get from me for lying to me (nothing... NOTHING is as detestable to me as dishonesty), all with a patronizing smile on my face, and the kindest of tones. His smile faded very slightly, eyes marginally widened, and he ran out of the room like a bat out of hell. Psychological terror... my favorite weapon against children! =D

Formerk said:
Ah, the memories. After that, I never read ANYTHING on the long weekly drives to church, for years!
Walpknut said:
Well I grew up without videogames. Not because I am old, but because we were poor back then.

Same here.
We managed to catch up by my teens, by the time we had a VCR and a CD player, I thought we had reached the top of the world!
DammitBoy said:
Was it really safer? Even back when I was a kid in the sixties?
In the sixties, it was a post-war generation. The people have had in fresh memories how the real danger looks like, so perhaps they weren't such afraid of a banal things.
DammitBoy said:
Was it really safer? Even back when I was a kid in the sixties? I think we just had bigger families and you didn't get concerned about losing a kid to some fatal playground accident.

It was for me because i grew up in a village consisting of about 200 families. Those small numbers meant we were all familiar. I knew each and every individual in that village and i was welcome in their houses as i was welcome at their tables. My safety was provided by the whole community and that's what makes it so special.