Finished it last night, have to say that it was way too short. After a fantastic start with the ambush and then meeting Graham, there really wasn't as much in there apart from those excellent Survivalist journals. P.S. the final journal is well worth finding, it's not in a cave or on a computer.
I do really love how Graham turned out as a believer in as well as an embodiment of 'Good God' and 'Vengeful God', and it was fascinating to see the two sides contradict each other while he still somehow justified it. Captured blind faith well there.
In terms of endings I tried out both and
[spoiler:5a3db8b413]Daniel's ending made me regret that the Sorrows had to evacuate their home and let those bastard White Legs take over - it then says that Daniel in later years often felt regretful that Zion was then I replayed it with the Graham ending to try and make amends and in true Fallout fashion rather than being a directly opposite outcome, wiping out the WL's turned the Sorrows from a peaceful, innocent tribe into bloodthirsty warriors, which broke Daniel's heart

But in saying that I didn't feel like there was enough tension between JG and Daniel,
and there maybe should have been some more quests from both of them to help you see both sides of the argument a little clearer in order to make that end choice a lot harder. Ultimately you're just making the choice based on what the both of them have told you, without quite seeing it out there in the world.
Alphadrop said:
Also is Ricky a shout out to a certain stereotyped gamer? Seems like I know a fair amount of him in real life.
I got that impression too, a parody of the younger generation of fans who rate themselves but get their facts consistently wrong.
WelcomeToNewReno said:
Am I the only one who wished that Ghram would come back to the Mojave with you? He'd really challenge Cass's position as my favorite humanoid companion.
I was hoping so too, and taking him to The Fort would bring about a brand new scenario/ending with the Legion. How great would it have been to go back there, all the legionaries freaking out and surrendering, leaving Caesar with nothing. Graham would probably then execute him 'in the name of God', giving you another option for the endgame. But maybe that's asking for way too much.
Prior to discovering that NV's Graham wasn't quite the murderous, raping psychopath of VB, I thought that having him as your follower would turn everyone hostile (even existing companions), making him the ultimate partner in a 'kill everyone' playthrough.
All in all though, it was great to have him as a follower at the end but it would've been nice if there was a bit more content.