In my opinion Fallout 3 is truest to Fallout 1.


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Just seemed like that to me, more villages and shanty town, mutants are still bag guys instead of being misunderstood, player comes from a vault, Brotherhood plays a central role. Vegas seemed truer to fallout out 2. I think that's whats the fights about on whether fallout 3 is really cannon, the people who liked fallout 1 loved 3, the people who liked 2 love Vegas.
From a setting perspective, you're probably right to some extent, though Fallout 3 did too much stupid shit to the lore (BoS, Enclave) to really score many points here.

Setting is only one part of "true" though. New Vegas is mechanically closer to Fallout 1/2 than 3 was.
Good thing you said in my opinion.

To me it is revolting just to speak of Fallout 3 as a canon.
If i look at it as a standalone game it's just medicore, Fallout1 is a cult. So it can only pass as a cute FPS Oblivionish game. And it passed.
If i take the other perspective that it uses Fallout universe and tries to bring the series back alive in a new and better light, i think it's even worse than Dragon Age 2. And i don't mean that as a funny remark. Dragon Age still has it's good story if not for the game system, Fallout 3 crushed every one of Fallout universe in it from Harold to Aliens.

Bethesda had all the resources they needed to make a semi epic game, they showed to what extent they really care. DLC DLC DLC more stupid DLC and let people mod the game. That's ok for newer players, but the ones who played it long before aren't dumbassess enough to just pretend that it is Fallout. Adding to the fact that Pete and co. really think we are that stupid, as he mentioned in many of his "intelligence check" interviews.

And BoS didn't play the central role, they never did. Also Mutants aren't bad and ugly that you have to obliterate every one from the face of the nuked Earth, Master is just crazy son of a VAT using FEV.
The real point was on Vault Dweller and humanity's survival after the war. Not shooting every fucking thing on screen.
About the towns and villages, please compare Repubilc of Dave to Shady Sands. It's shit in it's purest as Fallout 3.
I think that the "similarities" between F1 and F3 stem from the fact that Bethesda simply tried to win over as many "old fans" as possible and put in a lot of unnecessary stuff.
They didn't understand that Fallout was never about the BoS "fighting the good fight" and shit like that.
I think that adding emphasis on BoS, Enclave AND Super Mutants was just a cash in to have some reminders of the old games.
The only reason FO and FO3 has some minor similarities is because Bethsoft was trying to grab the older fans attention.

Comparing settlements between FO and FO3 is like comparing apples to oranges. While both are settlements, the ones in FO3 make zero sense 95% of the time. FO3 has two real towns, Megaton, and Rivet City and only rivet city has means of food production it seems. I'm guessing Megaton just trades for food, but considering they have little to offer who knows. Not to mention the tiny piss ant settlements of Girdenshade and Arefu.

As for the Brotherhood, Super Mutants, and Enclave. They are just there to convince older fans of "hey remember these guys? This is totally a Fallout game!". I've said it a billion times, but the Talon Mercs, and Riley's Rangers could have easily filled the void if they needed a Enclave and Brotherhood like organization.
that is what I had in mind as well. Bethesda missed a lot of opportunities with the Mercenaries. Or if you want simply the "raiders" and "slavers" you have there. Actually the Raider town with the big trapped super mutant looked better then any of the towns you can enter. I thought it was very sad that you could not simply enter it like any other town just with the idea that this place was much more harsh then others. Somewhat a bit similar to the Khans. If you want so.
Crni Vuk said:
that is what I had in mind as well. Bethesda missed a lot of opportunities with the Mercenaries. Or if you want simply the "raiders" and "slavers" you have there. Actually the Raider town with the big trapped super mutant looked better then any of the towns you can enter. I thought it was very sad that you could not simply enter it like any other town just with the idea that this place was much more harsh then others. Somewhat a bit similar to the Khans. If you want so.
Well it definitely looks like it was designed to be normal town.
All what remaind is one merchant.
True...which is sad.
And I think that is not the only place which could be made like a proper settlement.
Talon Company underground base had potential, from what I remember, but no, you have to be a good boy and help BoS kill them.

Like I've said before for I don't know how many times, Fallout 3 is a synonyme for a wasted potential.
Quagmire69 said:
Just seemed like that to me, more villages and shanty town, mutants are still bag guys instead of being misunderstood, player comes from a vault, Brotherhood plays a central role. Vegas seemed truer to fallout out 2. I think that's whats the fights about on whether fallout 3 is really cannon, the people who liked fallout 1 loved 3, the people who liked 2 love Vegas.

You're just pulling this out of your ass, aren't you?
This is either very unimaginative trolling or you just have a very superficial understandign of the Fallout games, they are not just about Mutants and Vaults, and Power armors (they are but mere elements fo the setting, not what defines the game itself).
And there were no Khans or something like that in Failout3. That's Mad Max style and they forgot it. Dip shits...
there was something similar though. And you had even choices for them. Using ranged or melee weapons to negotiate with raiders ? DEAL WITH THE CONCEQUENCES NOW!
Daggerfall is pretty nice. Never finished it, though.
Atomkilla said:
One straightforward question:
Are The Elder Scrolls games as crappy as Fallout 3?

Morrowind is awesome if you give it some time. And you have 2 expansions.
Oblivion is boring though....well, cool to watch the new graphics, but it bores you in no time.
If you didn't like Fallout 3 you will most likely not like Oblivion. They're quite similar gameplay wise but Oblivion is a few steps down graphically and mechanically (interface, controls, level progression, etc).

I loved Fallout 3 and loved Oblivion myself(playing that immediately after Fallout 3). A lot of NMA'ers seem to have enjoyed Morrowind at least and the earlier Daggerfall. Morrowind is even clunkier than Oblivion was (poor travel system, unnecessarily inconvenient buy/sell mechanics, unintuitive magic system) but is a good game nonetheless.

If you want to try Morrowind you can find it for about $5 in a lot of places. If you want to try Daggerfall or even Arena (Elder Scrolls I), they're both free now:
True...which is sad.
And I think that is not the only place which could be made like a proper settlement.
I think the reason they just had shanty town was to make the point that the Capital Wasteland is dying. Its people exist as a form of prey to larger groups, the slavers in paradise falls even comment of how their are less and less wastelanders every year. Big town use to be more like megaton but slowly shrunk due to mutant and slaver raids. Leaving only Megaton, Ten-penny tower, and Rivet City as functional cities. Frankly I think it added to the desperation of humanity feeling, that made the game compelling.
Talon Company underground base had potential, from what I remember, but no, you have to be a good boy and help BoS kill them.
The Talon Company were hired to keep the wasteland lawless and unstable. Personally I think the Ashur of the Pitt hired them so he was have a place were he could gather slaves easily.
Quagmire69 said:
I think the reason they just had shanty town was to make the point that the Capital Wasteland is dying. Its people exist as a form of prey to larger groups, the slavers in paradise falls even comment of how their are less and less wastelanders every year. Big town use to be more like megaton but slowly shrunk due to mutant and slaver raids. Leaving only Megaton, Ten-penny tower, and Rivet City as functional cities. Frankly I think it added to the desperation of humanity feeling, that made the game compelling.

And yet on the West Coast, which had much bigger problems in its time, everything is thriving. Please, it's been 200 years.

Quagmire69 said:
The Talon Company were hired to keep the wasteland lawless and unstable. Personally I think the Ashur of the Pitt hired them so he was have a place were he could gather slaves easily.

You 12?

@ The Elder Scrolls talk

I have played Oblivion for about 10 minutes and didn't like it.
People say Morrowind is great, but I'm not going to play any game that has Pete & Todd working on it. Ever again.

It just bugged me whether Fallout 3 game standards are equivalent to The Elder Scrolls standards.
atomkilla said:
One straightforward question:
Are The Elder Scrolls games as crappy as Fallout 3?

atomkilla said:
I have played Oblivion for about 10 minutes and didn't like it.
People say Morrowind is great, but I'm not going to play any game that has Pete & Todd working on it. Ever again.

Then why did you ask? :shrug: