In terms of canon?

The Dutch Ghost said:
I don't mean it as an attack on someone's creativity but isn't teleportation a little far fetched? Its more something you would see in a space based sci-fi universe than the Fallout universe.


Dude, we already went through bizarre genetic programs, laser and plasma weaponry, alien blasters, weird psychotic cults, large scale holograms and portable fusion reactors.

Teleportation isn't really far fetched.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Yeah but Mikael Grizzly, isn't teleporation pushing the concept a little to far?

At first glance, yes, but considering that we had a cybernetic psi-capable super mutated human embedded into a vault that can spawn supermutants at a whim as an adversary...
Personally I really have my doubts about teleportation, its seems a little to 'Gee Whiz' future technology.
Well it does fit some of the B sci-fi movies that Fallout takes its inspiration from but I think its something you really have to be careful with when using it as a plot tool.
Hi Mikael Grizzly,

I don't know what your opinion about the Half Life games is, in general I think they handled the concept of teleportation pretty well, it didn't become to common place though the portal gun might make some changes in that in the future.

What I think the risk is if you start introducing teleportation devices in Fallout is that people might expect the devices to pop up in various locations, hence 'explaining why various groups, organizations, governments 'pop' up where ever they please'.

The original poster suggested that the technology was really top secret and only existed at Area 51, but say that this was something made up by the FO designers.
Perhaps for a while the various writers would stick with the idea that teleportation devices are extremely rare, but as I know people sooner or later someone comes up with the 'genius' idea that teleportation devices should be common everywhere and be one of the main means of how the people in Wasteland get around, eliminating that pesky thing called travel.
I'm a devoted Half-Life fan. :)

I think an unique instance of teleportation technology can exist in the Fallout world, just like there was a single, unique computer neurolinking psi-capable mutant. :)
Heh, well I am quite a Half Life fan too, I really wish they would start telling us about Half Life 2 Episode 3.

The thing is, once you have opened the door, how far will this thing go?
As you said, the Master is something unique, but I get the feeling that some of the writers at Bethesda see the Master as a sort of 'standard' you have to include as much as possible; dozens of masters everywhere.

There seems to be no restraint any more whenever someone has an idea.
Well, there you have it, that's the line between an idea fitting in and an idea standing out like silly - the execution, and the way you're approaching implementation.

You don't have to be a genius to know that going over the top with something as delicate as adding to/modifying the setting will almost always bring disastrous results.

IMO, done right and with the "fallout groove", a teleporter would work just fine.

Only problem is, the people that actually do add to/modify the setting have to know what the setting is all about, first. We didn't have a million of Masters, or Zax's, the energy weapons were really rare.. no "technology shock" effect. And that tasted really, really good.

I have a feeling these words would sound hollow to most of the people who are currently working on Fallout 3. It's all about the "cool" stuff. The more "cool stuff" you put in a game, the more "cool" the game is... right? Right?

edit: aww, Dutch Ghost, why did you delete your post? I was writing a response. Just to say, i agree with what you wrote in it.
Well in theory I think it may fit. Remember in my explanation post that it was a small scale test, that coupled with the introduction of Radiation that it started to balloon into something bigger.

Also as I originally stated, that I needed to work out the exact "Science" and needed to explain in more detail. It is definitely a work in progress that would need serious polishing before I would even consider it "Fallout worthy."

Do I think its viable? Of course.
Do I think it can fit into the fallout universe? If I work it out correctly, with the proper context, and keeping in line with established facts of the universe sure.

Remember "totally off the wall" ideas can be done right. It takes a lot of finesse and plenty of hard grunt work to do this particular topic, with this complicated and albeit "strict" universe.


The Dutch Ghost said:
Hi Mikael Grizzly,
The original poster suggested that the technology was really top secret and only existed at Area 51, but say that this was something made up by the FO designers.
Perhaps for a while the various writers would stick with the idea that teleportation devices are extremely rare, but as I know people sooner or later someone comes up with the 'genius' idea that teleportation devices should be common everywhere and be one of the main means of how the people in Wasteland get around, eliminating that pesky thing called travel.

Kinda like how some of the stuff in FO3 is progressing?
Hello DarkPhilly,

Kinda like how some of the stuff in FO3 is progressing?

Well yeah, not everyone agrees with it but I really feel that some things have really become over the top, concepts like 'coin operated nuclear fallout shelters' or stuff like that.
It is not clever, its plain stupid.

Sure Fallout has its collection of pseudo science but it in general doesn't stray all that way into the absurd.

As some of pointed out, a teleporter concept, if worked out well, can fit the setting.
Its just that the people who feel that 'more is always better' sooner or later ruin a clever thought out idea.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Heh, well I am quite a Half Life fan too, I really wish they would start telling us about Half Life 2 Episode 3.


Ehem... now back to your regularly scheduled speculation.
Well, teleportation is far more complex than it would seem.....I remember guys from Discovery made a programme about it. Lots of problems to solve, shitload actually. You'd have to split someone to single atoms and put him back together. And you know how many atoms a single person has.

Considering that laser already exist, there is plasma in Universe, Master was a result of genetical modification (remember that human's nerve system is based on electricity as well) and *could* exist, Fallout's world isn't so far fetched as it would may seem. Let's stick to things that already are developed or could be in near future.
Ah-Teen said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
Heh, well I am quite a Half Life fan too, I really wish they would start telling us about Half Life 2 Episode 3.


Ehem... now back to your regularly scheduled speculation.

As a weapon, right?

You didn't miss the one where we get the Hotrod, hopefully.
Ah-Teen said:
We saw it... Then Alex grabbed it with her greedy zombine plinking hands!



*spontaneously combusts*
I don't mean it as an attack on someone's creativity but isn't teleportation a little far fetched? Its more something you would see in a space based sci-fi universe than the Fallout universe.


I believe that teleportation IS possible in the Fallout Universe due to the existence of Fusion Power. But if a teleporter was developed in the Fallout Universe, it would probrably be highly experimental, highly unstable and bulky, possibly the size of a house. A big house. And full of vacuum tubes, cooling equipament and wires yanked around with eletric-y sounds and beeps and boops. It would possibly require A LARGE (like a whole reactor) power source. Teleporting would be dangerous but survivable. And it's pretty possible something would't work right (maybe the cooling equipament had problems and could't deal with the heat, or maybe the heat was so strong that some parts melted and caused a explosion), so you are teleported but the teleporter explodes just as you are teleported, possibly messing with the teleporting and causing a big wreck were the teleporter once was, too.
As long as the potential for Goldblum-style mutation is extremely high, I will tentatively allow teleportation to be considered as a possibility.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Has no one so far been able to mod the weapon?

Technically there is the beta sniper rifle, but it's not the one from the game.

As for the mod, the biggest thing is the lack of the FPP model.