Well, there you have it, that's the line between an idea fitting in and an idea standing out like silly - the execution, and the way you're approaching implementation.
You don't have to be a genius to know that going over the top with something as delicate as adding to/modifying the setting will almost always bring disastrous results.
IMO, done right and with the "fallout groove", a teleporter would work just fine.
Only problem is, the people that actually do add to/modify the setting have to know what the setting is all about, first. We didn't have a million of Masters, or Zax's, the energy weapons were really rare.. no "technology shock" effect. And that tasted really, really good.
I have a feeling these words would sound hollow to most of the people who are currently working on Fallout 3. It's all about the "cool" stuff. The more "cool stuff" you put in a game, the more "cool" the game is... right? Right?
edit: aww, Dutch Ghost, why did you delete your post? I was writing a response. Just to say, i agree with what you wrote in it.