Independent/Yes Man or Mr.House ending?


First time out of the vault
Which ending do you think is canon in New Vegas? Please don't say NCR just because they were the main faction in Fallout 1 and 2, that isn't a valid argument. I can safely say it isn't the Legion because let's face it, all they want to is kill and enslave everything. NCR doesn't seem to be able to hold onto the region and simply annexes everywhere to everyone's discontent. For me it's either the Independent ending (my favourite) in which the Courier ensures that the region is free and controls it with Yes man, or Mr. House and his technological development who keeps the city he loves safe once again and gives the Courier everything he desires. Both have ups and downs, I.e Yes Man becomes more 'assertive' and may become self aware like Sky net and House simply ignores everyone outside the strip and chooses to kill the Kings to gain more power. Independent or House ending?
Just a little correction, the NCR were not a main faction in Fallout 1.
I think it's most likely that the House ending or the NCR ending will be canon.
Yes-Man has the Courier on top which would flesh out the player character too much for any sequels.
Hassknecht said:
Yes-Man has the Courier on top which would flesh out the player character too much for any sequels.

Just basing my opinion off of the other endings...
Fallout 1: Vault Dweller saves the day and becomes a hero to the wasteland
Fallout 2: Chosen One saves the day and becomes a hero to the wasteland
Fallout 3: Lone Wanderer saves the day and becomes a hero to the wasteland

...just a hunch, but the independent/Yes-Man ending seems to fit the best with:

The Courier saves the day and becomes a hero to the wasteland.

Why? Nobody likes the Legion. A lot of people complain about the ineptitude of the NCR, and people in Freeside complain about House. So getting rid of all 3 would probably make most of the people in the area happy. Just my interpretation though.
A hero, yes, but not a statesman who is in the spotlight all the time.
The Chosen One for example did not become the President of the NCR, although that might have been possible for him/her.
The problem is that if he/she would have been elected, the gender, stance with the NCR and loads of other stuff would have been fixed in the universe and no longer up to the imagination of the player.
That sucks, and therefore I think the House or NCR ending will end up being canon.
Independent/Yes-Man is the "best" ending, but it involves the Courier being active in New Vegas after the end of the game. Any direct sequel would have to concretize the Courier after that.
Most likely an independant vegas will be the cannon ending. I also would not discount a Legion ending. Storywise it would be the best, it would be real, and it would be apocolyptic. The worst possible ending of the fallout franchise would be the "and so democracy is returned to america by the NCR reintroducing law and democracy". What an apple pie ending, it would also sentence all future fallout games to be about the NCR exspanding and people resisting it killing future games.

I know their are alot of NCR fans on this website but the NCR is bad for the series as a main faction for a number of reasons:

#1. Their not fun: thier not fun too play as, when you fight with them their are no "good hunting remarks" just constant bitching about their individual problems. Personal feelings aside I found the Legion fun as hell to play as. Factions have too be fun, otherwise people will lose interest.

#2. They are not apocyliptic: theirs nothing thunderdome about them at all, I don't think I have too go into greater detail.

#3. Lack of backstory: they don't have any backstory that links them too the great war. This means a lack of plot devices too keep people interested.

Reasons why the Legion are great for the Fallout story:

#1. Thier fun. Their fun too play as. Their uniforms are badass, their tough, gladitorior games, raiding, no bitching, determination, these things make for a complelling and fun game.

#2. Their apocolyptic ass hell: I mean they are straight out of mad max.

#3. A compelling origin: though their even newer than the NCR they have a great backstory, they also have a philosophy that makes them compelling. Their origin story is first class in my opinion and it would be a shame if Besada wasted it.
NCR not Apocalyptic? well no shit, its NOT the apocalypse, that was 204 years ago, people moved on and want things to go back to normal *GASP* who thought that people WOULDN'T wan't to live in a post apocalyptic wasteland.

We get it, you hate NCR, your not using any valid reasons to hate them, you just do. You obviously have no idea what is good for Fallout because you seem not to do any research and just spout opinions as fact.
Hassknecht said:
A hero, yes, but not a statesman who is in the spotlight all the time.
... Any direct sequel would have to concretize the Courier after that.
I agree, and if they did a direct sequel, then the independent ending could never work as the canon ending.

I guess I assumed that everybody agreed: a direct sequel is extremely unlikely. all the previous games have changed location and/or had a long span of years in-between previous games. I think Fallout 3 and FNV only have 4 years passed in-between them, but the location is drastically different.

I never played Fallout 2, but as I understand it, it took place in an area somewhat nearby to NV -- but also was like 40 years earlier.
who thought that people WOULDN'T wan't to live in a post apocalyptic wasteland.
People play the fallout games for the apocolyspe, you take out that element and the franchise would fail.

You obviously have no idea what is good for Fallout
How could I, obviously the crowd at NMA have a far better idea given that most of them spend their time compaining about the game that brought back the series into the limelight, and it did so by taking it back to its apocolyptic roots.
Quagmire69 said:
who thought that people WOULDN'T wan't to live in a post apocalyptic wasteland.
People play the fallout games for the apocolyspe, you take out that element and the franchise would fail.

Well, yeah, but do you really think that every town has to be FO1 shady sands? Humanity is always moving, never staying in one place. If they want to rebuild civilization, the only way to stop them is to kill them.
outofthegamer said:
Hassknecht said:
A hero, yes, but not a statesman who is in the spotlight all the time.
... Any direct sequel would have to concretize the Courier after that.
I agree, and if they did a direct sequel, then the independent ending could never work as the canon ending.

I guess I assumed that everybody agreed: a direct sequel is extremely unlikely. all the previous games have changed location and/or had a long span of years in-between previous games. I think Fallout 3 and FNV only have 4 years passed in-between them, but the location is drastically different.

I never played Fallout 2, but as I understand it, it took place in an area somewhat nearby to NV -- but also was like 40 years earlier.
Fallout 1 and 2 didn't have endings that had the PC being a major player in politics, so the Chosen One of Fallout 2 does not have any greater effect on the NCR (besides saving the world of course) so the One does not need to be described any further.
I see it this way: Fallout characters in series are always somewhat nice guys. I mean, they save the world, and help out other nice guys/exterminate the bad guys. And House is a nice guy as well, so I give my bet that the House's ending is going to be the canon one.

@Quagmire69: Yeah, and that game was FUCKING RETARDED. But that has been said numerous times, on numerous ocasions.
Oh, and BTW, nothing personal really, I just like being Grammar Nazi, but seriously, dude, LEARN FUCKING GRAMMAR. "Thei're" IS NOT "their". "Theirs" IS NOT "There's". "Too" IS NOT "to". And so on. Seriously, it is difficult to understand you at times, and it's fucking annoying. Grammar HEIL!
Oh, and BTW, nothing personal really, I just like being Grammar Nazi, but seriously, dude, LEARN FUCKING GRAMMAR. "Thei're" IS NOT "their". "Theirs" IS NOT "There's". "Too" IS NOT "to". And so on. Seriously, it is difficult to understand you at times, and it's fucking annoying. Grammar HEIL!
Something is wrong with my word proccesor, it auto corrects things that it should'nt and changes words, sorry.
Quagmire69 said:
Something is wrong with my word proccesor, it auto corrects things that it should'nt and changes words, sorry.
It's "processor" and "shouldn't".

I think you need a new word processor, buddy.

Hassknecht said:
Fallout 1 and 2 didn't have endings that had the PC being a major player in politics
Who said anything about politics?

I know that "saving the day" is open to interpretation, but I don't think any of the endings of FNV place the PC into politics. In the independent ending Yes Man just takes the place of House. And the ending shows the courier walking off into the sunset, just like all the other endings. period.
Quagmire69 said:
I know their are alot of NCR fans on this website but the NCR is bad for the series as a main faction for a number of reasons:

#1. Their not fun: thier not fun too play as, when you fight with them their are no "good hunting remarks" just constant bitching about their individual problems. Personal feelings aside I found the Legion fun as hell to play as. Factions have too be fun, otherwise people will lose interest.
*GASP* people care about their individual problems? thats terrible writing. Everybody should be giving yo ucompliments for eevrything you do, even when there are more improtant matters to attend to.

#2. They are not apocyliptic: theirs nothing thunderdome about them at all, I don't think I have too go into greater detail.
Yeah, thats because Fallout is POST POST Apocalyptic, its not abotu living in a shithoel all the time, and ever since Fallout 1 its not about it beign Mad Max its about humanity rebuilding

#3. Lack of backstory: they don't have any backstory that links them too the great war. This means a lack of plot devices too keep people interested.
Well, lets call the bullshit train here. Lack of Backstory? have you ever played Fallout 1 and 2? Why woudl they need soemthign that links them to the Great War? that thing happened DECADES before the game takes place. Plot devices are bullshit lazy storywriting things that hacks use when they can't come up with something actualy interesting, they have all the potential to be included in all Fallout Games, either as a menace, or as a friend, they are a Society born from the remnants of humanity, No fallout game has focused themselves on the Great War that much, not even FO2 , nor FO3 wich had the Enclave, they didn't care about some stupid battle with the chinese, they cared about other things

Reasons why the Legion are great for the Fallout story:

#1. Thier fun. Their fun too play as. Their uniforms are badass, their tough, gladitorior games, raiding, no bitching, determination, these things make for a complelling and fun game.

#2. Their apocolyptic ass hell: I mean they are straight out of mad max.
Wow, what an insightful observation and commentary, not vague at all, I mean who needs to actualy say anything with value when there is AWSUM! and KOOL around.

#3. A compelling origin: though their even newer than the NCR they have a great backstory, they also have a philosophy that makes them compelling. Their origin story is first class in my opinion and it would be a shame if Besada wasted it.
But they are nto connected to the Great War at all, so by your logic they lack backstory and they are boring because you can't half ass the story with them.
Going around beating up people and enslaving them is a good backstory, while staging a slow, gradual, and most of all durable expansion from a small town to a near-million strong empire over the course of a century is bad and bland? I sincerely hope no writer ever listens to you. Teh Awsum does not in any way make for a good story, and I have enough faith in players that you can keep them interested without resorting to cheap plot devices and bland, black-and-white factions, that's Bethesda's domain (numbers support me, NCR and Yes Man were the two most popular endings in the first playthroughs).

On topic, I see the either Yes Man or House endings as canon. NCR would make them just too powerful and too present in future games (even if I personally support them), the Legion will just burn down Vegas for some obscure reason (money weakens us! or some other pseudo-badass BS) and be done with it. House will probably not change much, stay in his ivory tower with his killer robot army and somehow managing to make a fortune while driving his main customers away with said robot army (nice business sense there Mr zombie). Yes Man ('cause they sure as hell won't make the PC a character in a later game) is a complete loose cannon, we know nothing of his intentions, so it's certainly the most open ending.
Faceless Stranger said:
I miss the Mad Max days :cry:

The first movie do not aged well, though, but the second still kick ass. Don't get me wrong, the first is still good, but became a little dated.

The third? Well, the third is a clear case of good intentions gone bad.
NCR would make them just too powerful and too present in future games (even if I personally support them)

NCR becoming too big for their own good (and multiple characters in NV state this) and a civil war starting while a new enemy appears from outside their borders doesn't seem a bad idea. Didn't Van Buren actually had a scenario like this?