The only country that's really out of the question for Fallout is Japan, some countries would work better than others however such as Canada.
valid idea is valid.Walpknut said:If its in England that wouldn't be a problem, or if they just make use of willing suspension of disbelief, when you play a game set in a foreing land and you play it in english do you find it imposible to play because they are speaking english when they should not be?
outofthegamer said:Because of the lack of vaults in most other countries, there is no lore or aftermath, or rebuilding. Just a bunch of dead people.Walpknut said:Fallout is about the Lore, the aftermath of the Great War, how humanity reacts to it and rebuilds itself.![]()
yeah..Stanislao Moulinsky said:outofthegamer said:Because of the lack of vaults in most other countries, there is no lore or aftermath, or rebuilding. Just a bunch of dead people.Walpknut said:Fallout is about the Lore, the aftermath of the Great War, how humanity reacts to it and rebuilds itself.![]()
Mexico had no vaults but we know that there were survivors.
I know.outofthegamer said:Ok, so my argument about vaults is flawed.
As much sense as the STALKER games or practically every WW2 game ever made or Half Life 2, Call of Duty Modern Warfare etc. Or any game since the beginning of gaming, not set in an English speaking country. Or as much sense as the localized versions of Fallout that have everyone in America speaking French, Russian, German etc.outofthegamer said:I mean would the game-makers put only the vital stuff in english and the rest in German? And if everything was in english - how much sense would that make?
requiem_for_a_starfury said:As much sense as the STALKER games or practically every WW2 game ever made or Half Life 2, Call of Duty Modern Warfare etc. Or any game since the beginning of gaming, not set in an English speaking country. Or as much sense as the localized versions of Fallout that have everyone in America speaking French, Russian, German etc.outofthegamer said:I mean would the game-makers put only the vital stuff in english and the rest in German? And if everything was in english - how much sense would that make?
outofthegamer said:valid idea is valid.Walpknut said:If its in England that wouldn't be a problem, or if they just make use of willing suspension of disbelief, when you play a game set in a foreing land and you play it in english do you find it imposible to play because they are speaking english when they should not be?![]()
Did you? Really? Seems to me that you failed to grasp that video games have been published internationally in a variety of languages for as long as there have been video games. Or that for the majority of the planet have coped with characters speaking languages totally foreign to the setting since, well going all the way back to the translation of the bible. I mean given the number of books and films set in non English speaking lands in English you'd have to be pretty dumb to ask the question in the first place.outofthegamer said:yes, we established that.
You'd have to be pretty dumb to think that it's not easier to put the next Fallout Game somewhere in the United States. I mean, that is what we are really talking about here.requiem_for_a_starfury said:you'd have to be pretty dumb to ask the question in the first place.
It would certainly be easier, lazier even than having to work at converting the Fallout setting to another culture and not being able to fall back on any of the previous factions or creatures.outofthegamer said:You'd have to be pretty dumb to think that it's not easier to put the next Fallout Game somewhere in the United States. I mean, that is what we are really talking about here.
Flame war, if you think that was a flame war did you want to buy a nice bridge over the Thames, it's only slightly used. And the only one trying to start a flame war is you, stop insulting people for having valid ideas. Moving the Half Life series from Black Mesa to Eastern Europe didn't do Valve any harm, do you really think the masses that came to Fallout via Fallout 3 really care where it's set as long as they get a cool sandbox to dick around in and a bunch of achievements to collect.outofthegamer said:Putting the game in Europe might make a few r-tards around here nerdgasm in their pants, but it would be a foolish marketing decision. Think about what you say before you try to re-start a flame-war that already ended.
I didn't insult anyone. I said, and I quote, "valid idea is valid".requiem_for_a_starfury said:stop insulting people for having valid ideas.
I honestly don't think it's a bad idea or stupid. I have quoted myself saying that it is valid more than once already.Walpknut said:Try to make an argument instead of just sayign somethign is stupid? Why would it be a bad a Idea to set a Fallout game in another country? Fallout has a steady European fanbase, USA is not the only country in the world you know?
outofthegamer said:I didn't insult anyone.
outofthegamer said:Putting the game in Europe might make a few r-tards around here nerdgasm in their pants
Call of Duty Black Ops, Assassins Creed Brotherhood, Halo Reach, Mass Effect 2, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Medal of Honor, Red Dead Redemption. All of these games outsold Fallout New Vegas last year how many are set in America? Hmm.Derponthebrain said:But from a purely marketing strategy standpoint, it is a mistake. The U.S. is not the only country in the world, but do I really have to explain how pandering to the target audience is a good idea, to you? the U.S. is, and ALWAYS will be the target audience. Sorry! I am not a flag-pumping patriot, but it's a fact -- nothing against Europe.
You are a retard! CoD: B.O., Battlefield: B.C. 2, and Medal of Honor are about AMERICAN soldiers fighting wars. Mass Effect 2: I'm pretty sure is in space. Assassin's Creed takes place in The U.S or Canada (with the main character dreaming that he is in Italy), and Red Dead Redemption is in AMERICA! And Halo Reach... I don't even care -- that is the most fucking retarded game franchise fail.requiem_for_a_starfury said:Call of Duty Black Ops, Assassins Creed Brotherhood, Halo Reach, Mass Effect 2, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Medal of Honor, Red Dead Redemption. All of these games outsold Fallout New Vegas last year how many are set in America? Hmm.![]()
And learn how to quote people. I said this, not Walpknut. DERP!!!requiem_for_a_starfury said:Walpknut said:But from a purely marketing strategy standpoint, it is a mistake. The U.S. is not the only country in the world, but do I really have to explain how pandering to the target audience is a good idea, to you? the U.S. is, and ALWAYS will be the target audience. Sorry! I am not a flag-pumping patriot, but it's a fact -- nothing against Europe.
Walpknut said:Can't you just have a civil argument? you mostly resort to cheap insults and using "YOU LOST THE INTERWEBZ" or "derp" over and over again?
outofthegamer said:I am shocked that I have to explain that to the so-called Fallout fans here.
The Dutch Ghost said:outofthegamer said:I am shocked that I have to explain that to the so-called Fallout fans here.
Having your own opinion is one thing, starting to insult others for their is another.
is not my opinion. That's a fact.The entire mythology of the Fallout series has to do with people in the U.S. after it's war with China.