Interplay counters Bethesda's claims


But best title ever!
In case you hadn't heard enough about the Interplay - Bethesda legal case, The Vault reports that Interplay countered Bethesda's claims (to be more specific, the alleged fact that Interplay was only licensed the use of the Fallout name for Fallout Online). The article is much more detailed and clear than I could ever hope to be, so here's an interesting excerpt:<blockquote>For example, J. Griffin Lesher, Executive Vice President for Legal Affairs of ZeniMax Media, stated that:

“ Upon information and belief, the name “Project V13” is a reference to “Vault 13,” which is both the starting location and the initial working title of the original Fallout game, indicating that Project V13” is based on the Fallout-related intellectual property elements in violation of Section 3.4 of the TLA” ”

Bethesda also claimed that it needed preliminary relief against Interplay because Interplay was using Fallout elements, violating Section 3.4, and because “five years down the road when [Interplay] has finished the game”, it would not be able to “simply flick a switch and suddenly have a non-violative game,” which would not be a concern if Interplay were not allowed to use any Fallout elements aside from the title itself in the first place. Therefore, even Bethesda's own statements prior to the most recent filings assume that Interplay did have the right to use the Fallout setting, even if they also claim that that right has been terminated. </blockquote>Thanks Ausir.
Dear Vault Dweller! Now they complain about the name project V13?! This whole trademark, copyright and licensing stuff is getting out of hand. Soon™ they will be suing each other because they used the letter t, wich is associated with the word vault, wich means Fallout, wich would mean you owe me a billion dollars. I could not be a judge, i would give every whining greedboy 20 to live for being a moron and wasting my time if he turned up in my courtroom.

Anyway, isn't this behavior a bit stupid? There is still that "in bad faith"thingie hanging over bethesdas head, and stuff like that just lets them look like greedy pigs with a systematic plan to fuck interplay at every occasion.
You're saying it like Interplay doesn't deserve to get royally fucked.

The best part about the whole thing is that last thing Fallout needs to be is an MMO, a grindfest for the social rejects.
Yup, you were right.

The best part about the whole thing is that last thing Fallout needs to be is an MMO, a grindfest for the social rejects.

You're talking as if ZeniMax won't make one if they win.
At least Interplay has Fallout devs working on it. And hell, it's fun to watch Bethesda's greed get the better of em.
I just saw your rant in the other thread vik and i understand that you have issues with interplay, so do i. But this is about legal actions taken. A court does not give a toss about the history of those companies and rightly so. But it will judge the stuff that is happening now, you know, the picture of a big, rich company flooding a small business with lawsuits, c&ds and whatnot to fuck them properly. That looks like bad faith and what hereabouts gets called (rechtsmissbrauch) abuse of law?

There are claims from both companies and the court will decide based on the facts (hopefully). Denying ones rights because he is a douchebag doest come into it. Thats why i said i would be a bad judge, if it was up to me they could continue their fight in prison.
'Lolz interplay dezerv teh fail they amke the bad gamez with fallout in dem roflmaocopter'

It's a corporation. The poor guys who are making the inevitable flop of Fallout Online have to support a family. They aren't responsible for the idiocy that has been occuring, over many years.
Threepwood said:
'Lolz interplay dezerv teh fail they amke the bad gamez with fallout in dem roflmaocopter'

It's a corporation. The poor guys who are making the inevitable flop of Fallout Online have to support a family. They aren't responsible for the idiocy that has been occuring, over many years.

"lolz tey hav a family to saport. lalz bad gramar makes me look moar awesum and badazzz while i say obviuz thnigs"

Oh cry me a river, Interplay is a wank of a studio that can't produce a decent game without hanging on a license they milked, butchered and sold over the years. I have an advice for them if they want to support their families - stop dicking around and hanging on the past and actually make an actual game for the first time in what, close to 10 years?

Ausir said:
The best part about the whole thing is that last thing Fallout needs to be is an MMO, a grindfest for the social rejects.

You're talking as if ZeniMax won't make one if they win.
Nah, I just find it amusing that there's such a big fight over something that the franchise isn't known for.
It wasn't known for first person, seamless world action RPGs focused on exploration either, until it was.
Yeah, but a perspective and game world change can hardly be compared to a shift from single player rpg to a MMO grindfest.
Vik said:
Yeah, but a perspective and game world change can hardly be compared to a shift from single player rpg to a MMO grindfest.

It is a step in that direction. Smaller compressed world. Getting rid of tb combat, because that would be hard to do in a mmorpg. Get rid of stats mattering, makes balance easier. Get rid of complex, meaningful missions and level mainly through killing stuff preparing for the grindfest. Beth is already halfway there, no wonder they get a fit if they don't get the online-franchise back.

And a mmorpg doesn't have to be a grindfest, its just that most released titles are. I agree that neither beth or interplay will change this "winning formula", there is money to be made, so more of same please.
Oh cry me a river, Interplay is a wank of a studio that can't produce a decent game without hanging on a license they milked, butchered and sold over the years. I have an advice for them if they want to support their families - stop dicking around and hanging on the past and actually make an actual game for the first time in what, close to 10 years?

Again. It's not the programmers decision, or the concept artist's decision to take the franchise a certain way. I'd rather see Interplay afloat, than bankrupt and leaving many unemployed. It's an industry like any other.
I'm actually surprised people went back to work for interplay, knowing the state of the damn fuckup of a company.

Arden said:
It is a step in that direction. Smaller compressed world. Getting rid of tb combat, because that would be hard to do in a mmorpg. Get rid of stats mattering, makes balance easier. Get rid of complex, meaningful missions and level mainly through killing stuff preparing for the grindfest. Beth is already halfway there, no wonder they get a fit if they don't get the online-franchise back.
The "Smaller compressed world" bit is hardly a problem since you still have a huge gameworld to explore. And look at the state of the current rpg's and gaming in general, everything is dumbed down, not just Fallout. It's a trend that affect everything. Still, with that said, NV is very far from a MMO if you ask me.
The "Smaller compressed world" bit is hardly a problem since you still have a huge gameworld to explore.

It's not about exploring, it's about that it can ruin the atmosphere, feeling and logical connection of the gameworld.
Vik said:
I'm actually surprised people went back to work for interplay, knowing the state of the damn fuckup of a company.
Sometimes people feel loyal with something they have done in the past. I guess someone made them a good offer with some idea behind it which they might think is worth working for.
Frankly, Interplay is showing that they've learned at least a little from the failure of POS. Compare the "Armageddon Rag" or whatever to the crappy "how to have teh SEX in FALLOUT" that they used to promote POS.
Lexx said:
The "Smaller compressed world" bit is hardly a problem since you still have a huge gameworld to explore.

It's not about exploring, it's about that it can ruin the atmosphere, feeling and logical connection of the gameworld.
It did not in FNV in my opinion. And solid exploration can compensate the problems you mentioned.
In my opinion, it did in FNV as well. There have been just too much locations that had not enough content and felt empty.

With a classic worldmap, locations could have been more packed and still feel good.