Interplay done for, Bethesda sues, Defonten creates

which isnt even thaaaat wrong. I mean how comes everything in realtion with Bethesda has to be solved by a lawyer. Not that interplay isnt as well responsible for the situation but still.
Crni Vuk said:
I mean how comes everything in realtion with Bethesda has to be solved by a lawyer.

You could maybe draw up a summary of all the other times when Bethesda solved everything with a lawyer? And perhaps provide some examples of companies that didn't feel it was necessary to hire lawyers ever, especially not when dealing with upstanding enterprises like Interplay.
Even if Beth wins the lawsuit and gets the MMO rights, it doesn't automatically mean that they will own any of the concept art, designs etc. done for V13.
I wonder, if they win this lawsuit, can they also order fan projects that use FO1, FO2 or FOT assets to be shut down?

They could use the whole 'damage to the franchise' thing as an excuse.
UncannyGarlic said:
9.3.2 Within thirty (30) days after termination of
this Agreement, Interplay shall provide Bethesda with a complete schedule of all
materials bearing the Licensed Marks then on hand or in inventory (including
inventory of its subcontractors or agents) including, but not limited to, the
Licensed Product, packaging, and advertising and promotional materials. Upon
request and at Bethesda's sole discretion, Interplay promptly shall deliver to
Bethesda or dispose of at the direction of Bethesda, without charge, all
existing inventory of Licensed Product bearing the Licensed Marks within its
possession or control, all related materials bearing the Licensed Marks, and
instruments used for the purposes of affixing or displaying the Licensed Marks,
including, but not limited to, artwork, transparencies, negatives, dies, molds
and screens, for disposition by Bethesda, along with copies of all inventory
records relating thereto.

Doesn't this mean that Beth can demand of IPLY, and use all artwork related to V13 if they feel like it?
This sounds like only physical products and promotional materials, not internal development materials.
Per said:
Crni Vuk said:
I mean how comes everything in realtion with Bethesda has to be solved by a lawyer.

You could maybe draw up a summary of all the other times when Bethesda solved everything with a lawyer? And perhaps provide some examples of companies that didn't feel it was necessary to hire lawyers ever, especially not when dealing with upstanding enterprises like Interplay.
Well maybe I should have added "in relation with interplay". I am just some outsider but to me it seems this kind of situatoin is all just about who can mock the other side more. What ever if its Interplay or Bethesda. A typical mud wrestling..
The Dutch Ghost said:
I wonder, if they win this lawsuit, can they also order fan projects that use FO1, FO2 or FOT assets to be shut down?

They could use the whole 'damage to the franchise' thing as an excuse.
Can't they do that already?

In any case, if they win the case and try to shut down the fans, it will be really bad publicity.... Plus they know that you can't really stop fans so i doubt they will try anything!
Can't they do that already?

In any case, if they win the case and try to shut down the fans, it will be really bad publicity.... Plus they know that you can't really stop fans so i doubt they will try anything![/quote]

If the Kotaku readership is indicative of what average "fans" think, most of them are too ignorant to care, and for the most part, think Beth is in the right here.
If the Kotaku readership is indicative of what average "fans" think, most of them are too ignorant to care, and for the most part, think Beth is in the right here.

Well, Interplay did sign the agreement, so Bethesda is in the right here, legally. But if they started suppressing fan content, there would be a lot more outrage.
Glutton Creeper wasn't making fan content but a commercial publication. If anything, it was Glutton Creeper that squashed actual fan content.
Glutton Creeper was going to be a retail product from the very beginning. They licensed the rights from Interplay, until it turned out that Interplay wasn't allowed to license them and Bethesda squashed them.

And before that, Glutton Creeper actually tried to squash a fan-made Fallout d20, so they got what they deserved.

The Dutch Ghost said:
I wonder, if they win this lawsuit, can they also order fan projects that use FO1, FO2 or FOT assets to be shut down?

They could use the whole 'damage to the franchise' thing as an excuse.

It's just speculation but I'm sure that the day Bethsoft gets its dirty hands on the Fallout MMO rights, FOnline is going down forever.
MrBumble said:
It's just speculation but I'm sure that the day Bethsoft gets its dirty hands on the Fallout MMO rights, FOnline is going down forever.
I fear Fallout will meet World of Warcraft; complete with specialist classes, over-the-top weaponry, real-life purchases and loads of Bethesda authorized merchandise.
NFSreloaded said:
MrBumble said:
It's just speculation but I'm sure that the day Bethsoft gets its dirty hands on the Fallout MMO rights, FOnline is going down forever.
I fear Fallout will meet World of Warcraft; complete with specialist classes, over-the-top weaponry, real-life purchases and loads of Bethesda authorized merchandise.
We've already seen a caricature sequel, X-com rip-off, a shitty console action turd and now a Oblivion clone.

It's all so far from what Fallout original stood for, who cares what piece of shit they attach the name to anymore? It's been dead, buried, exhumed and whored out so many times it's unrecognizable from it's whole purpose of being - that of emulating PnP RPGs.

It's a name on a box now, that's all. Bethesda has the rights because they paid for a piece of paper that says they do. That doesn't bring with it some inherent ability to make games like Fallout. It only gives them the legal right to call what they want Fallout. If you're going to hand the franchise over to the RPG "streamliner/mainstreamers" like the current Bethesda, I think it's pretty evident what you can expect from them - dumbed down, unsophisticated LCD shit that scratches the common consoler gamer's ass.

The closest thing to a Fallout sequel you'll ever see was already made, it's called Arcanum. The only thing you're going to see going forward is more marketing posturing and strokery obscuring the Bethesda milieu of pandering to the slowest and lowest of the console crowd. Enjoy!