Interplay employee back-pay hearing

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Last Thursday, Interplay had a hearing about the wages and vacation money Herve still owes his former employees. interplayrip from Raging Bull had this to say:<blockquote>There were quite a few ex-employees present over the 3 separate days. Herve pulled a no show each day and left Interplay with no representation. Most of the meetings were very quick with the employees basically rehashing the claim documents and amounts that the state said they were owed. A ruling is supposed to be made this week and a letter should be sent out shortly after notifying the employees of the decision. If a ruling is made in favor of the employees, which is almost assuredly will be, the ruling will be sent on to the courts in which a judgement against Interplay will be sought. If the judgement is awarded it us up to the employees to collect by means of attaching leins to bank accounts, assests etc. The local law enforcement and/or collection agencies will almost assuredly need to be involved.

As to why Herve was a no show? Apparently he is in the middle of a divorce in France and can't be bothered with silly little hearings such as these. </blockquote>Link: post on Raging Bull forum

Die Herve Die!

All hail the long-suffering Interplay employees! May they be in our thoughts and prayers.
I'm a bit confused by the whole divorce in France thing. I thought he lived States-side? His wife didn't? She lived in France?

And does she hate him as much as the rest of us do?
isn't there that guy who visits our forum who complained that interplay jacked him a good 3 months? Was he at that court hearing? Any word on it?
Puuk said:
Looks like Herve is quickly running out of people to screw.


First employees, now wife ... soon he will have to screw himself.

Well, screw you Herve, I'm going home ...
Anyone on these boards who was present at the meeting? I live across the country now so I couldn't be there, but I'd like to stay informed.
There were quite a few ex-employees present over the 3 separate days. Herve pulled a no show each day and left Interplay with no representation. Most of the meetings were very quick with the employees basically rehashing the claim documents and amounts that the state said they were owed. A ruling is supposed to be made this week and a letter should be sent out shortly after notifying the employees of the decision. If a ruling is made in favor of the employees, which is almost assuredly will be, the ruling will be sent on to the courts in which a judgement against Interplay will be sought. If the judgement is awarded it us up to the employees to collect by means of attaching leins to bank accounts, assests etc. The local law enforcement and/or collection agencies will almost assuredly need to be involved.

This is how things stand right now, spotted here

Sean ask Corith
The Bigs said:
Corith anyone?

Until I get the $16,000 that is owed me, I thought it wise to be careful about what I say. I might be overly cautious, but better safe than sorry.
Now that the 15 day grace period for Interplay to appeal the judgment of the September 6th is over, I am willing to provide details.

The judgment is now final, can no longer be appealed, and is binding upon Interplay as a matter of law.

Herve did not send a representative to the hearing. His claim was that he was going through a divorce in France and could not be bothered to appear in a California court. In my case, the judgment was for the full amount of my claim. Including penalties it comes to $16,765.54.

I have spent the better part of last 15 days trying to convince Herve that he needs to reach some type of settlement with me, but to no avail. His hallmark wall of silence continues unabated.
Hey Corith, for $5 and a bag of sour cream & onion chips... I'll take out Fifi for ya.
Herve, remember the little mention I made about the FBI coming to pay you a visit and take you off to the plain institute gray walls?

Screw this up, then they come for you.

Now you can be the bitch in another industry - license plates! :D
Oh, get this, its gets even funnier.

After $8,896.18 in unpaid wages including vacation, $1,062.66 in interest, $6,806.70 in court assigned penalties, and some 15 months after I first offered to settle out of court for $4,690.41, Herve sent me this last night,
Please find enclosed a proposed Separation Agreement for your consideration.
If you find its terms acceptable please fill in your address, execute two
copies and mail them to the Interplay address mentioned on the agreement.
We will return a fully executed copy with a payment of $4,690.41 within 10
Herve Caen

What is this guy on, and, more importantly, will he share?
If this is how Herve does business, or expects to do business, it is little wonder to even the dimmest fool why Interplay folded under his control.

Here is what I sent back
You've got to be kidding. I do not acknowledge that Company has paid all wages due to this employee, I have made that very clear from the very start. This is the very reason we went to court.

The judgment against Interplay on September 6th was for $16,765.54. You had 10 days to appeal that judgment (with an extension of 5 days if appealing by mail) which you failed to take advantage of. Now, you want me to accept roughly 25% of what the final court judgment states you have to pay and let you off with out paying the penalties. And, in addition, promise not to file another suit regarding your continued misdeeds.

I'm sorry, but no. As of 6:30pm PST, I have passed the matter to a profession collection agency, mailed my discrimination claim as a whistleblower, and refilled for judgment against you and your personal assets in the event you try to dissolve the company before paying, as well as started the initial process to place a lien against current corporate assets.

Just pay me what the court says you have to, in full, and I will be on my way. Its just that simple. No collection calls, no liens, no bad credit reporting.