Stimulus Response To Shallow Waters
Stimulus Response To Shallow Waters
His departure prompted me to register with the site. No way was I going to participate in a forum where the most prolix troll had admin rights.
In my opinion, it is too late to spit on Roshambo's muzzle, or pat his haunches, here. Perhaps one could initiate a ''coom ba ya'' thread in the General Forum.
Actually, it appears to be a rather shallow motivation to register in a fan forum, when one can articulate a buzz word such as ""prolix"".
One that can toss out invectives of the quality of ""prolix troll''' could have the street smartz to evade the raging bull that is / was Roshambo.
Unless one is concealing a missionary or mercenary agenda on the behalf of corporate entertainment investments, the urge to satisfy 'polite' free speech imperatives could easily be achieved, with in the grasp, of one that could toss off endearments, veiled jargon, such as "'prolix troll''.
Please to consider, the liberation of the intellect from all ''hate-speak''.
If one does not wish to associate with ""the end justifies the means"" ontology as exemplified by the Quixotic Roshambo, perhaps one could refrain from the rough and ready flow of all forums. If the elements of style that hard rail one's world view are of the modern minimalist fashion, the weaving of raw emotion and frontier justice could be too "dirty'' to contemplate and emote.
One of such sensitivity could be too 'polite', 'politically-lite', for NMA, DAC, or the Codex.
If one has subtle anger issues linked to the free opinions of the consumers of computer entertainment, then one should perhaps find shelter in less outraged communities.
Perhaps those warm and fuzzy group thinks, consensual communes, that profit from early releases, manipulated stock indexes, hijacked genres, and the co-opted journalism that shills the unfinished, empty boxes .
This thread was rooted in a con man's evasion of paying his employees, and is as clear an example of the computer game industry's moral standards as any other. If one disagrees or agrees with that drama, then registering to this forum, and declaring such registration, here in this thread, seems logical, a philosophical imperative.
If one registered to piss ''in the general direction of'' Roshamdo when Roshambo can't piss back, then that's the *water mark* where one's reputation is established.
Jabberwocky and Sander, as mod's, have directed that we should all just let this go and move on.
So, perhaps reaching out and clasping the appropriate appendages in a great ''coom ba ya'' circle could occur ... else where ....
There are plenty of other posts and forums one can leave their shallow water mark on.
If some or none of this applies, then one's too polite opinion, and the minimalist invective, ""prolix"", is dually noted, and one can irresolutely move on.