Interplay intends to start development of Fallout Online

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"play online chess" has been there for ages. All I know it's French, so hell, might be his brother, or a sponsored link. Who knows?
UO? Right. More like Uru Online.

Apart from it being vapourware to begin with, it's also not exactly smash-hit potential. The "ZOMG orcs!" crowd is playing WoW, the gun nuts are playing Anarchy Online, and Fallout fans are not going to touch it with a yardstick.

Even if they DO manage to churn out something playable and get the servers up and running, the potential for even so much as covering their expenses is pretty close to zero.

Anyone scared about this "turn of events" really needs a reality check.

Fallout 3 actually turning out popular despite being a travesty may be a somewhat realistic scenario, but FOOL? Get serious. D&D fanbois aside, Interplay doesn't have a target audience any longer.
Ashmo said:
Fallout 3 actually turning out popular despite being a travesty may be a somewhat realistic scenario, but FOOL? Get serious. D&D fanbois aside, Interplay doesn't have a target audience any longer.

It could ride the trail of success left behind by Fallout 3. Especially if Fallout 3 becomes a simplified hack-n-slash like Oblivion, since that'll attract the right kind of fan.
Comedy gold!

No, really. I mean, it's nice to be innovative, but don't they get it that a mmo hackfest in a universe thankfully unknown to console and leetkid trash won't cut it?
You guys don't seriously think Herve is actually planning to see this "project" through, are you?

He just wants to attract a few gullible investors with a hollow promise of "ZOMG MMOG!!!1$$" and milk Interplay some more, that's all.
He wants Interplay to exceed $1,000,000 net worth so he can get his back pay and make a killing on those stock options.
Sander said:
He wants Interplay to exceed $1,000,000 net worth so he can get his back pay and make a killing on those stock options.
And somebody will be stupid enough to make it exceed $1,000,000 net worth... :roll:
If you got the chance to get that amount of money, wouldn't you take it? Even if it would piss off those nerds on that game forum? c'mon..

Herve is doing what he intended to do from the start. Make money.
And run with it

mvBarracuda said:
I hope that these are the official devs who tried to contact us ...

They tried contacting us too.

I've no reason to believe it's real. If it is, it's monumentally stupid.
MrBumble said:'s not...It's amateurs using FIFE ( or trolls ).
Or a combination of both. But if they're that stupid to pretend having an official license, I guess they're way too stupid to understand how FIFE works :-)
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