Vertical Insertion Of Rhetorical Shoveling!
Vertical Insertion Of Rhetorical Shoveling!
Sander said:
...Yep. In fact, they had a great concept for KotOR II, only to have to cut a lot of the final product because of time and budget constraints, while also producing a really buggy result.
Out side the confines of one's fuzzy rationalized beliefs,
and the harder edged dogma cooked up under peer pressure,
and the incense and candle rituals of the marketing media cloud consciousness ,
will have to wait and see if Obsidian has any managers that can negotiate the learning curve.
Seem to be burdened with 'artists' and 'marketeers' and too few leaders that can encapsulate a finished product at time t.
Not necessarily endorsing Der Furhrer Princeps -- aber -- maybe not a great dictator but a great director/producer like in the film industry.
Entertainment as seen in past, present, future professionally produced movies appear to manage a level of quality and continuity;
why is it always a 'happy accident' in video games?
There's a possible absolute for the cosmos, "why is 'it' ALWAYS a 'happy accident' in video games?"
So what if the product is only the first chapter? Isn't that how franchises and dynasties are built? Potential that there is always more of this quality to come.
The holy BRANDING of another commodity! Wow, this cool feature can be in chapter 2, and this awesome plot twist will mature by chapter 3 ...
If the nex gen apologists are so hot about the big buck comparison with motion pictures why do many games fail in some form of story telling and Q and A?
OH -- it's only about THE MONEY to be skimmed off, NOT the quality of the product.
The comparison is for selling a corporate image. Billions and B-B-Billions of purloined profits!
By what criteria do the purveyors of shovel ware justify their pay checks ... the accelerated rate of profit --->> ""to the moon Alice!""
Or, if product quality is lost in the mix, the present litter/gene pool of producers and managers may have standards too low, standards non existent, or standards: mission impossible, Which?
So, those waiting for quality are looking for another happy accident, as what must have happened with FO 1+2, or whatever game supports one's faith in this mystical system.
Meanwhile, corporations pooh out products, games or investment schemes, of dubious quality,
and then have marketing declare an awesome victory and the leadership goes home with their bonuses.
They can because they are TOO BIG TO FAIL!
(The marketing juggernaut and the swarm of commercial writers groom the consumer for the next incarnation of Awesome-(tm).)
A proven dictatorial onslaught that is TOO BIG TO FAIL!
Capitalism held hostage by corporatism.
How is the video game industry any *better* a Ponzi Scheme than the rest of the too big to fail corporations?
And the consumer, "born every minute", is left holding the pig in a poke.
Is the real game the market-eering, or is there a playable game in the box?
Can the holder of the bag, process the contents to the last squeal (FO1+2), or be cut short on quality,and left hungering for the unattainable??
Perhaps computer video games, like some commodity futures , could be overseen by the Department Of Agriculture. Experts in what may be pork, and what may be poop.