Well... Oblivion was better than nothing. And Fallout 3 was better than Oblivion. So, personally, I can't really go along with the idea that it's better to have nothing come out under the Fallout name than games by Bethesda. When I used to hate Bethesda that was because other people were making better games. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore. For example, I played Mass Effect and Fallout 3 last year. If I had to pick which I preferred, it would be Fallout 3. No doubt about it. I felt like I was on rails playing Mass Effect, the environments seemed to lifeless, the game was too short and they pulled the same old Bioware trick of prematurely catapulting me towards the end game at a point where I was feeling like I was just starting to get into it. The only thing Mass Effect had going for it was story, and that's not enough. It's a bit Ironic that story is the main thing that Fallout 3 lacked. Sucks that I'd only rate FO3 a 4/5 (and I'm not a game reviewer, that means I give it a B not an A) game at best, but I can't think of any other game last year or this year I liked better.