Interplay SEC filing on court filing

Yeah, but would you prefer Jagged Alliance 3 to be, say, a Counter-Strike clone or to have none at all? I'd prefer the latter.
Well, this is true too. I just thought about new not-Jagged Alliance games with the name "Jagged Alliance" on it to make moar $$$.

But then again, in this case it would just be a name. For me, Jagged Alliance doesn't have such a big background, that it would matter much. It would be a really big shame to see such a thing happening, oh yeah. But at least you can't destroy the history behind the game with adding shitty stuff to its timeline just because it is 'cool' right now in the game (As example, capitalistic mega robots).
programmer.craig said:
What do I care what everyone else remembers? I want some freaking decent games... they are in short supply, in case nobody noticed. Fallout 3 was a decent game. At least it wasn't crap, like most the other stuff I've wasted money on the last couple years.
It seems you indeed understand our position then.

People here dont expect more then a descent game as well. But if one cant see the reason why people or some at least here think a concept like used in Fallout 3 is completely unacceptable for a RPG that wants to have a strong focus on story then I guess nothing anyone here will say can change anything.

The serious plot holes in the game particularly regarding the end of the game (but not only!) and the many times your skills are meaningless with the "role" you choose or the shallow karma-o-meter which tells people with your smell if you are either "good" or "bad" are some of the reasons why at least I cant even see a "descent" Role plaing game in Fallout 3. Even if I would ignore the fact that Fallout 3 does change many core aspects of "Fallout" its not even acceptable as a RPG in my eyes.
programmer.craig said:
The fact is that the ONLY franchise Interplay ever created (and they created a lot of stuff) that is worth anything at all right now is fallout.

Sorry, what? Interplay sold other IPs than Fallout. Run Like Hell, if memory serves, I can even recall it selling an IP for more than it sold Fallout around the Van Buren days. Fallout was kind of a rip-off in desperation time.

They recently release a new Earthworm: Jim title too, a remaster for the iPhone.
It always amazes me when other people seem outraged by the fact that fans of the original games dare to not be satisfied with Fallout 3... Besides the name and the inclusion of Vault Tec, it doesn't bear any similarities in game play or story depth.

This is also why mediocrity is rampant in the game industry these days. Too many people willing to settle for less.
Beelzebud said:
This is also why mediocrity is rampant in the game industry these days. Too many people willing to settle for less.

well nobody wants to really try and figure things out anymore. look at the forums when a game comes out. they are full of questions like, "how do you jump" "help! can't leave the room" and nobody likes to feel like they aren't a badass. oh +10 +10 +10 i kick ass!!!!

heck even stupid little "games" like mafia wars and what not the forum is full of "suggestions" that really just amount to ways give someone an advantage, and make everything even easier.

then there is the general idea of "balancing." besides the fact that i just don't believe everything need be balanced out, it is even more insulting to see people think, "a gun that gives you a +10000 attack and a -1 to nose picking" is balanced.

so i wouldn't say they are settling for less so much perhaps as demanding easy.
That's a pretty good point, actually. I sometimes wonder how this generation of gamers would handle playing those old brutal arcade games, where you had to feed the machine quarters when you screwed up.
Apparently Interplay won the first bit:

I just read the ruling. The preliminary injunction by Bethesda is denied. Yahhh!! That puts Interplay in a very strong bargaining position for any settlement that is reached.

That makes frymuchan go nuts again:

All I can say is WOW!! I just read some of the details that allowed Interplay to win the preliminary injunction and some of the material that they will be using in their countersuit. Interplay has a very, very strong case against Bethesda. Having read Bethesda's legal documents and having read Interplay's, the difference is night and day. Interplay's lawyer is extremely savy, articulate, and knowledgable. Bethesda's lawyers sound like a bunch of whiney school kids. Its pretty obvious that Interplay's lawyer is a trademark expert whereas Bethesda's lawyers are not (they are probably just generaly corporate lawyers). Interplay's lawyer quotes an uncanny number of relevant case law to back up Interplay's case against Bethesda whereas Bethesda's lawyers misquoted a handful of cases that Interplay's lawyer clearly and convincingly showed to be wrongly quoted and misapplied. When correctly applied, the cases were in Interplay's favor.

Crazily enough, I actually think Interplay has a fairly good chance of negating the current contract and winning Fallout back from Bethesda. Interplay said that they would return Bethesda's money, with interest, which would come out of the royalties that Interplay deserves under the previous contract.

All I can say is Bethesda is one very sleazy company. They got way too greedy, probably thinking they could bury Interplay quickly and bankrupt them, thus winning the Fallout mark for cheap. HOwever, Bethesda miscalculated how much money the original Fallout games would bring in.. They can not bury Interplay with legal fees.

I'm hoping Ausir can actually tell me what's going on without all the whoop-whooping. Newspost to follow.
Wow. Holy crap.

I hope what ever happens, it doesn't spell doom for New Vegas.
I hope Interplay wins, they're doing good so far with the help of Frymuchan the bias stockholder. :lol:
Yeah, I dont know, despite my dislike of Bethesda's work, they are the one that resurected fallout, with them, there is a chance that we get one Obsidian fallout for each new fallout that beth makes...

Herve's Interplay hold the license for 10 years without doing anything with it except selling it... They dont deserve it. Back then, they tried to adapt it to the console segment, because it bring MONEY, that was a failure. Now they want to make a mmo out of of it, because it brings MONEY. Who here thinks they are going to make a success out of it without making a postnuclear prostitute out of our fallout? Who is more massive, Nma fanbase, or Fallout 3 type fanbase?
Does someone here see Interplay recreating Van Buren? Outsourcing a game to Obsidian or to Fargo? No, at best they will do a fallout 3 clone, at worst, they would sell their baby again.

Plus the money they made with the original fallout games, was because of the hype fallout 3 created! It just doesn't sound fair.
But if they can get some additional fee from Bethesda, well i seriously dont care...
Yeah, but if you look at it you got:

Interplay - Made a Fallout spin-off which evidently fucked up the franchise, cancelled Black Isle's epic Fallout 3 (Van Buren) and caused them to sell it.

Bethesda - Made Fallout 3 which was just as much of a fuck up to the franchise and have the rights to 2 more Fallout games. These games will most likely be in the same style as Fallout 3 after its success. Bethesda made a horrible mess of Fallout 3 and the amount of bugs, glitches and inconsistencies with the canon are horrific. These also being direct sequels (thus, supposedly canon) and not a Spin-Off like FO: BOS.

I still see Interplay as the lesser of the 2 evils in this. Everyone's hoping for them both to lose out and die, but that's not gonna happen now is it? At least with Interplay we actually have some sort of chance, unless Herve decides to be some massive fucktard again, but maybe he's learnt his lesson. On the other hand though, he could try to reap the rewards from Fallout 3's success and do what Bethesda is going to do anyway with another First Person Shooter Fallout.

Heaven = inXile or Obsidian gaining the Fallout franchise. Hell, inXile already has Wasteland.

As for people expecting New Vegas to turn out like New Reno. I don't really see the problem here, sure, New Reno was a huge inconsistency (with the post-apocalyptic Mobsters, gang families and casinos), but what has Fallout 3 ruined that can't be ruined now? Also, New Vegas = Fallout 3 Spin-Off, not necessarily canon as its not a direct sequel. And Obsidian consists of some of the Fallout 2 devs, thus New Reno. It will most likely turn out like New Reno (unless they listen to what the people here are saying about it), it's unavoidable.
Reconite said:
As for people expecting New Vegas to turn out like New Reno. I don't really see the problem here, sure, New Reno was a huge inconsistency (with the post-apocalyptic Mobsters, gang families and casinos), but what has Fallout 3 ruined that can't be ruined now? Also, New Vegas = Fallout 3 Spin-Off, not necessarily canon as its not a direct sequel. And Obsidian consists of some of the Fallout 2 devs, thus New Reno. It will most likely turn out like New Reno (unless they listen to what the people here are saying about it), it's unavoidable.

I can't quite comprehend why people think that Obsidian can go wrong with NV.


J. E. Sawyer is the project lead. He was the project lead on the awesome Van Buren.

Do the math people.
Mikael Grizzly said:
I can't quite comprehend why people think that Obsidian can go wrong with NV.


J. E. Sawyer is the project lead. He was the project lead on the awesome Van Buren.

Do the math people.
Are they not doing it under subervision of "Bethesda" ?

Also what Pink said. They use the "Fallout 3 / Oblivion" engine. It is from what I have heard not that great. Well not in its current form.

I would eventualy expect a lot of better dialogues eventualy. Probably "better" quests in quality? But I fear if Vegas happens that the skills will be just like they are in Fallout 3. Meaningless.

Though the other question is if Interplay "really" wins this curt thing, what would happen with Fallout New Vegas?

Eh I am really loosing view over all this, New Vegas, Fallout 3, Interplay wining this part of the curt? :crazy:
Mikael Grizzly said:
I can't quite comprehend why people think that Obsidian can go wrong with NV.


J. E. Sawyer is the project lead. He was the project lead on the awesome Van Buren.

Do the math people.
Van Buren is getting way, way, way too much credit for being awesome just because it got cancelled by Interplay. There was quite a lot of critique on Van Buren, and while it did look like it had a lot of potential, the ad hoc glorification of this unpublished game is ridiculous.

You also have to keep in mind they're going to be constrained by Bethesda's plans for the franchise and the engine, and that Obsidian has had a lot of problems with really buggy and unfinished games in the past. Some skepticism is definitely warranted.
Van Buren might have not become that great on release, but it would have been still a shitload better than what we got years later. Also I personally love what I've read in the design docs. The whole Brotherhood vs. NCR thingy and even that space shuttle stuff. Really. First I thought it is silly to fly with a rocket to some space station, but after reading this and everything around, I really like it.

And: Even if the Jefferson engine was a fugly piece of shit to work with, everything still looked like the original games. The maps have been tile-based, all objects look nearly 1:1 like the 2d images, and so on and so on... we got this already thousand times.
Sander said:
Van Buren is getting way, way, way too much credit for being awesome just because it got cancelled by Interplay. There was quite a lot of critique on Van Buren, and while it did look like it had a lot of potential, the ad hoc glorification of this unpublished game is ridiculous.

I'm no saying it's good because it got cancelled, I'm saying it's good because I like what I see. It expanded the Fallout universe in interesting, consistent directions, had a lot of unique, creative content and a staggering amount of choices available to the player.