Vat dipped, grown and still oozing with perfection
Hello everyone, I trust everyone is well or at least still simmering with the general rage commonly found among our kind.
I'm bored at work and I'm curious if anyone knows of any good dedicated websites that have humorous web comics I can peruse at my leisure.
If you wouldn't mind, would you kindly post links to such places that have the quality which I seek to sooth my boredom?
Also please feel free to discuss your personal favorites, who knows what gems are hidden among the ethereal-ephemeral pages of the internet.
I'm bored at work and I'm curious if anyone knows of any good dedicated websites that have humorous web comics I can peruse at my leisure.
If you wouldn't mind, would you kindly post links to such places that have the quality which I seek to sooth my boredom?
Also please feel free to discuss your personal favorites, who knows what gems are hidden among the ethereal-ephemeral pages of the internet.