Interrogative: Good Web Comics


Vat dipped, grown and still oozing with perfection
Hello everyone, I trust everyone is well or at least still simmering with the general rage commonly found among our kind.

I'm bored at work and I'm curious if anyone knows of any good dedicated websites that have humorous web comics I can peruse at my leisure.

If you wouldn't mind, would you kindly post links to such places that have the quality which I seek to sooth my boredom?

Also please feel free to discuss your personal favorites, who knows what gems are hidden among the ethereal-ephemeral pages of the internet.
my recommendation is NSFW but relevant to the topic. so... uhhh don't ban me.

but here's a SFW example.

and another
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XKCD has the "What If?" segment. Your argument is invalid.
SMBC created BAHfest, which is also awesome. And Zach Weinersmith (who combined his surname with that of his wife on purpose to get that name) actually studied physics, making him even more awesome.
SMBC created BAHfest, which is also awesome. And Zach Weinersmith (who combined his surname with that of his wife on purpose to get that name) actually studied physics, making him even more awesome.
Yeah? Well Randell Munroe has a degree in physics and used to work at NASA, so his awesomeness trumps your guy's awesomeness.
Yeah? Well Randell Munroe has a degree in physics and used to work at NASA, so his awesomeness trumps your guy's awesomeness.
Oh yeah, he did actually graduate in physics. Thought he was an engineer with some higher than average knowledge in physics.
I have around 59 webcomics that I constantly follow. I'll post a link and a short reason why I like 'em.

I think I've done this before here, but hey.
This old thread in The Order has some good ones I think, though the thread's 10+ years old, so a lot of it is not relevant any more of course.

I've had to cut my list of comics that I follow down a bit since I rarely have time to check them out, but here's some of the best of the ones I currently follow:

Single/gag strips:
Akimbo Comics (rarely updates)
Extra Fabulous Comics
The Perry Bible Fellowship (rarely updates)
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

Long form / story heavy:
Order of the Stick
Sam and Fuzzy

Finished comics, (almost) never updated, and other stuff:
Concerned: A humor comic based on the world of Half-Life 2
Gone with the Blastwave (rarely updates)
Nedroid Picture Diary
kc green's stuff
The Adventures of Dr. McNinja
Sexy Losers