Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

dodgerovitch said:
i only have one account and its this one, the other belongs to my younger brother. normally i would take the blame for him but not this time.

So, you and your imaginary brother must have really similar tastes: nicks, avatars and all. You really shouldn't be lying, since you admitted in this very thread that it got banned for advertising your site. Did you ask your bro to do that for you? :>

Also, edityourpost

I see you're in a habit of posting under your own posts, please drop it.
Graz'zt said:
Oh, and welcome, Melanthius. It's good to meet a newcomer capable of forming complete sentences.

Thanks for the welcome and the compliment, but will I always form complete sentences? No.

EDIT: Oh, and thanks to everyone else for the welcome.
Silencer said:
dodgerovitch said:
i only have one account and its this one, the other belongs to my younger brother. normally i would take the blame for him but not this time.

So, you and your imaginary brother must have really similar tastes: nicks, avatars and all. You really shouldn't be lying, since you admitted in this very thread that it got banned for advertising your site. Did you ask your bro to do that for you? :>


I see you're in a habit of posting under your own posts, please drop it.

creating the site was a mutual effort and we share the same computer.

im not double-posting on purpose, its just easier for me to quote that way but i'll try editing.
Melanthius said:
Thanks for the welcome and the compliment, but will I always form complete sentences? No.

Fragments are perfectly acceptable when they intelligently utilized. Such a pleasant contrast.

Now for you, dodgerovitch. Do you remember posting this:

dodgerovitch said:
it got banned from the order for advertising my site...twice lol

well the site is no more so can you unban it now pleeease? either way it dont matter, i was using this nick for quite some time on more than one forum.
I see nothing there about your 'brother.' Something which you might want to have clarified, even before you knew about our rules. In fact, you don't mention your brother at all until Silencer confronted you. Do you think your new story seems crediable in the least?
Kotario said:
Now for you, dodgerovitch. Do you remember posting this:

dodgerovitch said:
it got banned from the order for advertising my site...twice lol

well the site is no more so can you unban it now pleeease? either way it dont matter, i was using this nick for quite some time on more than one forum.
I see nothing there about your 'brother.' Something which you might want to have clarified, even before you knew about our rules. In fact, you don't mention your brother at all until Silencer confronted you. Do you think your new story seems crediable in the least?

well he was just trying to help promote my site, our site. he was young and stupid and simply didnt know better.
Well welcome then Bloodlust. How is #fallout theses days? Does #arcanum still exists? Do you hate us like the others at DAC and some at the Codex? And how is life? Is FmF ever going to be released?
I thank and welcome Bloodlust for that post in Game Discussion with the Doom influenced Magic card.

Glad your here and that a modding establishment has another laborer.

The Vault Dweller
Briosafreak said:
Well welcome then Bloodlust. How is #fallout theses days? Does #arcanum still exists? Do you hate us like the others at DAC and some at the Codex? And how is life? Is FmF ever going to be released?

er...,what the hell are you talking about?
Yeah, easy on the crack, Brios. You've got the wrong guy.

By the way, Dodger(ovitch) got banned again. Heh.
Yep, he posts on DAC so i thought he was someone from my IRC days, wich then i remembered i used to know from outside the Fallout chats. So double mistake, sorry, but welcome anyway.
-No need to say hello again, sayid the men.
-But I am not from the same troll again, sayid the troll.
-Ahh, but from which one, was the question asked.
-From this regenerated hand, was the answer tolled, as the rips were rend and heads rolled.
OMG Jarno Mikkola took my rabbit signature! Now its him and Phil spreading it around the board like diarrhea!

I can only hope poor Jarno's linguistic skills dont spread like that as well...

The Vault Dweller
Yes TVD, that is true, I stole it specifically from you. :D
The_Vault_Dweller said:
I can only hope poor Jarno's linguistic skills dont spread like that as well...
Like rabbits you mean, whell you can't do anything about it. :)
Hello all,

Thought i better Introduce myself so here i am.

The names Tony, i be 25 with 2 kids and a loving wife.

Im here because my newborn keeps me up all night and i need a place to Chill out and keep me occupied, and hey fallouts one of my Favourite games so why not here?

Anyhow catch you all at some point on the boards and heres Hoping my Wacky Northern English Humour dosent get me into too much trouble.
Hey TonyGee, I'm also british and northern, maybie we should be best friends? We can be E-buddies! We can wear matching t shirts and everything.