Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

yea, hello! have been here for some time but messed up a thing and forgot my password to the previous profile and blah, blah, blah...

so once again, enjoy your gecko's piss on the house, 'coz tonight it's for everyone!

Skurwy said:
yea, hello! have been here for some time but messed up a thing and forgot my password to the previous profile and blah, blah, blah...

Really, care to say what user name?

EDIT: NM, found it. Do you want your old user account back, or continue with this one?
I lost my old account as well Roshambo. I was Citizen Dildo.... wait a minute, that's not right. Welcome all newcomers. :wink:
Hi you Guys
After reading a bit of the tutorials I just started to fiddle around with dimis mapper and I just wanted to introduce myself beeing polite before starting to throw around with questions. So far my idea is to write an Fallout 2 Mod taking place in my home area which is the area around cologne in Germany.

If it means anything to anyone I plan to base it on the play "Totenfloss" by Harald Maier, which means the whole area will be rather radiated as well as chemically intoxinated. Hopefully I get the grip of the scripting soon.
Oh by the way thanks for the many tutorials and programs written by the community, hopefully i can return the favor sometimes.

ok that's it
read you soon

I'm new here, and I'm glad I found this forum..

Not only do I worship the Fallout games, I'm also learning Polish. Convenient, eh?

Z powazaniem :wink:
Skurwy said:
Stock said:
Not only do I worship the Fallout games, I'm also learning Polish. Convenient, eh?
wow! och hur går det med studierna? jag läste svenska ett tag.

Stock said:
Z powazaniem :wink:
he, he, a po cholerę tak oficjalnie? :P cześć!

It's going quite well, but I've only been studying the language for less than 3 weeks, so I only understand the basics, so far.

So you've been studying Swedish? Judging by that Swedish sentence you wrote, you sound like a native speaker. :ok:

Maybe I can improve my Polish in the Polish section of the forum later on.
Stock said:
Maybe I can improve my Polish in the Polish section of the forum later on.

Be my guest :D Incidentally, our journalist Kaczor is in Sweden and learning Swedish.
yah hey y'all

and before u call me a noob (to fallout not these forums) i've been playing FO1 and 2 for 5 years of my ever

well just saying hi to all and keep it real!

the duckman
Apparently those games taught you a lot of things, yet you failed to learn even the basics of English grammar, punctuation, and spelling, or any litteral coherence at all.


So may we call you a noob now?
Certainly looks like i didn't bring in any english coherence at all. But oh well, only a n00b once i guess and won't be making the mistake of writing "u" again.

And can't you see the size of my brain <--------
I have a problem with that!

The Duckman[/quote]